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a What is going on?
Welcome to Shar Month Now, which are most recently I was talking with another friend of mine, another builder, and we're both planning on doing some shar themed builds coming up soon.
I thought, Why not throw together a little group bill with a bunch of people and we'll all these sharp bills for the month of August?
So that's what we're doing.
And what I did was I got talking with some other friends of mine in the communities from their builders and content creators.
And we're putting together this whole Shar Month idea basically as a way for us all to just kind of work on something altogether.
Everyone can kind of contribute into something as a big community thing all throughout the month of August.
So throughout the next few days, especially guys probably seeing some new builds and projects and videos coming out from some different content creators, we're gonna be involved.
We're gonna be starting working on their sharp projects, showing that sharing that with you guys And so basically the key that we're going to use to tie everyone's builds altogether and just kind of make it all this one big thing is that we're gonna be using the hashtag shar month.
So anything you guys want to share online, you're sharing on your Facebook page or instagram.
Just use the hashtag shar month.
It could be just sharing.
Shar means something if you want.
That could be simple as that or some sharp even build you've done in the past or something.
Your canoe currently working on this month, especially for this month's charm On Theme, you can add that all and just use the hashtag in.
That way, everyone will be able to see what everyone's working on just by following the hashtag.
And I know that throughout the year everyone around the world is always working on different things.
There's some current contests going on over here.
There's some G W C events going on over there around the world, but I thought this is just a cool way to get everyone in the world not competing for a contest or anything, but just sort of involved in some big group project, that we're all just going to make some sharp being stuff this month, and I thought it'd be fun.
As for myself, what you can expect to see from my channel over the course of this month a couple project's gonna be working on 1st 1 is going to be an HD kit bash.
We're gonna be making Schaars deejay.
Some of you already expected that I was going to be working on this by the fact that I reviewed a few kids recently that were, like, the key components to making Schaars deejay.
So, yes, I was collecting the parts to make that's so that we're gonna be doing a kid bash project to make Charles D.
And then also gonna be working on painting up made master grade Aguirre yoga in Schaars themed colors.
So that's always gonna be another project I'm gonna be doing Not a whole lot of customizing on that one particularly.
But just painting that up masquerade Saratoga and then also just for reviews.
I've got a couple of shar themed kids that I need to get to Reviewing one of them would be the master grade Schaars Rick dumps.
I'm gonna be reviewing that later this month as well as I know, it's not sharp, but kind of shar cologne.
I'm gonna be reviewing the Master grade San Angelo V a version eso I've ever reviewed either version of them.
I built the original Vir Cotto ages ago when that first came out, but I've never done a review of the maturation on juice, so we'll be doing a review of the over a version later this month as well.
And then there is also going to be a couple of their kind of fun, cool videos that I'm planning as well.
That will be sharp themed, but you guys will see more about those once those drop later this month.
So again, anything you guys want to do to get involved, you can do that's make something cool and just share online and just use the hashtag Shar month.
I know it's not the most creative hashtag in the world, but after brainstorming it with the guys that we just kind of settled on just keeping it simple.
Probably best.
We couldn't really think of anything else better.
So Charlotte, that is.
So that's what this hashtag is.
Use it and enjoy this month, guys, and there's gonna be some special products, so I'm working with my buddy true Gumpawa.
We're gonna be trying to put out some special products that will be limited for this month.
We don't have them ready quite yet, but we're hopeful.
Gonna have one or two T shirts That'll be especially limited shar T shirts on, then.
Also some stickers.
So we're gonna be working on getting those.
Once we have those up online for you guys to buy, I'll do another quick video.
Just let you guys know about that.
That'll be coming later this month.
And also, of course, us.
A goddamn store is gonna be joining in as well.
Us A gun store is if you guys ever ordered from them before.
You know, they usually send a sticker with your order.
So they've got some new special star theme stickers that is going to be of their cute mascot character, Apex, wearing the sharp mask on his head.
So that's gonna be an awesome sticker.
They're gonna be able to get with all of your purchases from us again, um, store throughout the month of August while supplies last, but they should last a pretty well.
You guys should have a pretty good chance getting those.
So as long as the ordering from us a gun store this month in August and get that cool sticker as well.
That'll be free with all the purchases there, but yeah, working on some cool stickers.
You guys were able to purchase a CZ well through true gum plus store.
And then, yeah, those T shirts.
Hopefully we get those out soon for you guys as well.
But anything else?
Any other updates that are coming out throughout the month that are related?
I'll let you guys know again.
Make sure you follow other builders as well.
They're gonna be working on this project.
I'll put a bunch of links down below to some other creators who I know are gonna be joining in.
So definitely make sure and check out their pages of their channels.
That'll be all listed down below in the description.
And thank you guys all so much for watching.
Hopefully, guys all enjoy.
This is just something that I thought would be fun to bring everyone together and enjoy something altogether.