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  • Hi.

  • I'm in Asia and I'm hit, though, and it's tip Tuesday on Show Me the curry dot com.

  • The today's tip is how to refresh or kind of give a new life toe wilted like spinach or cilantro leaves, or any kind of leafy green veggies like lettuce.

  • Also, yes.

  • So here we have a bunch off wilted cilantro.

  • As you can see, it's pretty sad looking, and you really don't want to.

  • You want to use something fresh and Chris, So what you're gonna do is we have a bowl of water over here and two that bigger add ice.

  • So basically, you want cold water and you're gonna just take your slander.

  • And he's just gonna dunk it in the cold water and allowed to sit there and only takes a few minutes, maybe five minutes max.

  • And it just creates new life.

  • You'll see the leaves, right?

  • So it also actually not only leaves.

  • It also works for bell peppers and a little limp, or like a little old but the birds or cucumbers.

  • So it's only been a couple of minutes, and as you can see, look how fresh and lively those stems.

  • Yes, absolutely so just as good as new.

  • So if you have a tip that you'd like to share with us and all of years, please submit it to tips and show me the curry dot com.

  • That's t I P s at.

  • Show me the curry dot com.


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(How to Crisp up Wilted Greens - Tip Tuesday | Show Me The Curry)

  • 3 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
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