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So the Frenchman just got out of this hole in the side.
We'll forget about it.
Way have many things to do today.
So we're gonna make some tubes with an amazing handyman.
I've got also a few surprises along the way, but first off I just realized I did not make any room to yet.
So let's fix that home too much.
The question is, have I learned that way?
Currently in the Lower East Side to no district in New York in Manhattan and the guy we're gonna see is a special one.
He's not in the food world learning the chef workmen in the cook world.
That guy has a workshop under the sidewalk, so everything happens underground.
So I told you, this is gonna be a bit weird, but this is the entrance off my friend's shop.
I just went down this workshop in the ground wash up And he is the man.
Jimmy di Resta.
Hello, everybody Salute!
What do you do for a living, man?
I make things.
So basically the idea Jimmy had which I absolutely love, is to make what?
What are you doing?
It is to make a tool toe and The idea is to make it by sticking off stitching or welding or welding.
So to get them.
That's a good one.
Uh, think solos open way.
Just finished the pizza.
And what time are you gonna do?
I'm gonna look for pizzas and pissed Wilkes.
I'm sure that misery suffering happiness.
I've got a special pizza delivery to large spies.
I call this the pincer camp immediately up.
I already got a stain on my shirt.
I need to go in.
The question is, can I do this without keeping myself?
Somebody is gonna find out.
Anyway, let's do this slowly.
Don't wish me that.
Do not wish me that.
So, uh, yeah.
Fuck I did it.
The question is, have I learned that, huh?
Better cut with this night.
Brings people around the table.
Everybody wants to have it.
Is having a good time.
It's about sharing its money brings people together so that the executor is simply genius.
And I absolutely love it.
You know, guys, food is about sharing, So he made me a gift.
I must make the guy a gift.
So basically, right now I'm taking orders.
I want to make a duress.
That pizza you can call me.
You got something.
So you think they're still again?
We're on you.
Like you want to meet with the three horsemen of the Pizza.
Pepperoni, sausage and meatballs.
You make pizza with bologna on it.
Baloney ball.
No vegetables to screw up the texture.
You know, I'm a big right now.
Like tomato tomato sauce.
A pure, pure red base.
Do you like beating?
A little bit?
No, you don't, like basically grind up Fine.
Nobody likes a little bit.
Basically, I like it in the sauce.
And then when it's Austin's have I taken throw it away.
Okay, I'm getting defeating that The idea of pizza for you is just meat on the barbecue.
But then just freshen the pizza.
I suggest maybe Sprinkle it with bacon bits.
That's good.
Training of beef.
Raw beef everywhere.
Maybe a beef crust.
Just everything.
I would just, you know, get a slab of beef string and co leader for the rest of You know what I like, I like like whenever I go get steak, people get get mad at me because I say, You know, when you get like, uh, what is the fancy steak?
Everybody gets the filet mignon.
That's the worst one.
So I get the filet mignon.
But it's like this and and I haven't cut it in half.
Split it so it cooks inside.
And then I like the peppercorn sauce.
So he's mad at me for overcooking it.
No, no e a grown the level you want, what I want Number them.
They'll come to Paris to make something in your shop.
Just like we designed this together.
We'll design a piece of food or something together.
Oh, any time you're ready, we're coming back.
Any time there would be a pleasure to have you in the shop.
So I get lots of chefs to be fixed.
So you can you hurry up, bring my screw up if I come to Paris and you say I made your pizza.
But behind the scenes you ordered the meat lover's pizza from dominoes.
Have I tasted that?
This is amazing.
Thing is amazing thing.
Is our pizza cutter wrapped up for the TSA going to Paris way hope that somebody is either the rest of fan and not at the rest of hate.
Wish me that, Jimmy.
I think you'll be good.
I put my logo on there.
See you, But I sitting up.
And so Waas made pizza?
That guy is such a nice guy.
We really had a good time.
Like making this executor.
I will post a link in the video and also in the description so that you guys check out his generals, get so many amazing news off course.
It's not about food, but it's more about making.
You know Cook is nothing but a food maker.
OK, is that it?
I really hope you enjoy this episode of the New York flag.
If you did give it, life comes up and shot a very off social media, you know, that will spread it like better or more like, maybe princesses.
In this case, if you do love pizza, there's another exit.
Maybe just fell on the fourth of the New York fluff, which is about the specifics and the characteristic off the New York style.
Give it a watch.
If you want something completely different, then maybe you can watch my British bad better recipe where I teach you how to make fluffy issues buttery, you know, delight.
You know, it's not very appetising with.
That's the only word that came to my mind.
Damn it!
And last guys, keep your eyes because this very Sunday is coming to my channel or the rest as pizza meat Lover Edition.
Now you know the guy, and it's gonna be a piece that number 12 off the pizza.
So you know, guys subscribe to the channel because I make new videos on Sunday and Wednesday.
And it's always about sharing the love and sharing my food adventures with you.
And also sometimes about introducing you to people's eyes.
I take care guys.