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  • cruise ships will very often pass quite close to the land in order to ensure that passengers get the maximum pleasure from cruising the areas in which they stale.

  • However, that hospital balance against safety on passage planning is something that takes that into account to ensure that the vessel remains in safe waters whenever it is Costa Concordia was set to deviate from her original route was it was a deviation that had Bean sailed many times before.

  • One week before, we actually sailed right past that same point, and I was sitting on the deck on DDE not so close to the last.

  • I actually stood up and picked up the emergency phone on, and I was going to call the bridge and say, Hey, I'm a bit close.

  • I can't shut that down.

  • I looked up with Bridge and I saw that everybody, all the staff, were paying attention, so I kind of subdued my concern and put it back down.

  • Although they had successfully sailed close to the island before their next attack would lead to disaster, it was no a particularly bad night.

  • There was a freshening wind and of course, with passenger ships, wind can affect very much the actual turning capabilities of the way.

  • That evening, I walked up to the bar on the fifth deck to get a cup of coffee with a few of my friends that were on the entertainment team.

  • All of a sudden, that was this.

  • It's almost like sound Way ll cool to me.

  • I felt like an earthquake, like everything was shaking.

  • The coffee that was in my coffee cup was was vibrating so extremely that the coffee flew out into the salsa and then things started sliding off the tables.

  • All the ball glasses were shimmering against one another.

  • I really just wanted to know what was going on.

  • So I jumped over the back of the sofa on I feel blind away from the window, and I saw land immediately behind Way were connected to the land for a long time.

  • And that's what really, in my mind made the idea to me that we're gonna sink.

  • Not bad lights went complete, yet it was pitch black.

  • People were really realizing by that point that something was going wrong.

  • An incredible noise of screening, people running around and may, you know, going back to their rooms getting their life jackets because of the tilt of the ship, we weren't able to muster act the station, so I relocated us along to the side.

  • That was further up on when the engineer who was my superior showed up.

  • He looked like a ghost.

  • He was completely white, Could barely talk, wasn't cognizant.

  • And he was soaked in water up to here, completely drenched.

  • We just thought we were gonna die.

  • Coast guards were forced to evacuate more than 4000 passengers and crew from the Costa Concordia.

  • Some passengers jumped from the ship as it began listing steeply.

  • Whatever the ship hits, it happened at night, then tried to limp towards port, gradually sinking with more than 4000 passengers and crew aboard.

  • At the point when we started seeing lifeboats of passengers going towards the shore way were such a steep incline at that point, there's no way we could get off the ship.

  • Eventually, the helicopter could locate where we were at.

  • This man came down on a zip line on.

  • He put this horseshoe around me on dhe.

  • He counted down in Italian and you zipped up way both mental legs as much as we can and at the same time pushed as hard as we could, swearing away from the ship and as we just missed as squaring back up disastrous.

  • And two.

  • What should have Bean the perfect cruise Costa Concordia lies stricken.

  • What finished her is there for all to see.

  • A chunk of rock Ritter guts open with islands.

  • You have a lot of things under the water, mostly rocks that you're looking to avoid.

  • But you might have telegraphed tables.

  • You might have any number of things that a sitting on dhe you can't get up close toe.

  • In her penultimate, they produced a passage.

  • They will have referred to the standard notice on the bridge.

  • Help determine what the maneuvering characteristics off the ship.

  • Actually, it was a poorly lit area on.

  • The ship was going fast.

  • It was going at 15 and 1/2 North's, so when they spotted that they were too close to the coast lines, it was too late for them to be able to maneuver out of the way.

  • The Costa Concordia did not sail.

  • Her plans deviation.

  • She struck a rock around 9:45 p.m. On almost immediately began listing tilting to one side as the water rushed into the ship By 10 44 PM Only one hour later, the ship capsized.

  • The impact caused a rupture to the hole on watertight compartments were breached, including those with really important equipment.

  • The engine room was flooded.

  • There was a loss of propulsion on Dhe.

  • There was a blackout spade.

  • She was traveling.

  • She comes in you to rip open five compartments on.

  • With the damage being on one side, she immediately started to take a list until she was brought into the shallow water capsized on toe stuff aside.

cruise ships will very often pass quite close to the land in order to ensure that passengers get the maximum pleasure from cruising the areas in which they stale.

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遊輪沉沒,超過4000名乘客在船上|災難的設計。 (Cruise Ship Sinks With Over 4000 Passengers Aboard | Disasters Engineered)

  • 5 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
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