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Hey, dudes, I'm Highland, and today I'm highly cooking.
Hey, back, Carlos, for another episode of Hot A girl Like a Mexican.
Yeah, for those that are offended.
Look at this shirt.
So makes you may maybe a little bit more offended.
I don't care.
What are we gonna make today?
Carla's gonna make some boys.
I've got a bone, like, uh, you look over.
I don't want to mention that.
Yeah, kind of like that.
But better is Mexican style Grilled chicken.
Really good.
We got the chicken marinated in, got the fire going, and we're just gonna get down to business years.
All right, I'm gonna brush the grail.
We're a little bit of oil, so we've got the coals are kind of all on one side, so we have a hot side in a cool side.
Yeah, So with this style of chicken, you want to have you want to cook it slow, take your time like a mexican lover.
You're right.
A lot.
Uh, single ladies.
Way have the recipe for the marinade is this is basically a Quixote, orange juice, salt, pepper, lime juice.
Saw, you can all find those of you mix and these air whole chickens that we better fied or scratch cocked.
So I did a video on dispatch talking.
If you want to see him do that, basically, just cut the spine out and flatten it.
I'm gonna put on the hot side this couple minutes and then look cool side to cover back, and we'll come back.
All right?
Wash that mnla after hands, right?
I'll just stay here and drink my drink.
Uh, you're so cute.
Couple minutes just gonna move it to the cool side of the grill and just let him sit there 20 minutes and then come back and equipment on easy recipe because you don't have to do much.
All right.
20 minutes.
Slow cooking is good here on the cool side way are going to brush them with some of that marinade.
Just keep it juicy.
We'll repeat in another 20 minutes.
Come back.
All right.
So it's time to put the chicken again.
Highlight is somewhere.
Let's flip this thing again one more time and brush them and keep going looking.
Uh oh, yeah.
Grails getting a little cooler, so we're gonna put them closer to the polls.
Trust him again on wait another 20 minutes.
Really good.
Gotta be patient with the chicken.
All right, we're gonna do the last step.
Highlights will be.
So bear with me.
All right, really?
It base.
And now we're gonna get the skin chart on it and clip them.
Oh, yeah, really good windy today.
They lost.
So they're with right.
20 more minutes and we get so it's time to get the chicken out real.
So the marinade, he brings the flavor of the chicken really, really, really good.
I love it.
And you can use an import you consider on fish.
It's really good looking.
Old chart made.
You guys are gonna love it to be really yummy.
Chicken is ready, so yeah, you can see, like all the clear juices running.
Oh, my God.
The little car, whatever.
Whatever is on their days off, love it.
You have the recipe?
Yeah, at my website and eloquent dot com.
And also, anyone who has enjoyed these videos have done Carlo stay tuned because we're gonna do a whole series on interior Mexican cooking with your recipes.
Your grandmother's pease pease.
I'm not trying to reinvent the wheel I'm just trying to show you guys what tastes good to be on.
I'm sure it will taste really good too.
So let's go eat it.
All right.
Thanks for watching.
Don't forget to subscribe to you later.
Cheers, everybody.