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  • Hey, guys, what's up?

  • Welcome to experience Tech.

  • I am Benito, and in today's video, off the next basics, we will check out too important attributes that every file folder our program in Lennox has that issues er and group attributes and also understand how to use them effectively.

  • Rs Let's begin now on the next, as you may know, is a multi use the system.

  • That means that you can have multiple users each having different level off access to the files, folders and program that are installed in the system.

  • Now let's first understand what a user or group actually mean Now.

  • A user, also called owner, is simply the name off the user accounts.

  • If I have a user account expiate stick so experts tech is one user.

  • Similarly, you can have multiple users.

  • Next AA Group is a method to organize users on the system.

  • So, for example, you can have students as one group in which you can put all the users who are students in a school.

  • Similarly, you can also create a group corn teachers, in which you can put all the uses were teachers off the school in that group, so each group can have multiple users in them.

  • Nobody for any user account that you create gets a deformed group, which is the same as the using.

  • All right, Now, with the basics out of the way, let's see how we can use them in real world and also check out various commands.

  • Associate it with them all right now, I have divided the entire process in three steps.

  • First is to create users and groups.

  • The second step is to add uses two groups and the third step is setting a permissions by assigning groups Two folders.

  • All right, so now let's start with the first step and I can create a user in two ways.

  • First is by using the grease system setting app and adding a new user account.

  • Second is why the command line.

  • You can use the command pseudo user ad dash M and then the name off the user account that you want to create.

  • But after creating the user account, you also need to set up a password so you can do that by using the command suitable space, P.

  • A.

  • S s the bloody space to user account name and then give a brand new password to your newly created user account not to create a new group.

  • You can use the group and command on terminal type and pseudo space group ad space.

  • The name off the group that you want to create.

  • So in this case, let's sit students and press enter.

  • Now this will create a new group student.

  • Let's do that for Teachers Group as well.

  • Not the second step is toe add Users.

  • Tow the groups that you created now.

  • To do that, we're going to terminal and used to command user Martin, so type in suitable space User more, Dash A for addition Space, Dash Capital G for group and then give the name off the group.

  • So let's say students and then the name off the user that you want to include in the group student right now.

  • The third step and the final step is setting a permission.

  • Now there are two ways to do that.

  • First is by using the CH on our CH group command, and the second is by using the file access control list now will cover both off them.

  • So let's start with the CH wound.

  • Not to understand this Let's take up a scenario.

  • Imagine there's a computer in a school that contains two folders.

  • One is the assignment for dinner, and the other is exam people's food.

  • No, we want to set up in a way so that all the students can access the assignments folder but cannot access the exam papers.

  • Folders.

  • Users who are in group teachers can access both exam papers as well.

  • Let's assignments folder.

  • So the access, for example, Purse Folder is exclusively for the teachers, but Assignments folder can be accessed by users off either groups.

  • Students are teachers that this is the scenario, all right, so the first matter that will use is by using the CH Bone and CH Mod command.

  • We can also use Ph Group instead of C H own.

  • Both will give us the same results, but for no, let's go with C H own.

  • So type in suitable space.

  • Ch own space dash capital are for recursive, then give a space and a colon and then the name off the group.

  • So let's say we type in students here, Then give the space on depart toe do assignments for you on what we have done here is by using the CH on command.

  • We have changed Group off the assignments folder to students not to give the read, write or execute permission.

  • We can do that.

  • Fire the ch mark a month.

  • So we need to type and see it.

  • More space capital are for recursive and then we can type in G for group plus r W x for reed, right Execute then give a space and then part.

  • So the assignments folder know if we do l s dash l on the assignments folder you can see here than the group has changed to students on the permission is read, write and execute Now instead of C H own command here, we can also use each group command to change group So this is the first method off doing it All right.

  • The second method is by using the file access control list.

  • Now to use this type in pseudo space, set F A C and that's final access.

  • Control this space dash Lower case M for modification Yorkies G for Group Colon The name of the group.

  • Let's see Teachers Colon and then the permission that we want to give.

  • Let's read, write and execute, Then give a space dash capital are for recursive, then part to the exam papers folded.

  • Now, this will give us the same result that we achieved using the first matter now to check the file access control list off a particular file or a directory used to get F A C L Command and this will show you the complete file access control list.

  • All right.

  • Now, the last thing is to deny users off students group access to the exam papers folder Now, to do that, we can again use the set F A C L command.

  • So type and set off a seal dash and then give a space lower case G for Group colon students colon again and then type in dash death death three times.

  • So no read nor write and no execute now didn't give a space dash capital aren't and then depart to the exam paper supporter.

  • No press enter and that's all.

  • Now any user who is a member off group student cannot access the exam paper folded.

  • Now we can very fight that by logging into an account which is in group students and, as you can see, cannot access the folder exam papers.

  • All right, so that was all for today.

  • Thank you guys, for watching this video.

  • I hope you like this video.

  • If you do kindly present like Britain, if you have any commence sedation or feedback do time that in recommended box.

  • Thank you again for watching.

  • And I'll see you next time.

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    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
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