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  • please go to the line the computer guy dot com, in order to view schematics, code and Maur for the projects that you are learning about.

  • Welcome back.

  • So in this video, I'm going to show you how to do basic group management in the Lexx world.

  • Now it is important understand, in the Lenox world that their system for user's and groups and permissions is nowhere near as sophisticated and complicated as what there is in Windows, at least from the base installation level.

  • Obviously you can add service is you can add software to a Lennox server to create a complicated a security environment.

  • But the base installation of Lennox has a much simpler system, and then the Windows world does so.

  • Basically, whenever you're dealing with files and folders in the Lenox world and you're dealing with permissions, basically you have a permission for the owner of the the owner of the Filer folder.

  • You have permission for the group owner of the file folder and you have permission for everybody else.

  • So basically everybody else with those permissions, you have the ability to read, to write or to execute.

  • And so whenever you see something like 777 Those permissions go towards the owner of the filer folder, the group owner of the Tyler folder and then everybody else.

  • And so in the Lenox world, what you can do is you can do things, say, the owner of Filer folder.

  • Has the reed right execute permission?

  • Basically, this would be the equivalent of the full control permission in the Windows world.

  • Then you can have the group owner of the filer folder possibly only have the reader permission.

  • So let's say you, as a user, you're adding something to a folder, and then you want the group owners to be able to go in there and actually see what you're creating.

  • S O.

  • That's the kind of thing that you could do with permissions when you're dealing clinics world, and then obviously for everybody, you could then put that to zero.

  • You can basically give everybody no permission.

  • So whenever we're dealing with permissions, that's what we're going to be thinking about doing is we're gonna be thinking about the that the user account owner of a file folder.

  • We're gonna be thinking about the group owner of Filer folder and then we're going to be thinking about everybody else.

  • So when we create these groups, that's kind of the mind set.

  • What we're dealing with now, when we create groups and Lennox world again, when we're dealing with configurations, configurations all essentially more or less go into a text file.

  • So this is not like the Windows World where you have active directory databases and you have you have registries and all that kind of thing.

  • And Lennox world, it all gets dumped into a text file.

  • And so the text file you have four groups is a forward slash e TC forward slash group.

  • That's just a file.

  • You can use them to open it up, and when you use them to open it up, you can see the group name and you can see the membership of the groups.

  • So what I'm gonna show you how to do today is I'm gonna show you how to open up that file.

  • I want to show you how to add Group's gonna show you how to add users to groups, want to show you how to remove users, front groups, and then I'm going to show you how to delete groups and then you'll understand the basic group maintenance and management in the Lenox world so that let's go over the computer and I can show you how this works.

  • So here we are at my computer again.

  • I've got a bunch of server 18.4 point three running a virtual machine on virtual box.

  • Again, you could be running for toolbox, Windows, Mac book, Pro Lennox and Solaris.

  • If anybody still as Solaris out there on you should have the same environment be looking at it.

  • That's what it was.

  • My route account that I've created for the server is Bob.

  • Of course, the password is 123456 And now we're logging in and yea were longer.

  • So let me do clear to clear the scream.

  • Now the first thing that I want to do is I want to show you that folder that contains the group information.

  • So I'm going to use them.

  • I'm not using suit suit.

  • So Sud Oh, I'm not using pseudo them because I don't want to actually edit this file and senses a major configuration file for the operating system.

  • I don't want to accidentally do something right.

  • I know myself.

  • If I can prevent myself from accidentally doing something.

  • That's a good thing.

  • So I'm simply going to use them and sew them.

  • Since I Since I'm opening a protected file, I have the ability to read it, but not modified if I simply used them.

  • So I'm going to use just them without sue do to open it up and read only boat s.

  • So then I'm gonna do t t c a four slash group.

  • And now we're gonna see the file.

  • Okay, Now we can see we have the group file here, and I could go through and I can see the different groups eso these air, all the default groups that are created by you.

  • Bunty, when you install the operating system, these different groups have different permissions to do different things.

  • You know, we basically deal with different service is on politics and see the ADM here.

  • We have a system Log and Bob are users of the A t M group.

  • If we go down, we can see suit.

  • Who's when I'm angle To use a pseudo command?

  • You can see Bob is the only member of the pseudo group on and we could just you know, just scroll down and see all of these different groups here.

  • Eso Since I'm in them and it's read only mode, I have not done any tank.

  • It's so simple.

  • You colon Q This will quit.

  • I don't have to force quit.

  • I don't have the right quick because I haven't made any modifications and I am now out, eh?

  • So the first thing that I want to do is I want to create a group.

  • So I'm going to create a test group.

  • So to create a great I'm going have to use a pseudo uh Then I'm going to do add group command And then I'm simply going to add the group test group ready sample So pseudo at a group desk rip and didn't ask me for a password of 123456 And now a test group has been added.

  • I go to them for its last you t c for its last group.

  • Be now, open up the file again that it was going all the way down.

  • We can now see that I have a group called Test Group.

  • Sounds pretty easy again to get out here.

  • I do colon do Q.

  • And I am now.

  • So now the next thing that I need to do is I need add same users to that group that I created.

  • So in order to do that, it's Sue Do add user user name group name Pretty soon S o.

  • D studio.

  • Uh uh.

  • User eso have a user called raft.

  • All right.

  • L P h um And then I'll add Ralph to test group Enter adding user Ralph to group Test group.

  • Just add another member sue user.

  • So I had Bob to test test group.

  • And so now Bob will be added to test group, too.

  • So Bob has been added to test group if I now do them again.

  • So I go and I take a look at that file.

  • So forward slash UTC forward slash root.

  • I can get in her scrolled, wait out and there again.

  • So at the bottom of the screen, we can see Test group.

  • And now the members of Test Group are now Ralph and Bob.

  • So that's really that's basically what we're dealing with here.

  • Uh, then we can quit out of this clear, clean screen again.

  • And so now let's remove a user from that group.

  • So we have test group.

  • Both Bob and Ralph are in that group.

  • And so, you know, Bob, Bob gets to do everything Bob gets to be everywhere.

  • So why don't we remove Bob from that group?

  • We'll let Ralph be special.

  • So what we're gonna do is we're simply going to use Della User User name group in a So we do sudo del Del User.

  • And then we're going to remove Bob from test group Examples.

  • ASU do del user User name group neck it.

  • Enter removing Bob from group guestroom way.

  • Now do bill for its Ashley TC boards.

  • Last group hit.

  • Enter if we scroll.

  • Oh, the way we can see now that test group only has Ralph Ralph Ralph can finally feel special.

  • Ralph is so special.

  • Except we realize we don't really care about test group.

  • So let's get rid of test group Colon.

  • Cue to get out of that.

  • Let me do clear.

  • Clear to clear the screen.

  • Okay.

  • And so now let's just remove the group entirely.

  • So we do studio.

  • We knew Del Group.

  • So groups of Della group, and then whatever the group name is test group so soon.

  • Oh, Adela Group so that that's commanded to leave the group and then the group name.

  • Then we hit Enter removing group test group Done yo Tuve en far is actually TC four slash group.

  • This girl go way down and we can see that the test group is no longer there.

  • So we were able to add a group, were able to add multiple users to the group, were able to remove users from the group, and we're able to delete the group.

  • And it was all pretty simple.

  • Now, one of things I have realized.

  • I've been a bad instructor.

  • I've been a bad instructor and I've been a mad administrator.

  • One of things.

  • I realized that when the last videos, as I said that you should never walk away from the console when you're still logged in.

  • And then I realized I don't think I've actually shown you folks have had a long off of of Lennox.

  • So if you've been wondering how the long off of Lennox whenever you walk away from the console whenever you're done, what you should type into the console is e X.

  • I t ends it.

  • If you type in exit and you get dinner.

  • That's what logs you out of the console.

  • So I've been a bad boy than a bad, Been a bad instructor.

  • And I've been a bad administrator.

  • And yeah, well, uh, what do you got to do about it?

  • So anyways, that's the basic idea of AA group management in Lenox.

  • So now you have a basic idea of root management and Lex, you know, howto create groups, you know, add users to the groups you know, remove users from the groups, you know how to delete the groups.

  • And just like everything else that you do in Lenox, there's 1000 other arguments and options that you can throw in.

  • There s O if you want to go and take a look at the man pages or what I would argue, Take, go take a look at the Google for different things with groups and users and all that I would highly suggest you d'oh!

  • A lot of a lot of the options along the arguments you that you have are really kind of esoteric.

  • A.

  • Some of them may be very, very useful for you, especially if you're really going to be using groups and users a lot in whatever Lennox server that you're gonna be building.

  • So that's really all there is to it again.

  • The big thing to remember about the Lenox world.

  • The big thing when you're dealing with users and groups in the Lenox world is that it is a hal of a lot simpler than what you're getting in.

  • The windows were right in the Windows world at this point in time.

  • Oh, my God, like so many options, they got somebody.

  • Policy got so much Oh, my uh, not unless it's again.

  • You can build, you can build, you can add components, the limits to make security and all that much more complicated.

  • But the base install of Lennox is very simple.

  • Basically, you have three permission you have read, right execute, and then that is assigned to 33 different groups.

  • You have the owner of the file folder, you have the group owner of the file or folder and then you have everybody else.

  • It really is that simple at a base level Lennox world.

  • So just don't overthink, especially as a Windows administrator.

  • If you're used to administration active directory, I can see going into the Lenox world and just and basically trying to do crap you like, literally just can't dio from a base level and then getting frustrated.

  • The reason you can't do it is because you literally can't do it.

  • It's not that you don't know how to do it.

  • It is not gonna do it.

  • So just just kind of keep that in mind.

  • We'll go forward.

  • I'll talk more about security and how that works as we go forward with more of these videos and classes, but that that's a big thing to keep in mind when the big things to keep in mind is that how do how do I put it?

  • The reason that it's like this weird thing with Lennox why Lennox seems complicated is on one hand.

  • It seems hard.

  • It seems hard because you have to know the specific command you have.

  • You have to be very, very precise in the commands and what you type into the system.

  • So that way it seems hard.

  • But what also kind of makes it a little hard is a lot of ways.

  • It's a lot simpler than the Windows world, right?

  • The windows world has a just a huge amount of options.

  • And so one of the issues that you can get into is a lot of people assume that Lennox can do Maur than it can, at least at that base level.

  • And so they're trying to do more sophisticated things and Lennox can do.

  • And then they're getting confused because the commands air really complicated, understand?

  • And so what happens is they feel stupid because they can't get done what they want to get done.

  • And the problem is because Lennox, at least at a zoo vanilla installation, literally I can't do that.

  • So people kind of kind of start running around in circles.

  • And then again, they give up and decide to go off be florists.

  • Eso just realize that analytics world with a lot of this stuff, it's actually a lot simpler than what you have in windows from a vanilla installation.

  • So don't get too worked up if you can't figure out how to do something.

please go to the line the computer guy dot com, in order to view schematics, code and Maur for the projects that you are learning about.

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Linux - 組管理 (addgroup, delgroup, adduser, deluser) (Linux - Group Management (addgroup, delgroup, adduser, deluser))

  • 2 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary