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NATHAN SILBERMAN: Imagine you're in a traumatic accident
and end up in the hospital.
One of the first things an emergency room doctor may do
is take an ultrasound device and use
it to inspect your heart, your lungs, your kidney.
Ultrasound has become an indispensable window
into the human body for clinicians
across areas of medicine.
As powerful as ultrasound is, access
to ultrasound is still limited by a very high price,
form factor--
it's usually a large cart-based system they have to push
and then, finally, years of education and training
required to use it effectively.
As a consequence, 2/3 of the world
has no access to medical imaging of any kind,
5,000 children die every day from pediatric pneumonia,
and over 800 women die every single day
from totally preventable complications relating
to maternal health.
We need to do better.
To address this, Butterfly has developed
a handheld, pocket-sized ultrasound
device that connects right to your smartphone.
At $2,000, a hundredth of the price
of a conventional ultrasound system,
the Butterfly iQ is a personal ultrasound device,
a true visual stethoscope.
Butterfly's ambition is to democratize ultrasound.
The price and size of the device have solved the cost and form
factor problems.
But to truly make ultrasound universally accessible,
we need to solve two additional problems.
The first is guidance--
where exactly to place the ultrasound probe.
That's typically performed by a stenographer.
And then, interpretation-- understanding
the content of the image is typically
performed by a radiologist.
Now, in order to solve the access problem,
we can't just scale up education.
It doesn't scale fast enough.
We need to use machine learning.
What you're about to see is our machine learning solution
to guidance called, acquisition assistance.
After indicating in the app what the user wants to image,
the app shows the user a split screen.
On the bottom, what you're going to see is the ultrasound image.
And on the top is an augmented reality interface
that shows the user turn-by-turn visual directions
that indicates how exactly to move the ultrasound
device in order to acquire a diagnostic image.
After acquiring a diagnostic image, we need to interpret it.
One interpretation model that we've developed
is for ejection fraction, an essential measurement
of cardiac health.
Ejection fraction captures the ratio of blood volume
entering and exiting the left ventricle each time
your heart beats.
This is currently measured by clinicians by hand
tracing the edges of the left ventricle,
and then evaluating that change over time.
Unfortunately, there's great disagreement,
even among expert clinicians, with regard
to exactly where to place those tracings or even about which
frames that are of sufficient quality
for reliable evaluation.
This chart shows a handful of frames and the responses
we obtained from six different expert stenographers regarding
whether a frame has sufficient quality.
This kind of disagreement introduces a real problem.
How do you train and, more importantly,
evaluate a model when you don't have access
to a single unambiguous ground truth.
In our approach to evaluation, rather
than comparing to a single ground truth,
we seek statistical indistinguishability.
Intuitively, this means that if I
were to show you a bunch of different estimates,
some from a machine and some from humans,
you wouldn't be able to tell the difference.
So, for example, on the left, what you're seeing
is our model in red, which is distinguishable.
It has a very clear upward bias.
Whereas on the right, if I were to remove the colors,
you wouldn't be able to tell which
estimates come from the algorithm and which
from the clinician.
So how do we actually train a model?
We use a conventional encoder-decoder architecture.
For each frame, we predict whether the frame quality
is sufficiently clear for reliable assessment
and also produce a per-pixel segmentation
of the cardiac chambers.
Now that each frame in the video has been segmented,
we select a single heart cycle that is of the highest quality.
Finally, we estimate the ejection fraction
using the largest and smallest areas produced by our model
in that heart cycle.
Quantitatively, our model is statistically
indistinguishable from human experts.
More specifically, it produces estimates
that are closer to the average over all the clinicians
than any of the individual experts are to that average.
Underlying all this infrastructure is TensorFlow.
Everything that we do runs in real time on the device.
This needs to work whether you're
in a subbasement of a hospital or in a remote jungle.
We train everything with TensorFlow and compile
TensorFlow right into the app using
a bunch of custom operations.
Finally, we also used TF Serving to improve our labeling
and monitoring pipelines.
To summarize, Butterfly has developed a handheld ultrasound
device that has put a high-end ultrasound
cart, a stenographer, and a radiologist into your pocket.
This is already being used by expert clinicians.
And by solving the access problem,
our use of real-time machine learning
is making the democratization of ultrasound
a reality around the world.
Thank you.