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  • ♪ (intro music) ♪

  • Hi, everybody,

  • and welcome to the fourth and final video

  • in this series of Zero to Hero with TensorFlow.

  • I'm Laurence, and today we're going to look back

  • at the very first problem that we spoke about.

  • And then we'll see how we can build a machine-learned model to solve it.

  • Remember this?-- all the way back in episode one

  • where we showed a scenario of rock, paper, and scissors

  • and discussed how difficult it might be to create an application

  • that recognizes hands of different shapes,

  • sizes, ethnicities, decorations, and more.

  • We discussed how difficult it would be to write code to detect and classify these

  • even for something as simple as a rock, paper, or scissors.

  • But since then, you've looked into machine learning

  • and you've seen how to build neural networks,

  • first to detect patterns in raw pixels to classify them,

  • and then to detect features using convolutions

  • to have a convolutional neural network trained to spot the particular features

  • that make up an item, like the soles of a shoe.

  • Let's put all that together, and in this video,

  • we'll see how to create a neural network

  • that is trained on data of rock, paper, and scissors

  • to detect and spot them.

  • We'll start with the data.

  • There's a dataset here that has several hundred images

  • of rock, paper, and scissors poses.

  • We'll train a neural network with this data.

  • So, first of all, we have to download the zip files containing the data.

  • The code to do that is here.

  • One file has the training set,

  • the other has a testing and validation set.

  • In Python, you can unzip a file with the zip file library,

  • and we unzip them to a temp directory like this.

  • This creates folders with sub-folders of each of our categories.

  • When training in TensorFlow using an image data generator,

  • you will automatically label the images

  • based on the name of their parent directory.

  • So, we don't need to create labels for the images.

  • It's a really nice shortcut.

  • So I'll achieve that with this code.

  • This creates an image data generator that generates images for the training

  • from the directory that they were downloaded, too.

  • We can then set up something called a training generator

  • which, as its name suggests, creates training data from that.

  • We can do exactly the same for the test set with this code.

  • Later, when you see the, you'll see that we passed these in

  • as the training and validation parameters.

  • Now let's look at our neural network definition.

  • This is very like what you saw on the last video--

  • just with more layers.

  • One reason is that the images are more complicated

  • than the grayscale clothing you saw previously

  • and another is that they're bigger.

  • You can see that our input is now 150x150.

  • Our images are certainly bigger than they were before.

  • And our output is a layer of three neurons.

  • Why would that be?

  • Because there are three classes: rock, paper, and scissors.

  • Between these, the code is very similar to what you saw previously,

  • just more of it.

  • So we have four layers of convolutions-- each with MaxPooling

  • before feeding into a dense layer.

  • The dropout is a little trick

  • to improve the efficiency of a neural network

  • by throwing away some of the neurons.

  • We'll compile the neural network as before with this code

  • and then we can fit the data with the call.

  • Note that we don't have labels-- that's because we're using the generator.

  • It's inferring the labels from the parent directories

  • of both the training and the validation datasets.

  • When you run this, you'll probably get accuracy of about 100%

  • on the training data quite quickly,

  • with the validation data getting to about 87% accuracy.

  • This is something called over-fitting,

  • which happens when the model gets really good at spotting

  • what it has seen before,

  • but it's not so great at generalizing.

  • Think about it this way:

  • So, for example, if all your life, the only shoes that you had ever seen

  • were hiking boots,

  • you probably wouldn't recognize high heels as shoes.

  • You would be over-fitting yourself.

  • There are a number of methods to avoid this

  • and one of them is called image augmentation.

  • And I've put the code for this into the notebook for you to try yourself

  • to see how it helps avoid over-fitting.

  • Once your model is trained, you can then call model.predict

  • to see how well it spots rock, paper, or scissors.

  • This code will take an image, reformat it to 150x150--

  • which the model is trained for-- and it will then return a prediction.

  • And here's a few examples that I ran

  • so that you can see that it's actually predicting quite well.

  • But the best thing to do is to try it for yourself.

  • I've put a link to the notebook in the description below,

  • and you can use this code to train a neural network

  • to recognize rock, paper, and scissors images.

  • That's it for this short series of videos.

  • I hope it was useful for you to see the new programming paradigm

  • that is machine learning,

  • and through these examples of computer vision,

  • how you can get yourself on the path

  • to become an Artificial Intelligence Engineer.

  • If you have any questions, please leave them in the comments below,

  • and don't forget to subscribe for more great content.

  • Thank you.

  • ♪ (music) ♪

♪ (intro music) ♪

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