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  • Hi, this talk started out of a Twitter conversation.

  • I haven't decided whether to be embarrassed

  • about that or not.

  • But I was on Twitter one day and

  • a relatively prominent left of centre pundit,

  • piped up and said

  • "You know, climate change seems like a really big deal,

  • why are so few people talking about it?

  • Why have so few thought leaders made it

  • their signature issue?"

  • And another reasonably prominent

  • left of centre pundit piped up

  • and said "Well, for my part,

  • the reason I don't talk about it is it seems really complicated,

  • I don't feel like I have a good grasp on all the science

  • and so I just don't feel qualified to go out

  • and assert things publicly about it."

  • You know, anybody who has ever so much as mentioned

  • climate change on television or on the internet

  • will understand why this person thinks the way they do.

  • Any time you mention it,

  • the hordes descend, bearing complicated stories

  • about the medieval ice age, or sunspots, or water vapour,

  • and, you know, there is a lot of myths about climate change

  • borne by these climate sceptics

  • but to debunk those myths you have to know, you know,

  • you have to go online, and research, and read,

  • and be able to respond to them in detail,

  • and a lot of people just find that prospect dreary,

  • and so they don't bother.

  • And this, of course, drives me crazy,

  • so I piped up on Twitter and said

  • "You know, climate change is not actually that complicated.

  • What you need to know to be able

  • to speak out publicly about it,

  • just about the basic structure of the problem,

  • is really not that complicated,

  • I could explain it to you in 15 minutes" so,

  • let this be a lesson to you:

  • don't go talk smack on Twitter,

  • unless you are willing to back it up.

  • So, one thing led to another, and here I am

  • with 15 minutes to explain climate change to you.

  • So, let's get started.

  • Why is the Earth not a cold dead rock floating in space?

  • The reason is that it is enveloped by this tiny,

  • tiny thin layer of gases and chemicals

  • that we call our atmosphere.

  • So, the Sun's energy,

  • rather than just coming down and bouncing right back off,

  • it comes down and is held

  • close to the surface of the Earth for a while

  • and then bounces off,

  • and then this simple process is why we have evaporation,

  • and precipitation, and photosynthesis,

  • and life on our planet.

  • So, scientists discovered, well over a hundred years ago,

  • that the atmosphere and the systems on Earth

  • are in this dynamic relationship

  • and you can change the chemical composition of the atmosphere

  • and hold more of the Sun's energy for longer.

  • The energy still has to escape, of course,

  • but in the meantime it will cause changes

  • in these biophysical systems of the Earth.

  • And, you know, you often hear people say,

  • "The Earth has always changed,

  • the climate has always changed",

  • and that's true, it has.

  • This relationship between the atmosphere and the systems,

  • they go through cycles,

  • but these cycles have typically taken

  • hundreds of thousand of years,

  • millions of years.

  • The key thing to know first is that

  • for the last 10,000 years on Earth,

  • the climate has been relatively stable, unusually stable,

  • and by stable I mean temperature has varied,

  • it's gone up and down,

  • but it's stayed on a fairly narrow band

  • of about plus or minus 1 degree Celsius,

  • and all of advanced human civilisation

  • has taken place during these 10,000 years,

  • the development of agriculture, the written word,

  • the wheel, the iPhone, everything we know,

  • everything we have built,

  • we have done in this period of relative climate stability.

  • So, what we have been doing

  • for the last couple of hundred years

  • is digging up carbon out of the earth,

  • and throwing it up into the atmosphere,

  • and changing the chemical composition of the atmosphere,

  • like has happened in the past

  • except for extremely faster.

  • In geological time, the blink of an eye,

  • we are substantially changing

  • the chemical composition of the atmosphere

  • and all of climate science has been about,

  • "What's going to happen?

  • What is the Earth going to do in response to this?"

  • And so, we've already seen that the process is underway,

  • we have measured, we have witnessed,

  • observed with our eyes and our thermometers

  • about a 0.8ºC rise in global average temperature

  • since before the industrial age,

  • since before we started digging all this carbon up.

  • And this may not seem like a lot -- less than 1ºC --

  • but the thing to know about it is

  • these greenhouse gases we throw up

  • stay in the atmosphere for a very long time,

  • there are very long time lags involved here

  • so this 0.8º temperature rise is a response

  • to what we were doing 50-100 years ago,

  • and what we see in the first half of this century

  • will be a response to what we've done in the last 50 years

  • and what we'll see in the latter half of this century

  • will be a response to decisions we make today.

