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Welcome to show me dot com.
I'm a New Jersey and I'm Hickel.
And today we're making marinated mushrooms and a great, great great appetizer.
You make a batch of these and any time you're having a gathering, just leave him out there, puts into things, and your guests will love you for it.
So for this recipe they're going to be using Baby Bellas are maybe for a Bella's criminy mushrooms.
And we have about 12 ounces of them.
Tend to 12 ounces what you really need and usually we like to wash our mushrooms.
But since this recipe, it's gonna be marinating in oil.
We don't want the extra moisture in there.
So we just took a damp towel and brushed off all the sides of mushroom.
And we did that for all of them.
Your napkin does get really, really dirty.
You can just wash it again and keep going.
But they're fairly clean right now.
And these mushrooms, even though they're small, they're a little larger than your bite size.
So what we're gonna do is we're just gonna just cut him in half.
It's right through the center, and that way you could still put a toothpick into it, but it'll be more of a bite size.
And while happens doing that, I have approximately 5 to 6 large size clothes and I'm just gonna smash them and then kind of just roughly chopped them.
And we have a bowl over here you're gonna do is we're gonna kind of make a marinade for the mushrooms.
I'm gonna put these garlic cloves in there and keep mushrooms to the site for now.
So the other thing that we're using for this recipe is fresh basil leaves.
They smell so fresh.
But we're gonna do is take about a handful of them and just kind of wrap him around like that.
I just want to chuck him.
Now we're here again.
Back to the ball.
We're going to get going with the marinade.
Gonna put half a teaspoon or to taste off red chili flakes, two teaspoons of Italian seasoning and two tablespoons of red vine vinegar, half a teaspoon of salt or to taste and I'm an adder.
Chopped basil leaves in and we have half a cup of extra virgin olive oil.
Absolutely army go to mix.
We just want the oil to kind of mix in with all the flavorings and assault.
Yeah, and you're gonna even taste it and make sure everything's okay solved.
And the spices do your taste and we'll add in our mushrooms Q and mix.
I want all the mushrooms to be coated with all the dressing, so this recipe is not meant to be eaten right away.
The mushrooms do need to marinate overnight, so we're gonna cover this bowl with a nice tight to plastic wrap, and we're gonna leave it overnight in the refrigerator.
So tomorrow you'll see that the mushrooms actually leave a lot of water.
So right now it's looking pretty dry.
But tomorrow it's gonna be sitting in a pool of water, and that's exactly what you want, because you want the mushrooms to kind of submerged in the liquid and I'll marinate further.
How simple is that?
It's a great recipe if people love it, because it's usually the marinated mushrooms you buy ready made from the store, and my personal preference is when you make it at home, it's just you know what went into them, and you can adjust it to your taste buds.
So if you want a more spicy.
You could put more spice or leave it out or do anything you'd like.
So it's a great recipe and really easy.
The only thing is, it takes overnight, but yeah, absolutely.
So this is nicely covered.
It's going in our fridge and we're gonna see you tomorrow.
So it's been 24 hours and let's check on her mushrooms.
Wow, what delicious.
I can give it a mix.
If you can see at the bottom of this foal, there's some liquid that's come out.
And over time that liquid will just keep increasing little by little.
And it will submerge all the mushrooms, right?
And basically a job is done.
All we have to do is either you conserve it right away.
Course, keep it in the refrigerator until you have to serve it.
Uh, nah, kids, we're gonna put it in a jar and then just have it over time.
And it's got a good shelf life.
It lasts for about a week, 10 days in the refrigerator.
So it's gonna transfer it.
He can put a toothpick on it and serve it at parties are just cut up little, A few more pieces and just put it in.
Sandwiches are on pizza.
Eyes lost.
Uh, yes.
So I want to try it.
It's so delicious.
You know, the flavors of the garlic and the fresh basil.
Just it makes it shine.
You know, I can't say anymore, but fresh herbs in this application, it not only looks fresh, but you can definitely taste the flavor here.
Second, taste basil the garlic, Even though it's raw, it's a little pickled has got a great flavor to it.
Really yummy.