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Hey, dudes, I'm Heil a And today, on highly cooking, we're making mushroom paro G's from Poland as part of my Christmas around the World Series Christmas in Poland.
So I worked with a friend that I met through the Internet.
Marta, to help me figure out the best way to make parole.
He's at home, and I'm really excited to share them with you now because they're super delicious.
Probies are basically dumplings.
We're gonna fill our today with mushrooms, But first we have to make the pierogi dough.
So in this big bowl, I've got flour and salt, and then I've got a little bit of water here, and I'm gonna crack an egg in it and beat that up together.
And marta was telling me that there's, um, concept called Meg.
Uh, I'm a little unclear on the concept, but I think it's like, um, it's a type of fasting where you don't eat any animal products during the Christmas season.
So you're basically vegan, I think.
Um, but then she also told me that the egg does way better, So if you want to keep these begin, you can use some vegetable oil instead of egg But, um, the egg dough just makes a really, really nice soft dough.
So just like when you're making, like, pasta or anything like that, we're gonna whisk us together a little bit, make a little hole in the center, and then add in all of that and then just start mixing that up.
Eventually, we'll have to get our hands in there.
Okay, so now, once it's kind of coming together into a ball like this, get a little bit extra flour here.
We just kind of need it in the bowl until it comes together into a nice, smooth dough.
So this looks good.
It's kind of coming together into a ball.
It's not dry, but it's not sticky.
Yeah, this will be good, so we just want to set this aside for about 20 minutes to let it rest while we start on our mushroom filling for the mushroom filling working, use a combination of dried and fresh.
I've got here some oyster mushrooms that were dried and I just poured hot water over them and let them sit for about eight hours.
Traditionally, porcini mushrooms would be used on those air, also known as King Bullet or King Boli.
I'm not sure how to pronounce that.
Um, it was a new name for them that I'd never heard.
But I could not find dried or fresh porcini mushrooms, Anyone or here.
So oyster mushrooms are gonna have to do the trick for me.
So I just want to squeeze that liquid out, gonna hang on to that soaking liquid, and then just finally chop these mushrooms.
Lots of different feelings are made.
People will use, like mashed potatoes and cottage cheese or mushrooms and sauerkraut.
I don't think they ever really have meat in them.
You only get it really small because the Perot gear actually, um, pretty small dumplings.
So you don't wanna have giant chunks of feeling that might break the dough later on?
That looks great.
Okay, now we're ready to saute all this together for the feeling I've got a warm skillet here.
I'm gonna add about a tablespoon of oil and add some onions, and I chopped up the onions and the fresh mushrooms in a food chopper to get them really, really small.
These are just some regular like white mushrooms.
So we want to cook this over a pretty high heat because we're tryingto we want to get them really soft and round delectable.
That is a salt and pepper in mind reconstituted oyster mushrooms.
Okay, so I'm just gonna let him sit here on the skillet to get a little bit of color on them.
Then I'm gonna add a little bit of are soaking.
Like what?
I'm just gonna pour it through a little strainer because with dried mushrooms, sometimes there could be some grit or sand.
She want to make sure that you get don't include that.
Okay, I'm just gonna let this simmer or bubble like this until the liquid has cooked off and we almost have, like, a mushroom paste.
Okay, so after about five minutes, the water has pretty much cooked off.
Could see that the sum of the mushrooms air started to take on a little bit more of a golden color instead of the grayness of mushrooms.
So this looks good.
I'm gonna actually turn off the heat.
Now we'll set this aside and just let it cool.
So gonna spread it out again?
We'll let it cool while we start rolling out and cutting our paro.
All right, so I've got my flowered surface here, My little dough ball.
This is really easy to work with dough because of the egg.
You just want to start rolling it out to really, really thin, like maybe an eighth of an inch and see how, when I'm rolling it out, it kind of springs back a little bit.
A little bit is OK if it's springing back too much, that means you probably just need to leave.
Leave the dough to rest a little bit and let the gluten relax so you could see how Sinise is quite thin.
And I've got a three inch cutter.
Ideally, it would not have a scalloped edge, but, um, gotta work of what you got, people.
So we're just gonna start cutting out our circles?
I got my mushroom filling here.
It's still a little bit warm, but, uh, okay, I just put it in this little bowl and then put it in the fridge.
So I just want to get a pretty small amount, like a teaspoon, maybe even a little bit less than a teaspoon.
That right in the middle, carefully folded over.
I mean, you don't have to be too careful cause the dough is pretty tough and then pinched.
The age is closed, and I haven't found that you need any kind of water to seal them.
But if if it's not sticking, you could probably just to get your hands a little bit wet once you've got it sealed like this, just gonna go around the edges and pinch it out a little bit to make the edges a little bit flatter and whiter to give me a little bit more to work with to go back in and make some little pleats, but kind of like when you're pleading a pie crust or something very, very cute.
Guys in a flower, my plate here just so they don't stick to the plate and just transfer him to a plate.
Okay, so once you've got all of your Paro G's folded, I've got some water here that's boiling.
It should be a little bit deeper, but I want you to be able to see inside it, so I'm gonna take another risk.
And then we're just gently drop our little jump.
Lynn's in there and they sink at first, and then as they cook, they'll float to the surface and this only takes a couple of minutes.
And then as they finished cooking, I'm gonna transfer them to ah, plate.
And this time, instead of flowering your plate you want Oh, um, just put a little bit of oil on it so they don't stick to the plate once they're cooked.
A little bit of lotion there.
Okay, good.
All right.
These look great.
So they get kind of like, like, wrinkly old man balls.
Sorry, Poland.
All right.
Second start pulling them out and setting them on the trade.
Just try to get the excess water off, and then you could totally serve them like this.
Just boiled, but I'm gonna do a little extra thing to make them a little bit fancier.
We're gonna fry some onions and then pan fry the Perot G so they get a little bit crispy for our Chris Steve fried onion topping.
We're gonna do a little bit more oil.
Butter is also good.
I'll probably add a little bit of butter later on.
And I just got some really family sliced onion rings.
Just get these cooked and the amount of like, brown nous that you want on these little onion rings is a matter of personal taste.
I think I'm gonna get them pretty brown.
So I've got this over a medium high heat, and I'm just gonna let them sit here and sizzle for a few minutes until they're really soft and brown and starting to get caramelized.
Once your onions are brown to your liking minor A smoking hat like me.
Maybe a little too brown, but I never did shun burnt food.
I'm gonna add a little bit of butter.
Could use a little bit more oil if you want to keep it, Meg.
And then we'll add some of our little probies here.
Get them a little bit brown.
I've got my heat down to like a medium heat.
I don't want that butter to burn And I obviously don't want to burn my beautiful home Ian Probies and I just spent like an hour making Well, there we go.
You believe?
I think these are ready and there you have it.
I hope you like this mushroom probie recipe.
Please check out my website for other Polish recipes and this recipe in principle form and a little bit about Poland, the country and Christmas in Poland.
And speaking of Christmas, if you're still looking for Christmas gifts for your friends and loved ones, might I suggest my cookbooks?
Look at this one.
It's called Learn to Cook.
It's for grownups.
It's really funny.
And it's comprehensive.
And look, it's in print and people that have been watching the show for a long time.
You probably already have your copy of the E book of the Breakfast Taco book.
But look, guys, it's imprint now look like this.
It's got colored pictures.
And I wrote more stuff about breakfast tacos and more recipes, and it's just really nice.
I love it.
So this will be available soon, and I'll let you know when and people that subscribe to the newsletter will probably find out first.
If you subscribe to that, then that also so, yea, Poland Christmas present.
I pretty much just solved all your problems in one fell swoop.
Thank you so much for watching.
I'll see you guys next time for more Christmas around.
Whoa e Forgot to taste these.
I got really excited.
Okay, man, those were going dangling.
I did it again.
Hi, guys.