  • So the question is, "Temperature's rising,

  • how high does it have to rise before we need to worry,

  • before we're in danger,

  • before bad things start happening?"

  • The typical answer to this question has been "2ºC."

  • Anyone who has followed climate change discussions knows

  • that thisnumber has taken on a kind of iconic quality.

  • Typically, climate scientists who model impacts

  • of what's going to happen, model 2ºC rise,

  • typically economists who try to model what it would cost

  • to do something about climate change or what it's worth

  • or what various policies would cost, modelcentigrade.

  • So obviously, what counts as not dangerous vs dangerous,

  • is not a hard scientific question, it's a political question,

  • and this was a political decision to take this 2C number,

  • mainly made by European climate negotiators

  • well over 10 years ago,

  • and it's just sort of stuck since then.

  • All the countries involved in climate negotiations

  • have basically signed on saying

  • "Yes, this is what we want to avoid, 2ºC temperature rise."

  • The bad news on this 2C number is twofold:

  • first of all, all the latest science done in the last 10-15 years

  • has pointed to the conclusion that those impacts

  • we thought were going to happen around 2ºC

  • are in fact going to happen much earlier than that,

  • the climate is more sensitive

  • to these added greenhouse gases than we thought.

  • So, if those were the impacts we were worried about,

  • then the real threshold of safety

  • ought to be something like 1.5ºC.

  • James Hansen is the climate scientist

  • most famously known for raising these warnings,

  • but it's a growing scientific consensus that

  • is, in fact, dangerously high,

  • which is bad, because

  • we are almost certainly going to blow past 2ºC.

  • There's some reason to believe

  • a recent study said that

  • even if we stopped our carbon emissions tomorrow,

  • we're still going to get more thanthis century

  • just from momentum from the previous emissions.

  • But stopping atnow would take a level

  • of global coordination and ambition

  • that is nowhere in evidence.

  • So, a lot of climate scientists don't really want to tell you this

  • because they don't want to depress you,

  • but I am just a blogger, so I am happy to depress you:

  • 2ºC is probably off the table.

  • So, then the question becomes

  • "Well, what would it look like if temperature goes higher than that?

  • What would, say, 4ºC look like?"

  • Oddly, there hadn't really been

  • a lot of concerted scientific attention to that question

  • because climate scientists honestly thought

  • we wouldn't do that to ourselves,

  • but we are doing it to ourselves.

  • So, in 2009,

  • several climate change research groups in England

  • drew together a group of scientists,

  • commissioned some papers and

  • had them really take a hard look for the first time.

  • What would 4ºC look like?

  • There are a lot of papers, a lot of equations,

  • a lot of talk and complexity I have hopefully paraphrased

  • here for you, to make it easier to grasp.

  • 4ºC temperature rise would look ugly.

  • Among other things,

  • that would be the hottest the Earth has been

  • in 30 million years.

  • Sea-levels would rise at least 3-6 feet,

  • and this excludes some really tail end possibilities,

  • but 3-6 feet at least.

  • And persistent drought would cover about 40%

  • of the currently occupied land on Earth,

  • which would wreak havoc on agriculture

  • in East Asia, Africa, South America, Western US.

  • Well this combined will produce

  • hundreds of millions of people

  • who have been driven from their homes

  • either by their cities being swamped by sea-level rise or

  • by hunger or by all the attended ills

  • that come along with those things.

  • And, to boot, probably somewhere around half of

  • the known species on Earth would go extinct.

  • This question of pinning down the exact number of species

  • is very difficult, this is very much an approximation,

  • but some substantial chunk of life on Earth

  • would be wiped out.

  • The final bit of bad news...

  • that's not true, there's more bad news to come,

  • a middle bit of bad news is that, according to a recent paper

  • by the International Energy Agency,

  • we are currently on track

  • -- if we keep doing what we are now doing,

  • if we go on with business as usual, as it's called --

  • we are now on track for 6ºC temperature rise this century;

  • something, 5-7, these are obviously estimations.

  • So, ifis hell on Earth,

  • I'll let your imaginations filling the blanks on

  • but, one danger that comes up

  • when we contemplate going this high with our temperature

  • is the possibility that

  • climate change will become irreversable.

  • I think when people typically think about climate change,

  • they think, "Oh, temperature is going to rise X amount,

  • circumstances will change, some places will get warmer,

  • some places will get wetter,

  • we'll adjust, we'll move our farms around,

  • people will migrate from one city to another,

  • we'll get resettled and we'll go on with life.

  • The really dangerous possibility is that what are called --

  • the Earth has several of what are called

  • positive feedback systems,

  • so, for instance, in Siberia there is this permanent ice,

  • the permafrost and it contains a bunch of methane in it.

  • As it melts, it releases that methane,

  • the methane causes more warming,

  • which melts more ice, which releases more methane,

  • it's a self-sustaining process;

  • or sea ice melts, ice is white, it reflects energy,

  • when it melts becomes dark blue and absorbs more energy,

  • which heats the oceans, which melts more ice,

  • which creates more dark surfaces.

  • You see, there's a number of these systems

  • that are self-perpetuating,

  • and the danger, the great danger of climate change,

  • that towers above all these other more specific dangers,

  • is that these positive feedback systems will take on

  • a momentum of their own that becomes unstoppable,

  • and human beings will lose any ability to control it at all,

  • even if we'd stop all our climate emissions on a dime.

  • Will that happen at 2º?

  • Probably not though there is a real chance of it

  • and there is a lot of debate about that;

  • will it happen at 4º?

  • Well, it looks a lot more likely at 4º.

  • Will it happen at 6º?

  • Almost certainly.

  • So, if we continue on our present course,

  • climate change will probably take on a life of its own,

  • spiral out of control and,

  • according to a recent paper,

  • by 2300, we could see temperature rise of up to 12ºC.

  • Now if that happened,

  • something like half the Earth's currently inhabited land

  • would become too hot to survive on;

  • and when I say too hot to survive on

  • I don't mean it's difficult to grow beans

  • or air conditioning bills are inconveniently high,

  • I mean if you go outside you die of hotness.

  • I mean, places that were an average of 80ºF

  • would be now an average of 170-180ºF,

  • literally too hot for human beings to go outside and survive.

  • So, will there still be human civilization

  • under those circumstances?

  • Who knows, I mean,

  • maybe we'll live in underground climate controlled caves,

  • maybe we'll grow food in test tubes,

  • but that wouldn't look anything like Earth as we now know it,

  • it would look a lot more like Newt Gingrich's moon colony,

  • assuming any human beings,

  • or at least enough to make a civilization

  • survived in those circumstances.

  • So, when I say "Climate change is simple."

  • -- I know this has been bugging you,

  • you are not used to thinking in Celsius,

  • those strange European metric temperatures,

  • so here is good American Fahrenheit, it's just as ugly.

  • So this is what I mean by climate change being simple:

  • There are many complicated and fascinating discussions

  • to be had about what to do about it,

  • or about what effect our actions might have on the climate

  • and when, or which policies are best

  • based on cost benefit analyses.

  • There is complexity, plenty of complexity,

  • for those of you who like complexity,

  • but we now know to a fair degree of certainty

  • that if we keep doing what we are now doing,

  • we will face unthinkable catastrophe;

  • that's the bumper sticker,

  • that's the take home message,

  • and that, you know, saying

  • "I don't want to talk about that because I don't know the ins and outs"

  • is like saying, "I don't want to raise alarms

  • about Hitler's army being a hundred miles out,

  • because I don't know the thread count of their uniforms,

  • or, I don't know the average calorie intake of a German soldier."

  • You don't need to know those things

  • to be scared that the army's on the march

  • and to raise alarms about it.

  • Similarly, if we keep doing what we are now doing,

  • we are screwed,

  • this we know now.

  • To stabilize temperature,

  • and I don't mean stabilize temperature at 2º, or 4º, or 6º,

  • I mean to ever have a hope of

  • ever again having a stable temperature, of any kind,

  • global climate change emissions need to peak,

  • stop growing, peak and start falling

  • rapidly in the next 5-10 years.

  • Every year we do not get started on this,

  • we add, according to the International Energy Agency,

  • an extra 500 billion, with a B, dollars

  • to the price tag of what it is going to cost us to do this,

  • eventually, every year we wait.

  • That's $500 billion down the drain.

  • Now, you and I look around at current politics,

  • particularly US politics,

  • and massive coordinated intelligent ambitious action

  • does not strike us as particularly plausible.

  • In fact, it might strike us as impossible,

  • but that is where we are,

  • stuck between the impossible and the unthinkable.

  • So, your job, anyone who hears this,

  • for the rest of your life, your job is

  • to make the impossible possible.

  • Thank you!

  • (Applause)

Hi, this talk started out of a Twitter conversation.

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TEDx】氣候變化很簡單。大衛-羅伯茨在TEDxTheEvergreenStateCollege上的演講 (【TEDx】Climate change is simple: David Roberts at TEDxTheEvergreenStateCollege)

  • 554 37
    阿多賓 posted on 2021/01/14
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