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  • ho.

  • Yeah, every like English learner.

  • I'm Ethan, your fluency coach, in case you didn't already know me.

  • And we have another fantastic lesson this week from friends.

  • A lot of your favorite TV series, much like mine.

  • And in this scene today, we're going to see that Joey gets Chandler kind of a strange present.

  • But in this lesson, you will also be learning a lot of expressions vocabulary related to friendship in English.

  • And I have a much better present for you than what Chandler gets its a pdf powerless.

  • And just like this one, check it out and you can download that right now by clicking right up here at the top.

  • And you're going to learn with that so much vocabulary, expressions, grammar so much more.

  • It will really help you master everything that you learn today.

  • So go download that right now.

  • And before we get in today's lesson, I have a quick question for you.

  • Do you like having fun learning English?

  • I know you do.

  • That's why you're here, right?

  • Then.

  • Be sure to support us by subscribing and liking this video, and you will get our newest lessons every single week.

  • So that we can help you make English learning fun.

  • All right, let's get into it.

  • Hey, I got something for you.

  • What's this?

  • 812 bucks.

  • I don't know what Big Leon told you, but it's an even 1000 if you want me for the whole night.

  • What is this for?

  • Well, making money now.

  • And this is paying you back for headshots, electric bills and so many slices of pizza I can't even count.

  • I love you, man.

  • Thanks, man.

  • Now, and get my pony.

  • This'll is a little extra something for always being there for me.

  • Wow.

  • I don't know what to say.

  • Wow.

  • I don't know what to say.

  • What?

  • I don't know.

  • It's a bracelet.

  • It's great to check it out to my best, Bud.

  • Thanks.

  • Best Bud put it on now.

  • No, no.

  • I think something this nice should be saved for a special occasion.

  • Oh, no, no.

  • That's the beauty particles with that thing.

  • You're good to go.

  • You are so wearing that bracelet.

  • So am I.

  • You have any idea what this will do for your sex life?

  • Probably slowing down at first.

  • But once you get used to the extra weight.

  • I'll be back on track, Theo.

  • Man's got a point.

  • What is that sparkly thing?

  • That thing?

  • It's a Ah, that's a little flashy.

  • No, no, no, no.

  • It's a flesh.

  • And not for a good fella.

  • That is sure.

  • That must have cost you quite a few doubloons.

  • Okay, give me a second.

  • I want to get this just right, dude.

  • 11 o'clock.

  • Totally hot babe.

  • Checking you out.

  • It was really good.

  • Become ready for my Penis.

  • I know what you're thinking.

  • Dave Thomas, founder of Wendy's.

  • I'm Gail Chandler.

  • I really have to be somewhere, but it was nice meeting you.

  • What?

  • Plus is excellent.

  • You know, you could've gotten me a VCR.

  • It could have got me a set of golf clubs, but no, he has to get me the woman Repeller Theo, Eyesore from the Liberace house of crap.

  • Bad.

  • Yeah.

  • Easy for you to say.

  • You don't walk around sporting some reject from the Mr T Collection.

  • I pity the fool that puts on my jewelry.

  • I pity the fool.

  • Hey, man, we're just doing some impressions over here.

  • Do your Marcel Marceau.

  • It's actually good if you hated the bracelet so much channeling.

  • You should have just said so.

  • Why doesn't the fact that I wore the bracelet even though I hated it, say something about our friendship and how much it means to me.

  • But what about the fact that you insulted the bracelet and you made fun of me?

  • Okay, well, that's the part where I'm a wink.

  • But I was hoping I wouldn't focus on that.

  • Come on, man.

  • I said I was sorry.

  • Like, 100 times.

  • I promise I will never take it off wrist If you want to stay in there and be mad, You know, you just, uh you stay in there.

  • I can't believe it to stop already.

  • Get out of the bitter barn and play in the hay.

  • Oh, you're right.

  • I should play in the hay.

  • Forget about the fact I just dropped $400 to replace a bracelet that I hated to begin with.

  • Bring on the hay.

  • I've got something that's gonna make you happy.

