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  • start with my take on Ra's Al Hanoud, a classic Moroccan spice blend in a dry pan.

  • Toast, cinnamon, cloves, coriander friend agree and fennel seeds, then have mustard seeds acumen.

  • When the saints start to pop, they're ready paprika and grind into a fine powder for the homeless.

  • Peel and chop platinum squash.

  • Put on a baking tray on that garlic, simply bashed on chopped ginger drizzled with olive all season and Sprinkle over the spice mix, then roast in the oven for half an hour and soft, allowed to cool.

  • Place in a blender.

  • Tahini, a nutty paste made from sesame seeds.

  • Cooked chickpeas A dash of lemon juice on a drizzle of olive oil flits into a luxuriously creamy texture.

  • Spices toasted for maximum flavor.

  • Amazing roasted squash rumors.

start with my take on Ra's Al Hanoud, a classic Moroccan spice blend in a dry pan.

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戈登-拉姆斯的烤南瓜鷹嘴豆泥食譜 (Gordon Ramsay's Roasted Squash Hummus Recipe)

  • 9 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary