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  • Hey it's me Destin. So I feel like I owe you an apology for not making videos the last

  • couple of weeks but when I explain why I hope you will accept my apology. So it started like this.

  • I got something in the mail.

  • Turns out it is the new Phantom camera.

  • It's called a Miro M320S. So this is different.

  • It's a lot smaller, it's more sensitive, it's better than what I've been shooting with in the past,

  • and they're letting me try it out. There's only a few of these in the continent right now. So Miro is

  • Spanish for "I see", so it's kind of like "Hey I see something that

  • I haven't seen before", so I thought that was a pretty cool name. I took this over

  • 9000 miles on 8 different plane trips to meet all kinds of cool people all over the country

  • to shoot video for you. So in a nutshell the reason I haven't been showing you videos,

  • is because I've been shooting videos. So it started like this. I got on a plane and

  • I went out west, and I met a guy named Alan Sailer. Alan Sailer is "the man"

  • when it comes to high speed photography but he doesn't know a lot about high speed video.

  • So Alan combined what he knew and his artistic style with what I know

  • as a high speed video guy, and we made some really cool videos. That'll be coming

  • up soon. After that in the desert a guy named Greg came out

  • and met me to show me a device that he had built, and we analyzed that and looked at all the math involved

  • in how that thing worked. That's gonna be cool as well. After that I went out

  • of my way a little bit and went and saw my buddies Joe and Buzz.

  • Buzz bought me an ice cream sundae with USA drawn across it in chocolate syrup.

  • Of course we shot a bunch of cool video and that was that. After that I got back on

  • a plane and went to the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics in Waterloo Canada

  • to a meeting called BrainSTEM. BrainSTEM, STEM meaning Science

  • Technology Engineering and Math. At BrainSTEM I met some really cool people. I met Chris from

  • Science Alert in Australia. I saw Michael from Vsauce again. I met Vihart

  • who makes math videos on YouTube. I saw Derek from Veritasium we got to shoot

  • some slinky footage together. I also saw Henry from Minute Physics in his office.

  • He showed me how Minute Physics works, that was fun. He also plays the

  • violin and the mandolin, so we shot some really cool video of that. I was

  • also able to do a demonstration of high speed video using liquid nitrogen and fruit

  • provided by the faculty of the Perimiter Institute. They use their liquid

  • nitrogen for their superconducters, so I was able to use it for a less noble purpose

  • but it's pretty awesome.

  • [bang] Nice.

  • [laugh]

  • I flew back to LA and I went to VidCon.

  • VidCon is this big huge meeting of a bunch of people from YouTube basically. It was fun.

  • I got to sit on a Physics panel with Henry from Minute Physics and Derek

  • of Veritasium, that was pretty cool. They got to ask them questions about theoretical physics

  • I answered all the really hard questions about snack cake design and stuff like that. I setup

  • a high speed camera and I let people just walk up and experience high speed on their own.

  • I didn't really officially get a booth but I found a spare outlet, and they

  • tried to run me off once or twice but I just kinda stuck to it. But it was fun.

  • Destin, hotel, LA.

  • Gavin, slow-mo guy.

  • Hello. So, you brought a high speed camera to me..

  • (Destin) Pretty much, yeah. Which is awesome, cause I don't have one at the moment.

  • So we've gotta come up with stuff to do in this regular hotel room.

  • So I bought this shirt to wear to VidCon. I thought it'd be pretty good. I found it at a thrift store

  • in Arizona. Anyway it's a really adorable kitty cat and I thought hey it's YouTube,

  • they would love kitty cats. But the problem is I chickened out. In hindsight

  • I made a foolish decision, I should have worn the kitten shirt. I've been compiling all this video, so

  • that's why I haven't released a video. I'm preparing for the future. Speaking of prepare for the future,

  • I put a link on the main channel page that you can directly

  • donate to my kids scholarship. I call it a micro scholarship. That's really why I shoot

  • Smarter Every Day is to raise money for my kids college education and I'm serious about that.

  • Thank you to the five people that just happened to find the link and donate. Thank you very much.