  • Gets the gun crew found You have to Oh, now you have to.

  • What am I gonna do, Huh?

  • Okay.

  • Hey, how come you have to?

  • Well, this one's for you.

  • No, I can't No, no, Listen, I know how much this means to you, And I also know that this is about more than just jewelry.

  • It's about you and me and the fact that we're best buds.

  • Oh, is this friendship?

  • I think so.

  • Check it out with buddies.

  • That's what they'll call us, how to talk about friendship in English.

  • We have many terms of endearment that is caring ways to refer to a friend or loved one that one can use to address a male friend.

  • In general, a woman would not like being addressed with these terms, but they may use it with guy friends.

  • In this scene, we see many used.

  • So listen for them in the rest of the scene and start using them in your own English to sound more confident and native like.

  • Here are some examples, man, Dude, mostly in the U.

  • S.

  • Mate, mostly outside of the United States and countries like the U K Australia and South Africa buddy or Bud Bro, Brother pal, homey homes or home slice.

  • There are, of course more, but these are probably the ones that you will see used most commonly in everyday English.

  • Also feel free to choose a couple of thes and use them in an example.

  • In the comments below, we will correct many of your answers.

  • 812 bucks, Bucks common and formal word for dollars.

  • Example.

  • Can you lend me five bucks for the train ticket?

  • I don't know what Big Leon told you, but it's an even 1000 if you want me for the whole night.

  • It's an even 1000 if you want me for the whole night.

  • Chandler is making a joke as if he were a prostitute and that Big Leon, a name he invented in the moment, was his pimp.

  • A pimp is a prostitute's manager, and a male prostitute is also known as a gigolo.

  • What's this for?

  • What's this for?

  • Well, making money now.

  • And this is paying you back for headshots, electric bills and make money, a common complication that means to earn money.

  • Example.

  • He makes a lot of money in the auto parts business.

  • We have a lot of different ways to talk about making money.

  • For example, we say someone's killing it when they're making a lot of money.

  • However, if you are earning little, we say you're barely getting by or you're struggling to make ends meet when you reach the end of the month and have very little money left.

  • Pay back to return an amount of money that someone lent to you.

  • Can I borrow five bucks from you?

  • I'll pay you back tomorrow.

  • Head shot a picture of a person's face for professional or formal years.

  • So many slices of pizza I can't even count can.

  • I can't even count now and get my pony I can get my pony.

  • Chandler is joking that with all this unexpected money, you can buy something ridiculous like a pony.

  • The humor is that many little girls want their own pony, and also that this is obviously something that no one in New York City would buy.

  • This is a little extra something for, you know, always being there for me.

  • A little something.

  • We sometimes used these words together to mean a present or gift example.

  • I got a little something for you to be there For someone.

  • This means that you make yourself available to support someone when they have a problem.

  • Example.

  • She was really there for me when my grandma died.

  • Wow, I don't know what to say.

  • I don't know what to say.

  • Receive this expression used in two ways here which depend completely on the tone of voice.

  • First, it is used as a thank you.

  • Similar tow words can't express my gratitude.

  • But then humorously the meaning changes when Chandler actually sees what the gift is.

  • In this case, he doesn't know what to say because he is shocked.

  • Example.

  • I didn't know what to say when my boss said he wanted me to work on Christmas.

  • Now listen to the tone when Chandler says it in Surprise.

  • Wow, I don't know what to say.

  • What do you say?

  • I don't know.

  • Finally, Joey says, What do you say?

  • Which is a way to solicit a response from someone similar to What do you think?

  • Example.

  • What if we go fishing this weekend?

  • Just the two of us.

  • What do you say?

  • It's a bracelet.

  • It's great to check it out to my best Bud and grave.

  • To cut into a hard material, so is to write something Chandler's bracelet has to my best bud engraved on it.

  • But short for Buddy, which is another word for friend.

  • But it puts something on to start wearing a specific piece of clothing.

  • Example.

  • Put your socks on.

  • Oh, no.

  • I think something this nice should be saved for a special occasion for a special occasion.

  • A day that has significance.

