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Hey guys, salut. This is Alex.
Today's video is an update about what's happening at the moment on the channel and what's gonna happen next?
I'm gonna chat first about a meetup, a cookbook, future content, update you on a device.
I'm gonna date you on a device.
(five) Merchandising, (six) a few questions that have been asked over on Instagram Twitter and Facebook.
Okay, let's stop number one. I'm doing my first ever meet up in real life. It's gonna be amazing.
I hope you guys will be many to come. It's happening in New York City on Saturday, September 22, at night.
Loads of space to have a beer, have a laugh; by the way, if you already own my cookbook
it's a good opportunity to get it signed by a [Alex].
Okay, well next.
The cookbook it has been selected as a best of September, which is amazing.
[background cheers]
Also, it's a best-seller in the food/wine [background cheers]
French food, French wine, foreign cuisine [background cheers]
You have to celebrate the happy moments of your life. If you only mourn the the failures in life
I will be hosting an event on Monday, September 24th in Strand Book.
Which is a big bookstore in New York City in Manhattan
This time where you would be able to buy a signed copy of my cookbook
You can't bring your own book because it's an event organized by a bookstore. So...
It doesn't work like this. I mean if you can't be at the event in real life
Then you can also order your signed copies online.
I'll share all the details in the description box down below and that's basically it for the cookbook.
Okay, right now
Let me just give you some context on the future of content that is coming to my channel in the following weeks and month.
There is a small series coming about, The Grocery Bag Conundrum, but it's taking loads of time. Ok
That is the you know
mini series probably three episodes or so that is coming to my channel in the following weeks and then,
And then there is the big series,
and then! There is the madness. There is the Alice in Wonderland thing.
The thing we live for, the thing you probably on board for.
[gentle city noise of Alex walking to the store]
cashier: merci [thank you]
Alex: Merci beaucoup, au revoir. Bonne journee [thanks alot, see you again. Good day]
Je veux faire... [I want to make...]
Ça. [This.]
Le croissant. [The croissant.]
L'odeur est malade. [That smell is sick.]
Un..., deux... [one..., two...] (crunch)
Trust me mastering that delightful, light, fluffy,
Crispy piece of French pastry is not a small deal. It's gonna be like...
oooh no.
The first episode should be coming to my channel in late October, probably.
It's taking time to make good content. Okay, I could be eating like 20,000 K-
Now number four, the device.
Stating that this is exciting would be such an understatement, such an understatement
come with me.
A few months ago, I made a
sharpening something that stick to your beloved chef knife or any other blade and that allows you to determine the
angle at which you are sharpening and so to keep that angle steady
It was a complete working prototype with bluetooth and all but it was a prototype
(packaging crinkling)
(inhales packaging)
(exhales packaging)
As always in the background I've been working my ass off with an amazing
electronic engineer in Germany. Rolland, hi if you're watching this.
and together...
We've come up...
with this.
I don't know. I'm just mind blown by the fact that this was just an idea on paper
This was just a super rough Arduino prototype and now it's a fully enclosed...
Working prototype.
So the whole thing is becoming your reality.
I'm gonna be launching this product on this channel like, like probably in a few months or so.
I'm gonna update you just a bit more if you're interested. I don't know if it's gonna sell well.
I don't know if you guys are gonna like it or not.
but I want, I want to try, I want to try it because that's the beauty of
projects in life
Okay next.
So if you're not aware of this, I have basically a shop where you can buy posters, you can buy t-shirts,
and soon you should be able to buy a tea towel, a kitchen towel, a dish towel
It depends on where you live.
I want it to be a big black square
But the thing I'm struggling with at the moment is not a design because it's just you're gonna love it.
No, it's the dish towel. It says I'm looking for something that is smooth. I don't like the rough, you know
Like bath towel texture. I don't like this, but still that can absorb a decent amount of water.
But I don't want something super thin. If you happen to know a brand/ model
of a kitchen towel that fits then please shoot me a comment down below.
Okay, next number six the Q&A.
I've been getting questions on Instagram, on Twitter, and also on the YouTube community.
You know that little, forgotten-
Miss_Christyyy on Instagram: for someone just starting to cook
What are the first few things you think should be invested in?
So you first get a medium sized, but great quality a chef's knife. Probably Victorinox is a good brand to start
Second, I would advise you to get a good frying pan; put some money into a good frying pan
You won't regret it.
And three, there is no three. Keep the money for food, for example.
A L X C O L :
my favorite place to eat in Paris. I got many ok.
I'll share the link to a post that I've got on my website with everything you need.
chewy_water_: How do you make cooking like you do a career?
Cooking is quite similar to filmmaking in the sense that I feel like you don't start a career in cooking
You already love food. You already love cooking very much. You already made movies for your friends for your family
It's just a natural progress. I mean that is what happened with me. I was always the one making movies for my friends now
I was always the one cooking with my family
Goodolefrank: how do you stay in such good shape even after eating all this delicious food
Well, I don't eat all the food I make that's simple, I freeze a lot,
I give a lot to my neighbors as well. I'm still following this, you know omnivore
reasonable die meaning that I just eat a bit of everything in small quantity, apart from wine, well, I leave some room for, for, for...,
Bw_dawg: What is your favorite kitchen gadget? No regular tools or machinery. Only true gadgets.
I don't like gadgets
lacucumber: how do you stay motivated in the day-to-day?
And how does your motivation affects the way you cook for yourself and your family?
Well, I hope I don't disappoint on this one.
But I'm not always motivated. I mean motivation comes and go, what stays on the other hand is
It's more like a steady journey, that's what I'm you know aspiring to do in fact.
Not there yet
But I hope I will get there one day.
zdv3m: -it's in French- Do you need an intern?
Well, since you're asking
I am at the moment looking for an editor.
Well, I am known to be quite demanding when it comes to editing
So you need to be, you know, fast, to be effective.
If you have those qualities,
then you should be reaching out to me.
The team, the team. I'm putting together a team of experts.
Like me and somebody else starting at 2, It's a team so...
Ok, I think this is it. I'm just gonna split for the airport in a few seconds.
I will definitely catch you right here on this channel next week, or perhaps before that if you are attending one of those
real-life events.
Take care, bye-bye. Salut