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  • I want to learn the language this year and get one year of access to our language learning programs.

  • Well, listen up.

  • Starting right now, we're giving away over $6000 worth of one year premium subscriptions to our learning program, language learning, audiobooks and conversation.

  • Cheat sheets for 34 winners, one for each of our 34 language sites.

  • So if you're ready to commit and learn the language this year with our programs, enter right now to join and enter the giveaway.

  • Click the link in the description below and sign up by March 10th 2020.

  • That's it.

  • No purchase or credit cards necessary will select 34 winners and notify you via email on Friday, March 13.

I want to learn the language this year and get one year of access to our language learning programs.

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今年學英語,6000元大禮包送不停 (Learn English This Year with the $6,000 Giveaway)

  • 4 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary