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My name is Alicia.
Welcome back to top words In today's episode, we're going to talk about 10 kitchen objects, so let's go spatula.
First word.
The first word is spatula spatula, so a spatula is like a food shovel.
It's like a It's like a tool you use to flip something in your kitchen.
So made of plastic made of metal, you can flip things like pancakes or omelets with a spatula spatula.
So in a sentence, flip pancakes with a spatula pan.
The next word is pan pan, so a pan is a piece of kitchen equipment you used to cook something.
They can be small pans that could be larger.
You might call it a fry pan, something that's maybe this size and about this deep there saucepans, which are about this deep and maybe about this big around, so each pan has a different use.
Depending on your level of cooking skill, you can have a variety of things you can do with pans.
Maybe I don't know.
I'm just family.
Okay, in a sentence, you can make a lot of delicious things with just one pan.
That's true.
Measuring cup.
The next word is measuring cup measuring cup.
A measuring cup is a cup that you use to measure things usually.
Ah, well, Actually, there are liquid measuring cups and their arse like solids measuring cups.
So liquids like meaning water, juice, beer, wine, whatever.
And then there are solid.
So we can put like flour or sugar or, um, some other like Herb, for example, Thio to measure.
So they're two different ways to different types of measuring cup, but they have some kind of measuring system on the side, like milliliters, or maybe under no ounces, depending on what you use a measuring cup very handy to have in your kitchen.
In a sentence, I cut my hand open on a measuring cup ones knife.
The next word is nice knife, so a knife is a sharp tool you use to cut things.
There could be a chef's knife, a big one, a paring knife, a small one.
There's a fish knife and a bread knife, all kinds of knives.
But really, you only need one good chef's knife for your kitchen to do mostly anyway.
In a sentence.
Every cook needs a good knife, but the next word is popped pot.
So a pot is you can think of a pot like a large, deep pan.
Ah, we use pots, usually to make soup.
Or perhaps, I guess, to make a lot of sauce.
I don't know, but a pot is just something that's large and deep, and we can put lots of liquid in it.
That's a pot.
Maybe it has a lid as well.
In a sentence, put all of the ingredients in a pot and cook refrigerator.
The next word is refrigerator.
Refrigerator is a fun word to say.
We often shortened the word refrigerator to fridge.
Fridge Eso A refrigerator is the place where you store where you keep ah, your food so cold food or maybe frozen food.
So ah, refrigerator and freezer are different.
Please keep that in mind.
Refrigerator just means cold.
Ah, freezing means it's below zero degrees Celsius, so that means it's frozen like you can make ice in that atmosphere.
In that environment, refrigerator is just cold, eh?
So keep your food in the refrigerator in a sentence.
She has a huge refrigerator dishes.
The next word is dishes, dishes.
So dishes is just is the word we used to mean like your plates and your bowls and your cups.
So plates, bowls, cups.
We say those air dishes, like in a sentence, do the dishes.
It means wash all of the plates, cups and bowls.
So dishes means those three things generally so dishes, dishes.
All of that is summed up in one word.
We can use one word for that in a sentence.
I keep all my dishes in cupboards, cutlery, silverware, flatware.
The next word is actually three words.
It is cutlery, silverware and flatware, so you might hear these words used interchangeably.
You might hear these words used in the same way, but generally we say, like cutlery, I suppose, or we break these words down.
So these all three refer to forks, knives, spoons, the things we used to eat food, the tools we use to take food from a plate to take food from a dish and put it in our mouth that that equipment is cutlery or flatware or silverware.
Silverware would technically mean like you know that equipment made from silver, I think, Uh, but to use a more general word, we say cutlery most of the time.
Um, but if you want to be specific, you can say fork, spoon, knife, chopstick, whatever.
Uh, it's up to you so thes air kind of three words that refer to the same thing in a sentence.
Washing silverware is such a pain cutting board.
The next word is cutting board a cutting board.
So a cutting board is, ah, piece of wood.
Or maybe plastic you use under something you are preparing to cook.
So if you're cutting carrots, you put the cutting board or just bored down on your counter or table, put the carrot on top and cut.
So we we use it to guard our knife and our counter from the cutting action are.
I suppose I should say we're guarding the knife from the counter and we're going to encounter from the knife.
So the cutting board acts to hold everything in place and to keep everything, um, like, kind of nice and clean and tidy and in good shape.
So a cutting board is essential for a good kitchen in a sentence.
I wish I had a nice cutting board baking sheet.
The last word is baking sheet a baking sheet.
A baking sheet is a piece of equipment that is oven safe.
We can put it in the oven, and it will not melt.
It will not break down at all.
Ah, we use it to bake, maybe cookies, or we can use it to bake meat, for example, at baking sheet, it looks like a sheet of metal.
Really, In some cases, maybe it has sides to it as well.
But it's just a simple piece of usually metal of some kind that is oven safe.
It's easy to use for the oven that's called a baking sheet in a sentence line baking sheets with parchment paper.
Okay, so those are 10 the kitchen objects.
I hope that those were useful for you.
Maybe you can practice them the next time you are in the kitchen.
If you have any questions, or if there's another kitchen object that you use a lot, please let us know in the comments section of this video.
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If you haven't already, thank you very much for watching this episode of top boards, and I will see you again soon.