  • Ooh, rubber band just popped. I'm gonna leave you with this. I want to introduce you to a guy named

  • Brady Haran. So he went to both BrainSTEM and VidCon and we became

  • very close over the entire week. But the thing is, we became so close that

  • we started picking on each other, you know, that kind of friend? So here's what I want to do.

  • I want to introduce you, the viewing audience of Smarter Every Day to Brady's videos but I decided to make

  • him earn it. So here's the deal. I setup a challenge using the Miro

  • and Brady had to earn the right to have you link to his

  • stuff, and hopefully subscribe. This is kinda how that went down.

  • My business card is not as impressive as yours Destin, but this is it.

  • This is the world's smallest periodic table

  • which has been etched on a human hair. It's in this year's Guinness Book of Records,

  • you can look it up, and of course it's also on one of our videos on Periodic Videos.

  • (Destin) OK so here's the deal. Brady makes

  • a channel called Periodic Videos at the University of Nottingham, and if you

  • watch Smarter Every Day you probably have figured out by now I'm pretty weak in chemistry

  • but this man and his team is probably the strongest channel in chemistry

  • and I think you should pretty much go check it out. But for now, before I give

  • them a link, I'm gonna make you earn it. I want to teach you.. (Brady) I'm I'm

  • singing for my supper am I? (Destin) Yes you are. So I want you to set this mousetrap.

  • So let's figure this out. (Brady) Can I, like, you know how we were joking

  • around saying I don't know how to set a mousetrap? I actually don't know how

  • to set a mousetrap, so you just giving it to me and saying set it is kind of..

  • This is Smarter Every Day man, I've seen your videos, your videos teach the smartest things in the world

  • and here we're learning how to set a mousetrap. I think you're lowering the tone.

  • (Destin) Put your thumb right here and don't move it. Yeah.

  • (Brady) Is that done it?! ohh! (Destin) I have the high speed camera

  • and we were gonna do the mousetrap right? -yeah (Destin) I wanna see if you can

  • trip that with your finger without getting hit. - And what do I

  • get in return for this? (Destin) I'll provide a link to your Periodic

  • Videos. [laugh] Deal? - And and

  • like.. oh well, alright. I have a lot of respect

  • for your viewers and if a few of them come to Periodic Videos I think it's worth a broken finger.

  • (Destin) You won't break a finger if you're fast enough. [laugh]

  • [snap] Ooh. (Brady) Is that the pen bending? (Destin) 12.161. OK if you can

  • get out of the way in about 90ms you're good.

  • (Brady) Man I can't even think that fast. Alright you want me to do it?

  • (Destin) Yeah go. [laughs]

  • That was like a.. that was a practice golf swing.

  • [snap] (Destin) Yeah you got it! Way to go!

  • Alright, so.. Brady has successfully

  • earned your trust, so if you want to go see Periodic Videos

  • and a really adrenaline pumped Brady then

  • click on the link here, and go check out his videos. He actually has

  • a lot of channels, so if you can calm down enough to tell me what you got.

  • Periodic Videos for chemistry, Sixty Symbols for

  • physics, I mean I've just displayed some physics skills there, and there's

  • Deep Sky Videos for people that like astronomy like Destin, there's some good space stuff.

  • And Numberphile is a really good one for some numbery maths stuff as well.

  • They're all at the University of Nottingham for the most part but he does things like go to Everest, I mean it's really

  • top notch stuff. So go check it out, I'm Destin you're getting Smarter Every Day

  • Brady's getting more manly every day. [laugh] Have a good one. Later.

  • Yeah, stupider every day.

  • [laugh]

  • [ Captions by Andrew Jackson ]

  • Captioning in different languages welcome. Please contact Destin if you can help.

Hey it's me Destin. So I feel like I owe you an apology for not making videos the last

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新的高速攝像頭、公路旅行和捕鼠器挑戰|每天都很聰明 56 (New High Speed Camera, Road Trip & a Mousetrap Challenge | Smarter Every Day 56)

  • 7 1
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary