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- Hey dudes, I'm Hilah.
And today on Hilah Cooking, we're making
enchiladas suizas de espinacas.
We're making spinach enchiladas suizas.
Which is a creamy tomatillo sauce on top
of some vegetarian enchiladas.
But don't let that fool you.
They're still probably not very healthy.
(lively music)
You're gonna start out by making the sauce.
So I've got some tomatillos here that
I've just boiled until they're soft.
And kind of turned this, what would you call it?
I might call that cerulean.
And I mixed in, I put in a little bit of diced onion.
Put a little bit of diced onion in there with them.
And it took, maybe five minutes.
They cook very fast.
And then I'm gonna add a poblano.
This I just put in my cast iron skillet and put it
under the broiler for five minutes on the first side,
couple more minutes on the second side.
And it gets nice and blackened and squishy.
When you make chile relleno you would peel the skin off
and then stuff it.
But for this, I wanna keep all that nice charred flavor.
So I'm just gonna...
just popped right out.
I didn't actually mean for that to happen so quickly.
Pull out the stem and plop that little thing in there.
And we're gonna add some salt.
Some pepps.
Some cilantro with the stems and everything.
There's a lot of flavor in the stems.
So go ahead and use those.
And some garlic.
Pulse this a couple times to get it started mixing.
(blender motor)
Okay, now we can add the first part of the reason
that they're called Swiss enchiladas.
Is because there's such a high amount of dairy.
There's a large amount of dairy products.
So we're gonna add some sour cream to the blender.
I'm using regular American style sour cream.
But if you can get like the Mexican crema,
that would be delicious.
Your sauce will be a little bit thinner, but that's okay.
You could probably use some Greek yogurt.
You know everybody loves yogurt.
But the thing that's healthy about yogurt is the
bacteria in it.
And since we're cooking this, probably all the bacteria
is gonna get killed.
So, I don't know if it's really all that much healthier
than just using some sour cream.
Oh, and then, the little secret ingredient,
a little tiny bit of ground nutmeg.
Nutmeg goes great with creamy sauces.
Boys take note.
Hopefully no one under the age of 16 will have
gotten that joke.
Okay, blend that up again.
(blender motor)
And I'm going slowly because the sauce is warm.
And when you blend hot things in a blender,
you run the risk of popping the top.
Spraying sauce all over the place.
It's like I don't even have to try and the jokes
just keep coming.
(gasps) Oh my God, that was another one.
Okay one more little pulse and we'll be good.
(blender motor)
Holy cow, this smells tasty.
Uh, yeah.
That's basically perfect.
Okay, so we can set that aside
while we make our filling with espinacas and hongos.
That's spinach and mushrooms for the gringos.
(whispering) Like me.
Start out with a little bit more dairy.
In the form of butter.
And we'll get this nice and hot over a medium-high heat.
And add some sliced mushrooms.
Get them in a single layer so
you can get some nice browning
on one side.
I used to think that pre-sliced mushrooms were bullshit.
Until I had a baby.
And now that's all I buy.
So that's why they look a little
less than fresh.
(sizzling pan) Yes.
Golden brown mushroom.
That is what you're looking for.
Add some onion and cook that in the same way.
Get some nice brown bits and pieces.
Salt at this point.
My fancy Hawaiian red salt.
And some pepper.
And now, the spinach.
Turn your heat down to medium and just stir
it around just until the spinach is wilted.
(sizzling pan) And just turn the heat off.
And we'll use the residual heat to keep cooking it.
You can just leave that there while you soften
up some tortillas.
Now we're ready to roll.
Okay, I like to just do it right in the baking pan.
(Mexican music)
Once you've got all your enchiladas rolled up,
we'll pour our suizas sauce over the top.
And like, I mean, don't be shy with this stuff.
If you ever order these at a restaurant,
they're like drenched in it.
And it's delicious.
And then, part two of our suiza-ness.
We're gonna sprinkle it with a butt load of cheese.
I'm gonna use gouda.
Because, is that a Swiss cheese?
I have no idea.
But anything that's like a high fat cheese
is really good for melting.
Like, Mexican, what is it?
Like asadero I think would be good.
Or a quesadilla cheese.
Or chihuahua cheese.
Would all be lovely choices.
Now you just want to put these in the oven
until the cheese melts.
The filling is already hot.
And the sauce is still pretty warm, so
we don't really need to bake them a super long time.
Just keep an eye on it, maybe five, 10 minutes.
(Mexican music)
Okay, there we go.
Just less than 10 minutes.
Super melty.
For this printable recipe, go to
All my recipes are always there for free.
And if you want more Mexican recipes,
way more often probably than this one,
check out the Mexican homestyle cooking course
that I did with my friend Carlos.
I'll link to that below.
Let's try one of these...
Oh my God, so ridiculously delicious.
That mushroom that tried to sneak out of there.
Hey man, get where you belong.
In my mouth.
These are perfecto.
That means perfect in Spanish.
Thank you so much for watching.
Don't forget to subscribe.
And I will see y'all later.
(Mexican music)