  • For example, AA birthday or anniversary or in celebration of an accomplishment example is a special occasion.

  • You just got promoted.

  • Let's break out the good champagne.

  • Oh, no, no, that's the beauty particle.

  • You're good to go Thebe Beauty of something used to mention what makes something convenient appealing practical, et cetera.

  • Example.

  • The beauty of working from home is that you don't need to spend hundreds of dollars a month on commuting.

  • Go with something.

  • If a piece of clothing goes with another, it means they match or look good together, especially because their colors combined.

  • Example.

  • Do you think these shoes go with this dress?

  • Good to go.

  • We say this when someone is completely ready to do something, especially because they have everything they need here.

  • Joey is saying that when Chandler Where's the bracelet?

  • He doesn't need anything else to make him look good.

  • Example to Skype.

  • With someone, you just need to have a working microphone camp and you're good to go.

  • You are so wearing that bracelet I show I am.

  • You are so doing something.

  • This expression means that something isn't someone's best interest to Dio.

  • For example, you are so coming to Paris with me that first spring break, we will have a great time.

  • You are so going to pass the test you've studied all week.

  • Chandler's response.

  • I so m is funny because he means it literally.

  • He's in disbelief that he is physically wearing this ugly gold bracelet.

  • You have any idea what this will do for your sex life?

  • Well, probably slow it down at first, But once I get used to the extra weight, I'll be back on track B or get back on track to start doing something well again.

  • Example.

  • Last year was hard for us, but things are back on track now.

  • The joke in Chandler's mentioning the way to the bracelet is that his love life is in his hand.

  • That is masturbation, sparkly.

  • If something is sparkly, it shines in flashes like the sparkly coat in the picture That's a little flashy, eyes flashing.

  • Not for a good fella, flashy looking too bright and expensive, especially to get attention.

  • Not for a good fella.

  • Ross is implying that a good fella, which is a violent criminal involved in organized crime like the Robert DeNiro movie and steer, typically of Italian ethnicity, might wear a flashy piece of jewelry like this is sharp, sharp, nice, attractive and with style.

  • Example.

  • Look at you in that sharp tuxedo that must have cost you quite a few doubloons.

  • That must have cost you quite a few to blown doubloons.

  • Old Spanish gold coins stare typically used by pirates.

  • Monica is making the joke that the bracelet looks like some sort of pirate's treasure.

  • Give me a second.

  • I want to get this just right.

  • Get something right to do something.

  • Well, dude, 11 o'clock.

  • Totally hot babe.

  • Checking you out.

  • That's really good.

  • Become ready for my Penis.

  • 11 o'clock, an imaginary way of positioning an object or person in space based on the idea that the Observer is located in the center of an imaginary clock, something at 12 o'clock is directly in front of him or her babe.

  • Informal way to refer to a woman who you find very attractive.

  • Click at the top for an article all about different ways to speak about beauty.

  • Check someone out to look at someone with sexual desire.

  • Example.

  • He was checking out, my friend.

  • I'm ready for my Penis now.

  • In this part of the scene, Fyvie is obviously doing something that a man would usually d'oh.

  • Pointing out a hot woman to his friend.

  • In her opinion, she does such a good job that she could actually be a man.

  • I know what you're thinking.

  • I know what you think.

  • I know what you're thinking.

  • Dave Thomas, founder of Wendy's, Wendy's Ah, fast food chain in the U.

  • S.

  • A.

  • Generally thought to be a better quality than McDonald's or Burger King.

  • The founder, Dave Thomas, used to be in Wendy's commercials in the 19 nineties.

  • Chandler is flirting with her by making the joke here that she must be staring at him because she thinks he is a famous person, even though he looks nothing like Dave Thomas.

  • You know, he could've gotten We could have gotten me a VCR.

  • It could have got me a set of golf clubs, but no, he has to get me the woman repeller thes e.

  • R.

  • And golf clubs.

  • A VCR is a videocassette recorder, which used to be usedto watch tapes.

  • This shows the age of Friends.

  • Ah, golf club is the stick with which a golfer hits the golf ball, repeller or repellent, something that causes a version or dislike the funny concept of a woman.

  • Repeller, much like a mosquito repellent, is designed to keep women away.

  • Eyesore from the Liberace house of crap eyesore.

  • A sore is an infection, so an eyesore is an infection on thy but figuratively.

  • And I saw it is something that is unattractive and hard to look.

  • At example, many Parisians believe the Eiffel Tower is actually a bit of an eyesore.

  • Liberality house of crap Libera.

  • She was an American pianist and singer, famous for dressing and flashy clothes and jewelry.

  • His house of crap might be a place for his rejects.

  • The things that not even live Araki would wanna wear.

  • All right, Can you give me an example of something that you think is an eyesore down in the comments below?

  • We will be correcting many of your examples, so I look forward to seeing what you said.

  • Also, if you want to learn and master so much more of the vocabulary, expressions, pronunciation that you are learning this lesson.

  • Don't forget your present.

  • The PDF power lesson.

  • You could download that right now, and we'll even send you by email.

  • A hilarious three part mini course with the funniest ever seen from friends.

  • All right, go and do that now and then.

  • We'll get back to today's lesson.

  • Yeah, easy for you to say you don't walk around sporting some reject from the Mr T Collection.

  • Easy for you to say used to say that it's easy to say something when you're not the one quest to make a sacrifice example, she says.

  • I should travel more, but that's easy for her to say, because she doesn't have kids to sport as a verb.

  • This word is used in an informal way, meaning toe wear example.

  • I think I saw you sporting a Red Sox cap this morning.

  • Some reject from the Mr T Collection.

  • Mr.

  • T was a character in the TV series the A team that wore a lot of gold jewelry.

  • So what Chandler saying is that he got a reject that is an object that was not accepted because it wasn't good enough for Mr Teas Collection of Golden Jewelry.

  • I pity the fool.

  • This was Mr Teas catchphrase.

  • That is a phrase a character or famous person often says and is famous for.

  • Who would say that any time he would get upset at someone.

  • But what he's actually saying is, I'm sorry for the guy who is about to get beat up by me.

  • No, I don't.

  • But I pity the fool, and I will destroy any man who tries to take what I got.

  • Hey, man, we're just doing some impressions over here.

  • Do your Marcel Marceau that's actually good.

  • Do an impression to imitate how a person talks, moves or behaves.

  • Marcel Marceau, a famous mine that is a silent performance.

  • Chandler says that Joey's impression was pretty good because he walked out angrily without saying anything.

  • What is it?

  • The fact that I wore the bracelet even though I hated it, say something about our friendship and how much it means to me.

  • I mean a lot to someone saying that something means a lot to you equals to saying that it's very important or has a lot of value for you.

  • Example.

  • Thanks for all the help.

  • It means a lot to me.

  • But what about the fact that you insulted the bracelet and you made fun of me?

  • Make fun of someone to rudely laugh at someone's expense?

  • Example?

  • My brother always made fun of me when we were young but never really close.

  • Okay, well, that's the part where I'm a wink, a wink, the jerk to stop already get out of the bitter part and play in the hay, Get out of the bitter barn and play in the hit bidders and adjectives used to describe feelings of anger and unhappiness by get out of the bitter barn, Phoebe is essentially saying Chandler's stop complaining and play in the hay, which is a metaphorical way of saying he should cheer up or feel happier.

  • This is not a common expression.

  • Forget about the fact I just dropped $400 to replace a bracelet that I hated to begin with, bring on the hay, drop on something to spend a large amount of money.

  • At one time example, I can't believe he dropped $200 in that toy for his kit.

  • Bring on something.

  • It means you are completely ready and eagerly awaiting something.

  • Chandler obviously means this sarcastically.

  • Example.

  • I'm tired of the cold weather.

  • Bring on the summer.

  • You have to.

  • Well, this one's for you.

  • Get out.

  • Said to indicate disbelief at a surprising truth.

  • Also commonly said as gotta hear example.

  • Person A.

  • I just asked Mary Ellen, She said yes.

  • Person be Get out.

  • Really?

