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Hey, everyone, How's it going?
Has run the language, nerd here.
I hope you're doing very, very well.
Welcome to another episode of Easy English.
Today we're at the work nicer coworker co working space here in Calgary.
And we're going to talk to my friend Kyle about what he thinks.
True happiness.
I'm going to ask him that question.
We're going to listen to his reply afterwards.
I'm going to explain some of the harder or some of the more advanced.
We're difficult things that Kyle said.
Without aside, uh, let's start.
So, Kyle, what is true happiness?
You know, I've been trying to think about this as we were setting up for this interview, I would say the true happiness is when you feel the most comfortable when I mean by that, is that whether that's with another person or it's like just a hobby that you really like?
It's like you're not thinking about other things.
It's like I'm in this.
I'm in the moment for me.
At least I know that what I struggle with the most is always being like worried about something that's about to happen, or something that happened like years ago.
and I find the happiest men like I am focused on, Like I'm enjoying what I'm doing right now.
I'm comfortable with what I'm doing right now that I am most happy, That's what for me.
But your happiness is So do you think we shouldn't try to push past our comfort zone?
No, but I also don't think you should have to be happy all the time either.
I just mean well, anyway, that, you know, have you seen that animated film cold inside out?
Okay, so inside it, what I love about that movie is that it's that mean thesis theme.
Is that something?
It's okay to be angry.
Sometimes It's okay to be sad.
Sometimes it's okay to be m V s.
Like all that kind of stuff.
It's okay.
It's just that you have to acknowledge that this that's what's happening so that you could, like, be able Thio deal with it in a positive way.
I think you either tell kids even adults like don't be angry or don't be sadly, that's okay.
Being that a motion for a bench and then move on from it.
I think what?
We're trying to suppress those emotions too much, we get into trouble.
I hope you like that discussion that Kyle and I had.
I want to take a minute and go through some of the things that Kyle and I said in that short discussion that I think are interesting or worth talking about.
The 1st 1 is that you'll notice that in that video, Kyle used the word like very frequently and like is a word in English that we use when we're thinking about what we want to say next.
Sometimes when you talk, you don't always know exactly what you want to say.
Next you're thinking about the next words like is a word that we use to give us time to think about the next word.
Kyle also said something really interesting, which is what I struggle with the most is worrying about what is about toe happen now.
Struggle is a is a verb.
In case you don't know, it is a verb we use with anything that is really difficult are really hard to really hard to do.
For example, I might say Oh man, I really struggled with my homework yesterday.
This means that my whole work was really difficult, and it took me a lot of time, and I had to put a lot of effort into not homework into that homework assignment.
So Kyle is saying that something that is very difficult for him, something that is very challenging for him is that he always thinks about and worries about what is about to happen.
In other words, he struck, he struggles with worrying about what is going to happen in the future.
One thing that I said in the video, which I want to talk about, is the phrase pushing past your comfort zone.
This is a very useful expression.
If you're pushing past your comfort zone, it means that you are doing things that make you uncomfortable.
For example, if you are afraid of singing in public or singing where other people can hear you, it would be pushing past your comfort zone to sing in front of your friends.
Another example, or another freeze that we use that has the same meaning as pushing past your comfort zone is to go out of your comfort zone.
Another interesting word that Kyle used was the word envious.
His specific sentence was.
Sometimes it's okay to be envious.
Envious is just another word for jealous.
It means that somebody has something.
You don't have it.
And therefore you feel jealous where you feel envious.
You want what somebody else has that you don't have that emotion.
That feeling is being jealous or as Kyle's had being envious.
Well, everyone, thank you so much for watching this video.
If you have any questions or comments, please tell me in the comments below and I will answer them for you.
I guess I will see you in the next video for now.
See you mind frame with old friends were looking frame.
You really talk well?
I'm really just always created.
My eyes are bad.
Looks like this.
Can I focus it or is it a night?
That's the spot.
Well, there's half press it.
Yeah, you should.
All right, well, we're pouring.
I could see that.
The sound is recording.
All right.
So, Kyle, what is true happiness?
What is it?
I just true happiness.