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Hey it's me Destin, welcome back to Smarter Every Day. So I'm in a, kind of a strange...
Oh! It's a golden play button. That can only mean one thing.
Somebody famous. - Not quite famous, I want to say.
- So this is mystery guitar man, and if you've checked out YouTube for any amount of time you know who he is.
He makes really cool videos and the reason I like your videos is because I think they're smart.
- You think so? - I do think they're smart. - Well thank you. - I've always wanted to see one of your smart videos being made
so that's what you're doing now? With... this. - Yeah yeah, this is
a zoetrope. - A what? - A zoetrope. I can try to take
some of these letters, and... ahh! - There we go. [laugh]
You have this cylinder, and it has a bunch of animation frames
up top. You see right now it's really blurry. They have all these frames which is basically
like, you know, like this, like this, like this, like this, like this, right?
- Like stop motion right? - Yeah like stop motion basically yeah. When you spin it,
the slits act as a shutter so then you get to see
little birds flying around. - So why do you need the slits? - You need the slits because
otherwise your brain, your eyes are seeing way too many frames
and it can't make sense of them. - Ohh.. so basically we're eliminating all the parts
that we don't want to see, so you're putting the image in one specific spot, it's like you're
indexing it or something. So what does that have to do with a record?
This isn't a Neil Diamond record is it? - No no no, it's just a very cheap record,
somebody's demo record I guess. Basically,
I just spin it like this, and at the
speed that it spins, which is as fast as I made it go like this,
I have my camera shooting at 23 frames per second.
- A very expensive camera right? - It's pretty expensive yeah, it's a good investment.
Imagine it spinning very slowly, like this is one frame
And then this is the next frame, and then this is the next frame. - So basically it's like aliasing
only it's constructive. - Yeah, I like that, constructive aliasing.
I think you just invented a new term. So I tried out a really weird frame rate like
23.2 frames per second and I can mess with the pitch too.
So this specific very cheap USB thing
Like if I, I can slow it down, and turn it up, and you can
hear in the song actually [very fast music slows down]
You can hear... - That's pretty awesome. [music speed varying]
- Enough of that, for the copyright. [laugh]
- That's pretty sweet. - Yeah so that's how it works basically. - So enough about that,
How long did it take to do this? - This is what took the longest. I had to
cut out I think 1300 different frames.
This bascially is like, you know, just go up and line it up correctly
- Are you serious? - Yeah yeah. - So what are these by the way? - These are little frames
I would basically paste like this, go to the next one
paste it, go to the next one, paste it. And basically these are
in sequence all of the frames of the video. And while going, turn the camera on for a second.
Done. Turn the camera off. Do this, shut all the lights off.
Take all these frames off. Throw them on the floor,
and then put the new frames on, turn it on, turn the camera on, turn the lights on
- So this is exactly why I like his videos, is because they're
awesome but they're brute force. - Brute force yes.
- Yeah, that's pretty awesome. - So if the video was three seconds long, I'd say that the video was just
from here to here, right, then we
would need 72 frames, because I did one frame every second
- Gotcha. - Which equals to four full zoetropes, because it's
18 times 18 times 18.. [mumble] which is 72 right? - Gotcha.
OK so when you made the video, you actually
made it one second at a time and then you would reload the entire zoetrope. - Right.
Exactly yeah. Not exactly one second, it's a little less than a second because only
18 of them fit here, because this is a smaller
zoetrope, so I make it 18 24th's of a second
whatever that goes down to. - Gotcha. So if you want to see mystery guitarman's video
or subscribe to him, like I've been subscribed to you for a long time. - Really? - Like a really
like ahh.. guitar impossible? - Oh wow. Really long time.
- Long time. - I might owe you a dollar or two then. - Excellent. So go check out his channel
Can I have the link? Can you give me a link to this video? [whoosh]
Fantastic. Anyway, go check him out, subscribe, I am. I'm Destin,
you're getting Smarter Every Day. Have a good one.
[old time music]
[ Captions by Andrew Jackson ]
Captioning in different languages welcome. Please contact Destin if you can help.