  • Hey, I got something for you.

  • What's this?

  • 812 bucks.

  • I don't know what Big Leon told you, but it's an even 1000 if you want me for the whole night.

  • What is this for?

  • Well, making money now.

  • And this is paying you back for headshots, electric bills and so many slices of pizza I can't even count.

  • I love you, man.

  • Thanks, man.

  • Now, and get my pony.

  • This'll is a little extra something for always being there for me.

  • Wow.

  • I don't know what to say.

  • Wow.

  • I don't know what to say.

  • I don't know.

  • It's a bracelet.

  • It's a grave to check it out to my best bud.

  • Thanks.

  • Best bud put it on now.

  • No, I think something this nice should be saved for a special occasion.

  • Oh, no, no, that's the beauty particle thing.

  • You're good to go.

  • You are so wearing that bracelet.

  • So am I.

  • You have any idea what this will do for your sex life?

  • Probably slow it down at first.

  • But once you get used to the extra weight, I'll be back on track.

  • Theo man's got a point.

  • What is that thing?

  • That thing?

  • It's a Ah, that's a little flashy.

  • No, no, no, no.

  • It's not flashing.

  • Not for a good fella on.

  • That is sharp.

  • That must have cost you quite a few doubloons.

  • OK, give me a second.

  • I want to get this just right, dude.

  • 11 o'clock.

  • Totally hot babe.

  • Checking you out.

  • It was really good.

  • Become ready for my Penis.

  • I know what you're thinking.

  • Dave Thomas, founder of Wendy's.

  • I'm Gail Chandler.

  • I really have to be somewhere, but it was nice meeting you.

  • Plus is excellent.

  • You know, you could've gotten me a VCR.

  • It could have got me a set of golf clubs, but no, he has to get me the woman repeller Theo, Eyesore from the Liberace house of crap.

  • That bad?

  • Yeah.

  • Easy for you to say.

  • You don't walk around sporting some reject from the Mr T Collection.

  • I pity the fool that puts on my jewelry.

  • I pity the fool.

  • Hey, man, we're just doing some impressions over here.

  • Do your Marcel Marceau.

  • It's actually good.

  • If you hated the bracelet so much channeling.

  • You should have just said so.

  • Why doesn't the fact that I wore the bracelet even though I hated it, say something about our friendship and how much it means to me.

  • But what about the fact that you insulted the bracelet and you made fun of me?

  • Okay, well, that's the part where I'm a wink.

  • But I was hoping I wouldn't focus on that.

  • Come on, man.

  • I said I was sorry.

  • Like 100 times.

  • I promise I will never take it off wrist if you want to stay in there and be mad.

  • You know, you just, uh you stay in there.

  • I can't believe Stop already.

  • Get out of the bitter part and play in the hay.

  • Oh, you're right.

  • I should play in the hay.

  • Forget about the fact I just dropped $400 to replace a bracelet that I hated to begin with.

  • Bring on the hay.

  • Hey, I've got something that's gonna make you happy.

  • Gets a gun to you too.

  • Oh, now you have to.

  • What am I gonna do, Huh?

  • Okay.

  • Hey, how come you have to?

  • Well, this one's for you.

  • No, I can't.

  • No, no.

  • Listen, I know how much this means to you.

  • And I also know that this is about more than just jewelry.

  • It's about you and me and the fact that we're best buds.

  • Oh, is this friendship?

  • I think so.

  • Check it out with buddies.

  • That's what they'll call us.

  • Wait to make it all the way to the end of the lesson.

  • You are kicking ass with your English, which is exactly what we hoped that were helping you do with this English channel.

  • So be sure to subscribe And remember to get your p d a power lesson.

  • If I did not say it enough times, you can do that by clicking right over here.

  • Subscribe by clicking right up here.

  • And I have another lesson I think you'll enjoy.

  • Just click right here.

  • All right, Now go out there and continue to kick ass with your English.


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友誼英語母語詞彙|流利有趣的FRIENDS英語。 (Native English Vocabulary for Friendship | Fluent & Fun English with FRIENDS)

  • 7 1
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary