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  • once of guys, Jace two cents here, and I'm gonna do something that I've never done on this channel.

  • But I promise you that I would We're gonna do a little bit of a build guide in terms of picking parts.

  • I'm gonna give us that budget.

  • We're gonna kind of go through here and talk about picking the parts and had to make sure things are compatible.

  • Onda sort of give you a little bit of a guide at a price point, but more importantly, everyone talks about how to build the tower.

  • But realistically, with the most common question that we get on this channel isn't about building the tower.

  • It's about picking the parts.

  • So today we're bringing you Jay's PC part picking 101 That's the first class in college courses.

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  • All right, So the way I'm gonna do this here is I'm gonna use new egg to kind of build my cart.

  • It's kind of messed up, I guess.

  • But new egg has pretty much every part in the industry there.

  • And then what I'll do is I'll take that part's list and I will kind of shop it against other retailers and detailers to try and get the best prices.

  • Yes, I'm well aware the P C R picker does this but PC part picker also uses pretty much any e tailer kind of like anywhere, including some that I've never even heard of it.

  • I'm not comfortable buying from retailers that I've never heard of.

  • So this is the way I'm gonna do it.

  • If you want to use PC part picker to do the very same thing.

  • You certainly can.

  • I just tend to do manual price shopping because I like it better.

  • So we're gonna do is we're not going to talk so much about the parts were picking.

  • We're gonna talk about why we're picking the parts were picking, so this isn't necessary gonna be a cookie cutter parts list, although at the end of this video, we will show you the way we spent $1000 which is the price point that I've chosen for this first video of trying to bring you these ways to think about shopping.

  • It's designed to help you think about the way to choose these parts.

  • Not so much.

  • What we what we chose the most expensive single part you're gonna pretty much by is going to be well, especially if you're doing a gaming system is going to be your video card or your graphics card.

  • The way I tend to budget for this is I tend to have it be anywhere between 30 to 40% of the total cost of the system.

  • So if I'm building $1000 system, it means I've got between three and $400 suspend on a graphics card without having to make too many sacrifices somewhere else in the budget to then get everything to fit.

  • Because, remember, there's like seven main components that you have to get into your system.

  • You've got to get your CPU RAM, your motherboard, your graphics card, your storage, your power supply in your case.

  • So those air seven components technically, eight if you do it the way I do it, which is going to be an SST as well as a large capacity spinning hard drive.

  • So by sticking within that 30 to 40% budget ratio, it means that I'm not going to make too many sacrifices later on based on those seven or eight components I just mentioned.

  • So it makes it pretty easy, though with New Age you can just sort by your price, and it actually works out really well because on the left hand side right here, if we scroll down to our sorting, we can go right to 300 to $400.

  • So since we know that $1000 is a total budget, I'm shopping within that particular price point, and what I'd like to do is I tend to kind of price my my jeep you to be no more than 50% of the total budget of the system.

  • But usually it's gonna fall between more like 30 and 40% of the total cost of your system.

  • So it's gonna be the single most expensive part.

  • So the next most expensive thing you're probably gonna spend on your system is going to be your CPU on your motherboard combo.

  • Now the Pentium, where your shopping, you can find a lot of combo deals.

  • And I said, I basically recommend finding the CPI that you want to go with me based on what your tasks were gonna be.

  • An already know that within this $1000 price point, the best performance to price ratio eyes going to be with a MD aimed his rise in what you need to know, though, once you decide on which part you want to go with is you need your socket type to be compatible.

  • And it's kind of simple now with a MME.

  • De because all the mainstream stuff is AM four plus and because of the forward and backwards compatibility aimed he's promised till about 2022 I think it is.

  • It means anything am four plus is gonna be compatible with each other.

  • Another arson.

  • CAVEATS To that caveat Caveat there There are some exceptions to that.

  • You can take a newer generation rise and see if you compare it with an older generation rise in motherboard.

  • So although you can go backwards compatible like that and save some money, I tend to make sure I stick with a generation of CPU and motherboard that air matched, or at least go with a newer motherboard than the current CPU that I'm with if they are compatible with each other.

  • If you're not the kind of person that's looking at changing this in the next year or two and you're a five year builder, plus you aim for that five year mark of having the CPU or the PC last, then this is kind of irrelevant to you.

  • If you make sure you stick with the same generation CPU and motherboard, then it means that you're gonna guarantee that all the features of the CPU that you have hard there and unlocked and ready to go and the motherboards built to the capacity it needs to be built to support the particular CPU that you've put in there.

  • So for the motherboard, we actually chose the M aside, be for 50 Tomahawk max.

  • And we chose that for a couple of reasons.

  • One.

  • We've used it in the past, um, several times, actually.

  • And it's a very well designed, well built and very good value of a motherboard.

  • It doesn't have the highest chipset serious for the CPU that we selected.

  • That's because we also didn't go with the highest and CPU from the generation that we could have.

  • So it's a pretty well matched motherboard to seep you now.

  • The CPU we actually chose was the AM be risin 5 26 100 X.

  • It's a six court 12 thread CPU 4.2 gigahertz turbo clock.

  • It's more than enough horsepower to do live streaming gaming video rendering.

  • Just It's a really well rounded all around CPU, and we save some money because it's not the latest generation of CPU from Andy and because it's still available with current support and a really slashed price, it's really hard to be its performance to price ratio.

  • But that also means going with a super high end motherboard that has all these features designed for, like the 3700 X, which were not using, makes no sense it would be wasted money.

  • The before 50 Tomahawk max gives us four dim slots that we can expend our memory later on.

  • If we go the dual channel kit now, which means if we went with a cheaper motherboard, we wouldn't be able to do that unless we replace both sticks of Ram.

  • So for now, for this build, we're gonna go with two sticks of RAM and then the option.

  • Add more later.

  • So memories.

  • Pretty simple.

  • You're not getting gouged like you were two years ago.

  • There's no huge memory shortage around the world.

  • In is $200 for 16 gigabytes or $100 plus for a single eat gigabytes stick.

  • You can now get 16 gigabytes for well under 100 bucks.

  • In fact, we're looking right now.

  • All I did was searched DDR four when the 1st 1 that comes up right here is a $69 set of two times eight gigabyte dims of 3200 megahertz ram from G skill Rip jaws.

  • When it comes to shopping for Ram first Gen rise and definitely benefited from its fastest memories you could get.

  • That was because of the infinity fabric and the way that the chip let's all talk to each other.

  • That's kind of changed now with the 2000 Siri's, it was not nearly as important, but still somewhat impactful on performance in the 3000 Siri's.

  • We we're not really seeing much of an important performance benefit or hit by speeding up or slowing it down with Intel.

  • On the other hand, the faster the memory.

  • It really goes well with the high over clocks that you could get with intel.

  • See pews.

  • So I tend to find the sweet spot to be right around, to be honest, 3000 megahertz.

  • But if your budget can't afford it, 26 66 is gonna be just fine.

  • It's easy to overspend on memory by going, I want the fastest memory possible.

  • But again, unless you're using very memory intensive niche tasks that are going to need the superfast megahertz ratings of memory with very tight timings, I think in a blind taste test you'd have a hard time seeing 26 66 versus 4000 and just basic computing.

  • You're never gonna notice it.

  • So when it comes to memory, though, you obviously are gonna want to go with dual channel.

  • If you've got a dual channel motherboard or if you're running like an ex platform on either thread Ripper or Intel, then you're gonna want one stick per channel on those Air four channel system, so you would need four sticks to make sure there's at least one stick in each of those channels.

  • How do you know what you got?

  • Well, unless he paid an awful lot for your CPU, you don't have four channels, I promise.

  • Unless you bought a 39 50 X and then you only have dual channel.

  • And that's expensive, too.

  • So I guess the whole argument sweat all right, I guess.

  • A better way to say it.

  • It is.

  • It doesn't say thread Ripper or Intel extreme.

  • You don't need four sticks way.

  • We're up this video to bring a special message from I fix it.

  • I fix it by the makers of I got a Cramp graphics card.

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  • All right.

  • So based off the seven main components already said, we've got three left.

  • Basically, we've got power supply.

  • We've got case.

  • We've got storage.

  • So case is something I'm gonna shop for last because it's just the box.

  • It's a box that your parts go in.

  • It's an enclosure and reason why it's an enclosure.

  • People always wonder what j Why didn't you just Can you just put a computer on the desk?

  • Well, by having enclosure and having fans, I mean, do you control the environment, control the air flow?

  • It's just the box to give you some sort of an atmosphere to move air to keep things nice and cool.

  • The only time the case is gonna ever, ever affect your system.

  • Performance is if you have terrible air flow in your parts, start thermal throttling past that.

  • If it fits your motherboard and you go with the right size case that matches your A T X form factor.

  • So a TX full size a TX needed a TX case M A, t X and M 80 Exploring a TX You always put a smaller motherboard a bigger case, but not the other way around unless you're really good with a Dremel.

  • So I tend to choose the case last cause sometimes it's the piece that I also buy used.

  • If I have a very strict budget because it's the least impactful on your system, I don't want to spend a lot of money there because what you gain with a lot of money spent on cases aesthetics but aesthetics at the end of the day, having a beautiful case like let's say, my in 1928 But I've got a $500 budget build crammed into it.

  • What sense is that?

  • So it's really easy to imbalance your system by spending too much money on your case, which is why we're gonna go right to power supply, power supplies or one of those things that I think a lot of people tend to overcomplicate as long as they're 80 plus rated or higher, and you're not using some great box that came out of some case with a power supply included with it.

  • You're usually not gonna run into too much of a problem.

  • Mainstream systems that are not putting extreme loads on the power supply with running to over clock graphics cards and a 16 core 32 threads.

  • CPU that's over clocked in water cooled Your very rarely ever gonna notice that your power supply is under powered, which is why I tend to shop right around the 80 plus gold rating.

  • So what, that tells me is the components used in the power supply or better than average.

  • I've got better capacitors.

  • The rail design is going to be more improved, and that 80 plus rating is nothing more than an efficiency rating.

  • It tells you how efficient the power supply is to generate the power advertised based on the power it pulls from the wall.

  • What you might find those between gold and like titanium.

  • It's like two or 3% at the most.

  • In terms of efficiency levels, Gold has the most power supplies in its category.

  • A lot of people go right past bronze or right past silver from bronze to gold in terms of their power supply designs and then right past gold.

  • Two titanium now kind of surpassing platinum.

  • So gold is just with the best price of performance ratio is going to be so there's no reason t by a super expensive power supply.

  • You just need to make sure its size properly.

  • For your graphics card, which is the most single demanding power component in your system, it's gonna pull way more watts than your CPU under load.

  • If you're doing gaming, your CPU hardly ever goes under a full load.

  • Anyway, Your your graphics card, as long it's not being bottlenecked, will go immediately to its Max power draw to give you all a performance it can based on your settings in your overhead.

  • And so what I'm going to say is that with the 2060 which is what the CPU or the GP was that we actually chose for this build again, we'll do a full ration out the end calls for about a 500 watt power supplier like a foreigner.

  • What power supply?

  • It's nothing crazy, but because of that efficiency curve.

  • Like I said, when it comes to power supplies, I liketo oversize my power supplies by a good 15 20% at times.

  • So I'm gonna actually shop between 506 100 watt power supplies in 80 plus gold for this particular system.

  • So it brings us to our last component minus case like I talked about, which is our storage.

  • Now, with $1000 we don't have to make a lot of sacrifices to our storage.

  • If we were trying to shop like a $500 price point, then there's some sacrifices that need to be made, and I get pushed back on this all the time.

  • But the way I tend to build my systems is one SSD that's as big as I can afford while still affording a large spinning drive to put large files, large games, backups, pictures, music, movie files that are larger capacity that can easily chew through an SST.

  • Um, that way I can have both and the best way, the cheapest way to get Max storage is with hard drives.

  • Now a lot of people will say Yeah, but Jay, hard drives are perfectly fine your operating system and such.

  • But I'm gonna tell you right now, my personal opinion on this matter is that with how inexpensive say tha s S D's are today, there is no reason whatsoever you shouldn't actually be going with a assayed a SSD for your main OS and your favorite games and programs drive there fast.

  • Sure, they're not envy Emmys, you know, 3500 megabytes per second.

  • But when it comes to building a system like this estate SSD in general use and clicking around in your operating system and loading programs, that's the way that I tend to do it.

  • Now, when it comes to sizing your SSD, things are, ah heck of a lot cheaper than they used to be.

  • So if you're searching for internal SST is just sort by the form factor two and 1/2 inch and then come down here to capacity, and it's kind of weird.

  • The way new egg Brackett sees it's 276 gigabytes to 550.

  • We can get a 500 gigabyte crucial MX 500 which I've got, like, three of them sitting in the box over there because we used him in so many builds.

  • Its got an average of four out of five eggs with 374 reviews.

  • So that's one that I'm confident.

  • In fact, I'll go ahead and add that one to the cart.

  • But then, like I said, I always pair that SST because although 500 gigabytes seems like a lot, I always parent with a hard drive because with games now being north of 100 gigabytes of red dead redemption to is 116 gigabytes for one game and then after Windows is installed, it's gonna eat like 60 gigabytes of your SST.

  • And then once Windows partitions all that, you're gonna lose a few more gigabytes to partitioning.

  • You're gonna be left with, like, 300 some odd gigabytes before you even installed your first program other than your operating system, so you can see why having a spinning hard drive is also worthwhile.

  • Now I'm gonna give you a little secret here.

  • Spending hard drive seems oh, freakishly slow when their housing.

  • Your operating system, which is true boot time's kind of suck compared to SSC have gotten better, but they definitely are slow.

  • And then when you're operating system is on a spinning drive and you're loading programs that are happening and the platters having to seek all over the place.

  • You'll find low times or slow it's you click on something, go to the bathroom, you come back and it's just finishing up.

  • But when it's not handling the operating system and it's just sitting there on its own, Saito controller, just waiting for you to call something up its cash is not constantly having to swap out.

  • If you're playing the same games and stuff that are stored on your hard drive and that's stored in cash, then it's gonna load very quickly.

  • In fact, we've done side by side comparisons here with secondary S STS and secondary hard drives side by side, and saw that sometimes it's on Lee 15 or so percent faster on an SSD than the hard drive.

  • And as long as you go with a decent hard drive in a 72 100 rpm and one that has a large cash than What you're going to find is that having a hard drive is not nearly as bad as a lot of people want to make it out to be.

  • It's when you have the operating system on there that that tends to be a problem.

  • I also tend to go with at least a two terabyte there, cheap enough.

  • Now there's no reason.

  • See, Gate is a very reputable brand.

  • You've got Western Digital, which is twice as much as C GATE.

  • But that's where you're gonna want to do your research on various hard drive types.

  • What the colors mean, because Western Digital's always in like black, blue, green, red and each color is a different task it's designed for.

  • And for 54 bucks and an average of four eggs at a 596 reviews, add to cart.

  • So where does that bring our grand total to $854.88 prior to tax are total, with tax is $944.78 which only really leaves us about $50 for a case now, Like I said, already, cases are extremely subjective as long as they're giving you the proper airflow and they could fit your motherboard and all your components in there, and nothing interferes and touches.

  • And you are fine looking at either a beige box, a black box with a steel interior, and you don't care what it looks like.

  • You just want to play your game.

  • You're gonna set it on the floor in the closet and not look at it.

  • Then don't waste your money on an expensive case.

  • But I can tell you right now that things have definitely gotten a lot better when it comes to cases.

  • In fact, there's a lot of brands out there, too.

  • I've never even heard off that air that air there.

  • So if we just shop computer cases and we looked for a TX full tower, um, we got a lot of options that show up.

  • So you got the Corsair Carbide 200 are for 69 bucks.

  • That's technically out of our price point, but this is where you can start to make a few adjustments.

  • Here.

  • You could potentially go down to a one terabyte hard drive and save about 10 or 15 bucks if you're not convinced.

  • you need two terabytes.

  • You could step down the graphics card, maybe slightly.

  • Um, I'm confident in the fact that you could find a case in here that you would want to use.

  • I'd be fine with your parts.

  • It's not gonna break the bank like we've got this d I Y p c black USB 3.8 e x case.

  • And it looks like it has fans actually see that something with cases, though Many of them don't include fans.

  • And if they do, they're often garbage because they know people are gonna put in whatever fan that they want.

  • The problem is when you could buy a Corsair 120 millimeter light loot fan that costs $30 or Maur per fant, you can easily spend $500 in a single case with fans.

  • It's insane.

  • So that's where you have to decide what you were okay with spending.

  • But this this actually looks like it has an intake fan, a side panel fan that blows right down on your graphics card and the rear exhaust fan and guess what it is $33.

  • It's got 82 reviews, four out of five eggs I will click that one into our into our build $888 prior to tax and shipping.

  • We've got no additional like warranties sitting on here because sometimes it likes to add a little three year warranty there without you knowing it.

  • Secure check out.

  • That brings our grand total to $988.98.

  • The subtitle shows $1018 because we're getting an Xbox game pass card with our aim.

  • Dcp you because it's named deal promo going on right now.

  • So that's why it shows.

  • Also a minus $29.99 for gift one.

  • That's what that is.

  • So we did it.

  • We actually did $1000 PC, including tax, and we didn't scrimp on our parts.

  • And if we look at our parts right here and what we chose, you see them in a really weird order.

  • But the case, the D I Y P C.

  • It's got a really good review place.

  • Hold a certain amount of money there if you don't like the cases I chose, obviously that's subjective land.

  • You have to decide what case you're gonna like.

  • Just remember airflow motherboard fit mint form factor that's gonna fit all your stuff.

  • If you go with, like, a really cheap $30 case and you somehow scored a 2070 and it's a long card, it may not fit.

  • So that's the kind of thing you have to think about.

  • Our C Gate Miroku, a two terabyte drive which I already explained as to why I chose that one.

  • Our mother board before 50 Tomahawk Max am for a M D motherboard explained why, with the PC I express slots, the four times dims the beefy, robust built V.

  • R M.

  • It's the same generation is a CPU that we chose, which is an AMG rising 5 26 100 X six core 12 thread CPU.

  • So lots of multi threading taking place with that 16 gigabytes of G skill rip jobs V series 3200 megahertz.

  • So we know that if you enable the d.

  • O.

  • C.

  • P setting, which will go into bios and make a run at that speed, otherwise it'll run a base.

  • DDR four speed.

  • We know our a m d.

  • C.

  • P.

  • Was gonna love 3200 megahertz with our next 505 100 gigabytes.

  • Say tha S s d and then our graphics card this was This is always the hardest one because it again it's a single, most expensive piece.

  • And there's a lot of competition taking place in the CPI.

  • Use bait or a GP space, even amongst a single brannigan.

  • Videos got cards competing with itself, which is kind of crazy.

  • So we chose the brand new e v g a R T x 2060 ko ultra reason for that The 2060 is about to come under serious attack with the 565,600 x t a n d.

  • Graphics card coming out very soon it was debuted at CS.

  • So what's kind of happened here is the price point here has sort of gotten more competitive where now you can get a standard 2060 for under 300 bucks, $299 or you can get the faster factory over.

  • Clocked 2060 ko Ultra for 3 19 So, for me, personally, I thought the 20 bucks was worth the extra price, considering we're getting it faster than a 2060 graphics card for the cheaper than what a 26.

  • He actually was just a month ago and it didn't kill our budget.

  • We stayed within budget, and I wasn't gonna gain any serious SST storage space by saving the 20 bucks.

  • I wasn't gonna gain any serious space when it came to our hard drive.

  • I wasn't gonna go with a higher tier CPU with that extra.

  • So what I do is like, Okay, I could save 20 bucks here.

  • And if I spent that somewhere else, what would I gain?

  • What?

  • I gained another performance to your something.

  • And if the answer's no, then I stick with it, which is what We sorted it here.

  • And depending on what the performance of the 5600 extends up looking like this whole, this part might have changed.

  • But I have to go based on what we have today and what's available, and that's what we chose.

  • So, guys, this has just been my kind of a walkthrough of how to pick your PC parts when building your next gaming rig.

  • This is kind of fun, though.

  • We're gonna save this part's list, we might end up building this system and benchmarking.

  • I know it's what a lot of other guys doing a Paul doesn't believe Kyle does it, too, Where he'll kind of do a video picking parts like this.

  • Order all the stuff, build it, benchmark it and go, Hey, this is how it went because, like I said, the start of this video, the problem is, almost everyone teaches you how to build the system.

  • But not many people ever tell you how and walk you through picking your parts.

  • Phil has friends that build our building PCs, and I have people that are emailing me by the millions.

  • And it's like the most common question we have is not.

  • How does this part fit together?

  • Where does this plug in its How do I choose?

  • Which part should I get?

  • What CPU, what graphics card?

  • Because it's confusing.

  • And like we said in one of our other videos about when reasons why you may or may not want to build your own PC.

  • One of the reasons we chose that you may not want to is the overwhelming amount of parts out here in your overwhelming fear of having something being compatible or just making bad decisions.

  • So if you guys like this video.

  • Do me a favor.

  • Hit that thumbs up button and subscribe.

  • If you're new around here and why don't you go ahead and comment down below how you would spend $1000 if you were building a system here?

  • Yes, I know $1000 goes a lot farther in the U.

  • S.

  • And does another country's obviously you off to a justice based on your market value and inflation and whatever in your particular sector of the world Sector three Gamma quadrant.

  • I don't know, whatever.

  • Thanks for watching guys as holy as we'll see you in the next.

once of guys, Jace two cents here, and I'm gonna do something that I've never done on this channel.

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如何正確選擇您的電腦配件? (How to CORRECTLY choose your PC Parts)

  • 3 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
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