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HUIJE LIN: Hello, everyone.
Nice to see you again.
I'm Huije Lin from NetEase.
Today I want to talk about some things, applications,
and hardwares we have built and created with Devlight.
And I have mentioned yesterday, NetEase Youdao
is the leading company in online education.
We have created a lot of popular applications and hardwares
in China.
We are the leading online education brand,
with the most users in China.
We have about over 800 million users in total,
and we also have 22 million daily active users.
And we also provide the Youdao online course applications,
which has over 20 million course attendances in a year.
And in the past years, we have created
a lot of popular applications in China.
We have the first leading dictionary application
in China, which is the Youdao dictionary.
We also have the most popular translation application, which
is Dear Translate in China.
And we also have the most popular dictionary and language
learning application in India, which is U-Dictionary.
And we also have many other applications
that are very popular in China.
For example, we have the Youdao cost application,
and the reading applications, and also
the applications for practice our English.
And beyond that we also have provided
many services and their own device abilities
to our partners.
We have served over 40,000 developers in our Youdao AI
We provide many useful abilities based
on our own developed neuromachine translation,
the OCR, the ARU, and ASR, TTS, so many fundamental abilities
are surrounded by always the language scenarios.
And it will also provide many solutions
related to the language learning and education.
We have served many partners in China.
And we are working with our partners
to optimize our abilities to provide better
services to the end users.
And as I have mentioned yesterday,
we also have built several applications
and useful functions ways the Devlight.
For example, we have built the word scanning
and look-up functions with Devlight
in the dictionaries application.
And we also have created some photo translation and AR
solutions with Devlight.
And here there is a video that I can show you
how we do the AR translation.
You can scan the word, the text, around you with your camera.
And it will translate the word in real time with your camera
and by the OCR and the translation.
So this is the first AR translation in China.
And beyond applications, we also have created some hardwares.
For example, we have created the Youdao Translator King,
which is a translator machine.
It is [INAUDIBLE] Chinese to English, Korean and Japanese,
offline speech translation, and in reverse, of course.
And it will also provide over 40 languages
online speed translation.
And it also supports online and offline photo translation.
And we have done the offline translation
to be a translation, and the photo translation was Devlight.
And also, here is a video.
Then I can show you how this works.
This is a man that is speaking Chinese, and with device--
something about booking a flight--
I have booked flight--
HUIJE LIN: --and it will translate into English.
SPEAKER: --to New York on September 29.
Now I want to change to 1:00 PM on the 28th,
and I want to upgrade the economy class-
HUIJE LIN: You can see the translation is pretty good.
And beyond the applications, we have also
created many applications for students
for education and learning.
For example, we have created a document-scan application
that you can scan your document or your homework
with your camera, and it will turn the text into the note
so you can store your paper homework.
And we also have created an intelligent homework
autochecking application which is Youdao homework.
You can use your camera to scan your homework
and it checks your handwriting answers and checks
if it is right or wrong.
So the green is true.
It is right, and the red color, it is the wrong answer.
And we also have provided some speech
interaction applications.
So you can use this app-- for example,
you can ask the app what does tennis mean,
how to say tennis or something like that.
It will look up the English dictionary for the tennis--
for other words and translations.
And we also have created the handwritten character
And then students can write the characters
in Chinese or in English.
And we also have created many other hardwares.
For example, we have the Youdao dictionary pen.
You can use this pen to scan the words on the paper,
and it will recognize words and look up it in the dictionary.
It is very convenient.
And we also have a Youdao note pen.
You can write characters with this pen,
and it will record your track into the cloud note.
And we also have homework pad.
You can do your homework on the pad,
and it will recognize the handwritten characters
and it does the homework checking.
And we have talked about many applications and hardware
we have built and created.
And we all know that in the education
scenario, many students in school,
they are limited to the internet.
So we many offline on-device inference for them.
So there are many challenges here--
for example, the limited power and limited computation
So we choose the TF Lite to accelerate the Youdao's
on-device AI inference.
It is very easy to use, and it is very efficient.
And as last, this is our vision and mission,
which is to use technology and AI to make people communicate,
study, and work much more efficiently.
That's all my sharing.
Thank you.