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- Hey dudes I'm Hilah and today on Hilah Cooking
we're making gazpacho which is a Spanish cold soup.
It's kind of like a salad that you can drink.
And if that doesn't sound very exciting then think of it
instead as homemade V-8 that you can mix vodka with.
(upbeat music)
Before we get started if you haven't already go ahead
and click that little red subscribe button right under the
video player right down there OK great.
So I got this recipe from a friend of mine in Spain
and it's gazpacho andaluz is what he called it.
Andalusian gazpacho.
And we also did a paella video a couple years ago
so I'll put a link to that.
But basically we're just going to get some fresh tomatoes
you want to use the ripest tomatoes you can find.
If you have somebody growing homegrown tomatoes
or if you have a farmers market then lucky you.
Get those tomatoes.
And some cucumber.
And this recipe is a little interesting to me because most
gazpacho recipes include bread and this one does not.
I asked him out right, I said are you sure
you didn't forget the bread Carlos.
I have two friends named Carlos.
And he said no but that there is another Andalucian soup
that I don't know the name of that
is just tomatoes and bread.
So I don't know actually. I had some gazpacho in Barcelona
years and years ago
and I don't know if it had bread in it or not.
But anyway I really love this it's so nice to keep a big
pitcher of this in the fridge and when it's really hot
outside and you're super dehydrated, just drink a little
glass and it's almost like I don't know, I mean I don't want
to say it's like Gatorade because it's way more delicious.
But it's really thirsty quenching
and full of vitamins and it tastes good.
OK good.
And some bell pepper.
I've made this with the red
and green bell pepper so your choice.
The original recipe specified green.
One clove of garlic, bloop.
And then for the flavors we're going
to put in some red wine vinegar.
Son of a.
So we're going to put in a couple tablespoons of this.
I think, oh God.
Stymied at every turn.
I think that sherry vinegar would be good too
but red wine was specified.
And a pinch of cumin, he says.
And some salt.
A good amount of salt, I mean a teaspoon but hey if you have
been on outside all day and you've been sweating,
you need that salt.
And then some cold water, I don't know if this is
traditional, I go ahead and put some ice in the water just
so that the guest spot show is nice
and cold from the get go.
We're going to blend this up until it's smooth
and then I'm going to slowly pour in three tablespoons
of olive oil while the machine is running.
So that it emulsifies the mixture and makes it have a nice
almost creamy mouth feel.
(upbeat music)
Alright once it's blended up, we are going to do one final
step to make the texture really really smooth
and just run it through a little sieve.
If you don't want to do this you can skip it
but this is the way you're supposed to do it.
And just get a little spatula and kind of press it through.
OK so when you're done it'll look like this
you'll have a little bit of pulp left.
If you don't want to throw this out, I think it would be
really good added to a meatloaf
or as a sort of sofrito for the base of a stew or something.
And then if you want to serve your gazpacho as a cold soup,
you do want to dice up some cucumbers, some onions,
some red bell pepper maybe and serve that as a garnish
on top with some croutons.
But like I said, I really just like to drink it
as a refreshing cold drink.
So just super cold, it might separate as you store it
in the fridge for a few days but it's fine
just give it a little stir.
I swear this is like what I want V-8 to taste like,
but it never tastes like that.
It's just like, oh my god it's so refreshing, geez.
I hope that you guys make this with some delicious tomatoes
that are in season right now and hope that
it refreshes you on a hot August day.
Thanks so much for watching, don't forget to subscribe
and I will see you next time, bye bye.
(upbeat music)