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  • there was a bit earlier.

  • What about 11?

  • I just had a hard time sleeping.

  • The first time I've had an issue sleeping in a really long time.

  • I was waking up throughout the night time I woke up, I was awake Awake, like I mean, like when you wake up sometimes in the night and you go right back to bed.

  • No, I mean, when I go to bed now, man, I'm thinking about 49 Think about edits.

  • I'm like, practicing and it's in my head.

  • I'm thinking about tic tac.

  • Morning, Logan.

  • Robot thinker.

  • That's up.

  • You really think you're giving that's upto 13 Stell.

  • No, but I like next time stop.

  • So I mean, it's an advantage with the weird that I called that.

  • Oh, how the turntables have no pot.

  • Like sitting here like I need it.

  • Let's go.

  • I have I don't have a seat to predict a man.

  • I don't know what's going on, man.

  • They're not telling me anything.

  • There's no hints around the map.

  • Besides, like that questionable, unbreakable new material that they're talking about allegedly.

  • Yeah, but with me the other day, Hydra like you're really like three days ago, Well, look, a launch pad.

  • They do exist.

  • So everything's the maps.

  • Gonna flood.

  • Interesting.

  • Interesting theory.

  • Okay, Where the hell have you were on the lookout jet.

  • Hello.

  • Where's the gun With this?

  • Like, you know, you can ask for something.

  • You're saying that like, there's two different ways.

  • I'm sure you guys have seen that club that girl like.

  • Are you guys seriously not gonna describe my channel?

  • We haven't gotten a single donation or subscription in the last, like 30 minutes.

  • 45 minutes.

  • Like what?

  • Um, a streaming for free.

  • This is ridiculous.

  • That's one way of going about it.

  • Uh, literally the worst possible.

  • You go about it, I as a schumer, don't be afraid to ask people to follow in sub your channel donations are a little sauce when you ask for donations.

  • But like, there's nothing wrong with taking a small break.

  • I mean, like, hey, guys.

  • So you guys are enjoying the stream.

  • Please feel free to, you know, use your twitch, prime your on switch or, like complete freedom.

  • Like trying.

  • Know if you guys have the money like subscribed channel.

  • Another way of supporting me and really helps.

  • That's not to subscribe it like you get Emma.

  • You know, I mean, they need.

  • Then you list all the benefits to subscribing, get in moments like I'll see your messages.

  • Uh, please consider subscribe to the stream.

  • That's the right way to do it.

  • You don't put any pressure on anyone.

  • You don't make anyone feel bad for not subscribing.

  • There's so many other ways to support the stream without sending money to the stream of you can tell your friends about the stream you can tune in every day.

  • You can be active in the chat retweet and favorite all They're wonderful.

  • They're tweets whenever they're going live and like their instagram pose.

  • And like I'm gonna get in a fight, I'm gonna forget how to fight.

  • That's how long it's been like I'm gonna be a total body.

  • Morning, Brandon.

  • 07 50.

  • Love it.

  • Love it.

  • But it's only five emptying dollars.

  • $5 is a shitload among the people that make minimum wage or a little more minimum wage.

  • That's $5 every month.

  • If you renew it a lot of money, man.

  • $5 a meal for a kid.

  • Never easy shot.

  • Okay, Okay.

  • Okay.

  • I can make sure guns are loaded.

  • Okay.

  • What the hell like it was doing?

  • He wasn't going for the wall.

  • Take.

  • He was just spring.

  • No.

  • Yeah.

  • Yeah.

  • Face, man, I just cracked.

  • This gets hard.

  • Forget it.

  • So it just Oh, my God.

  • The perfect time road.

  • Oh, my God.

  • Where's my walking?

  • All right.

  • She was Oh.

there was a bit earlier.

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  • 2 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary