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What's up, guys?
My name is K J Apa.
I'm from New Zealand.
I'm gonna be going through with you guys some New Zealand slang.
I'm just gonna hope that some of these woods all right, by Karol Congratulations.
Ever on the 1st 1 is correct.
Bug roll means nothing.
For example, if someone was asking me how much food I got from the mark and I didn't have any money, I would say I got bugger all.
Wanna hide it?
Wanna hiding is one I heard from my father many, many times.
One of hiding means pretty much.
Do you want a snack or something for a punishment?
You know, if a New Zealander is talking to you and they saying that kind of stuff, you listen to the last word that comes out of their mouth.
So you know, means not if they go Ah, yeah, yes.
Well, then, yeah, Yann, he's getting you guys got such yon mains.
A check.
So, for example and the teacher called me in for a meeting.
It was a good young.
I was a good young, but yeah, we didn't really come to any kind of conclusion.
He's a pest to say something is a piece of piss, they said.
It's easy if I was playing rugby with the boys and I was like, that kick was a piece of piss.
That means that kid was throwing.
She'll be right If someone's car broke down and you know you're worried that the car is not gonna work anymore, she'll be right.
It doesn't matter if it's a female or male, Pecker said.
You're being dramatic.
For example, if I was playing rugby as a little kid and I got injured and I was crying, my dad might come up and say, Stop packing set month Did you know, I only really use mounted if one of my friends is mounted?
In other words, he's horse.
In other words, he's drunk.
Montaigne is probably the one word that I use the most out of all these words that means just like good.
You can use this word so many different instances as well.
So if someone's maybe some food and it tastes really nice when someone puts it in front of me, I'd say Watcher, you always say it with a smile on your face and every time of year, okay, pretty much gives you smile, Sir Kane is out of my favorite words.
Anyone who knows me really well knows that.
I said It's where a lot cane means.
If I was really into a Gill and I was talking to my nights, I would say I'm really came for that girl.
Chalker means full or peck.
So, for example, if the highway was chock full of cars, it means there are.
There are a lot of cards.
Is a lot of traffic squishes squeeze?
It is, um, it's kind of hard.
One squeeze is like playing the guitar, and I want to play the Utah.
Let me have a squid or I'll give it a squeeze.
Generals are flip flops.
We say channels run out his foot, folks.
Good as gold.
If something is as good as gold, it's as good as it can be broke.
Because I say bro a lot, I don't really say cause of all causes of big word people use cause you don't actually have to be there, cousin mean as this is what I stopped kind of using when I came over to North America, just because absolutely no one understand kind of what it means It's like the best thing you could say about something.
The cake, for example, was mean er's means the case pretty much was the best cake that you could possibly eat.
Bugger, bugger is what you would say if it's, like, damn or shit.
If I was using a hammer and I accidentally got my hand, I would scream bag a cocked it If something is cocked it it's died If a dog cocked it, the dog has died taking the purse, I would take the piss out someone you're pretty much just like embarrassing them.
You're making fun of them.
Or you could use that as if you're talking to someone.
And you say, Are you taking the purse?
That means, Are you kidding?
Like you're joking right now.
Are you taking a piss, sculler?
You guys not skeleton day two scallop Maisto to drown the bottle.
All right, guys, that was, uh, New Zealand slang Words from Cage.
APPA of you enjoyed it.
You learned something of your old listening.
There's one slang word that you want to use when you go to New Zealand.
I would definitely say, uh uh is the would everyone can relate to that word.