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look at the objects around you, that cap on your soda bottle, the spare change on the table, the rubber ducky in your bathtub.
These objects and Maur aren't what they seem.
Well, actually, not the rubber ducky, but the others have some secret uses.
You won't see coming pots and pants.
Yeah, you can drum on them, but I'm talking about that hole in the handle.
It's not just for hanging your cookware up in the wall to save some space.
You can also put a wooden spoon in that hole to keep it from messing your stove and countertops.
Wooden hangers aren't just come fear and fans here than their plastic and metal counterparts.
They also repel bugs and loss that like too much on your clothes.
Next time you're shopping for some hangers go for once made of cedar.
That's the secret.
That hole in the top of the lollipop stick isn't the manufacturer's nice way of giving you a whistle.
It holds the candy in place.
The Lalique starts out as a liquid, so it flows into the holes.
Once it hardens, it's locked in place for your convenience.
The blue side of an eraser isn't meant to erase panic.
It's supposed to be for thicker and rougher kinds of paper.
It still gets the job done with pants.
But remember this other intended purpose the next time you try to use it on thin paper?
That's why it tears Ever noticed.
The soft round part under a soda cap bottle looks kind of like a big, thick contact lens.
Well, the camp itself is enough to keep the liquid inside the bottle.
The soft part keeps the carbonation from escaping.
Without it your pop, we go flat in no time, probably before you even buy it.
Now let's check out the cap on a small tube.
Some are hollow on top and have a little spike in them.
If you ever wondered why it's there, it's to break the foil sticker, sealing the tube.
The neck fits right in this hole, and the spike is designed to break the seal.
No need to struggle.
Trying to tear the tiny foil seal off with your fingers, the head rest in your car.
You can adjust it along those metal poles, depending on your height, and that's all good and fine.
But the headrests are also fully detachable.
Which begs the question.
Well, you can also use those metal legs to break the window in case of an emergency, and you're trapped in the car.
Post it notes are your most trusted reminders, but they're also handy.
If you ran out of wet wipes for your laptop or you don't feel like getting up and fetching them, just stick a post it note.
Toe a messy place on the keyboard and pull it off.
Repeat several times and enjoy crumb free keys again.
Just make sure the laptop is off while you do this.
Now picture this.
You're on a camping trip and you've got a splinter in your finger.
Of course, you didn't pack tweezers because, well, who would?
If you have some spare change on you, then you can make your own tweezers.
Just make a stack of three and push the middle one out of the stack about halfway.
Now you can pinch the other two coins together, and they'll grab something small with pinpoint accuracy.
There you go.
No more splitter or a strain nose hair hanging out while you're on a date.
I hate when that happens or let's say your knife is dull and you forgot to pack a sharpener on that camping trip.
What to do?
Just flip a ceramic coffee cup upside down and you have a perfect wetstone.
The bottom rim of most Moz isn't smooth and glossy like the rest of the cup.
Sliding the blade against this gritty surface will sharpen the knife easily.
Did you at least bring some flaws?
If so, then you won't need a knife.
If you're cutting into something soft like butter, dental floss will d'oh!
Bonus dip.
You can also cut the end of your chapstick off with some flaws, just in case you dropped it on the ground with the cap off and it got all dirty or you shared it with a friend and you're a tad germophobe.
Do Don't touch me.
Here's one for all the pet parents out there.
Your furniture is covered in cat or dog for, and you've just about broken the bank on lint rollers.
Grab a pair of rubber gloves.
They're surprisingly good at picking a pet hair off arm chairs and sofas.
Many people think that the hole in the middle of a pasta spoon is only there to drain hot water when you dish your spaghetti out of the pot.
But its intended purpose starts before you even put the pasta in the water.
If you fill this hole with dry spaghetti, it'll be the exact amount for a single portion.
Here's another trick you can try.
Cover the mirror in your bathroom for a least a face size part of it with a thin layer of toothpaste and wipe it off.
If you take a hot shower, the mirror won't fog up.
It'll work with your car mirrors, too.
Well, you have that toothpaste in your hand.
Check out those weird markings on the bottom of the tube.
For a while, people thought these marks meant something about the ingredients in the toothpaste.
But they're actually they're for the factories.
They marked the line for a machine to know where to cut and fold a tube.
There's nothing worse than a big, itchy mosquito bite, especially when you don't have any cream to put on it.
Forgot to pack that to Maybe camping isn't your forte anyway.
No worries.
Just spread some stick deodorant on the bike.
Deodorants have a cooling effect when they dry and it helps ease the itching.
If you have no deodorant with you, pew, I mean, you can also use toothpaste, honey or a cold tea bag.
If you have a sore throat, marshmallow can soothe the irritation for a while.
The tasty, sweet, puffy stuff won't heal your throat, but it'll help you cope with bitter tasting remedies.
If you accidentally used a permanent marker on a white board, just color over that mark with a whiteboard marker white the area off and both marks will be gone.
Magic snow, especially in the city, is full of different salts and all the salt end up on our shoes and form ugly white stains that air so hard to clean off.
What's worse, these salt stains will eventually damage leather or any kind of material.
Surprisingly enough, you can use lemon juice to clean salt from shoes.
Just a spoonful of juice on a cloth will do the trick.
Your keyboard is nice and clean, thanks to that post.
No trick, huh?
But have you ever wondered why the Keys air place where they are when I use alphabetical order?
Well, because that originally proved to be too convenient, long ago in the ancient time before computers, people use these things called typewriters.
How historic.
Some types were so fast that the typewriters mechanism couldn't keep up with them and would get stuck.
That's when they decided to change.
The order of letters to slow type is down.
Keyboards today don't care how fast you can type, but the court IKI order has remained the same.
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