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Jim and I love you so much that I handed the stop before We get too far in this video.
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Man has spent $150,000 on numerous surgeries.
Can't feel his face all to look like his K pop idol, Jim, and he wants to look like Jim and oh, oh, you know I'm not gonna lie.
I had the k pop bug bite Me, too, But I think you know there's a limit.
There's a limit to everything.
My God!
All right, let's watch this.
Well, I want my life to revolve around K pop on about my entirely up to look like women needs be Jessica's For me, he's perfection.
I just kind of wanna I mean, he's not wrong.
If you gotta pick anyone to look like Jim, and that's not a bad pick, at least maybe if you're Korean, at least I don't Oh, God, I don't want to be me, But it's gonna be hard about my entire look to look like Jimmy is gonna stay my cape up I go, yeah, Oh, no, Jim!
And from beaches is this Cape of Idol.
He's like a 12 year old teenage girl trapped in an adult man's body.
That's what this is, because that's what they would do, right?
BTS, baby.
In 2013 I'm getting Bar Baker wives from This is what is his old universe bait marker.
The Korean version.
Mark Baker thistles his current hostile alive.
Unless one from the Replicator.
You know, you can have your own hair, son.
Right, Jim, And change our style.
I have to change it to because I don't know.
I want to pay him.
I have a question like okay, Pop stars us what?
He wants to be him, but he also have a crush on him.
What is that?
How does that work?
It's getting creepier as we go.
These are some of my shoes that these ones, they're very, very, very striking.
Especially with the spikes on the K pop stars.
Where this particular brand as well these ones were expensive 10 my God.
7 90 This one was my most expensive clothing item.
753 How did they always afford this?
This is why some people needs to be poor.
Ofan poor women actually borders in the fake love video.
So I'm super obsessed that where All the time It's so Yeah, this is very special to me because obviously Jim in war, the same one I'm gonna go on a limb here and say this man is obsessed with Jim.
And if any one of you fuckers ever do this on me, I will shoot you.
I will shoot you in the face.
I don't have guns, but I'll figure it out.
Pop stars have so much pressure before they even become famous.
They have to train for four years.
They lived together and trained eight hours a day.
It's all manufactured the way they look, the way they performed a look.
Incredibly perfect.
Yeah, that's the whole thing, right?
It's old manufacturer.
They all do surgery in Korea.
It's old.
Just cos producing these stars, like, out of a treadmill.
And you want to appropriate that when I actually watch the images, I cried just cause that's a beautiful.
That's definitely normal.
You guys have a crying watching my videos.
That's okay, though one is actually an original fighter.
Oh, when I think how long ago this was maybe like see, he looks fine.
You look fine.
You don't have to look like J main.
You don't have to look like Jemaine.
You look better there.
I'll say it.
You look way better there gives the thing with plastic surgery is like, Yeah, I understand you have some part of you that you maybe want to change, but you look like plastic surgery.
It's not like a natural look.
You looked like surgery happened to your face, and I don't understand how that is helping anyone had very bad acne.
When I was in school on, I had a very last time.
I checked.
You don't need surgery for acne.
Where's all the acne, then?
I think my nose is very big.
It's horrible.
I can't.
It's very hard to look at it.
I don't even recognize the person I come.
I just don't even seem to relate to this person.
It's it's weird.
I had all of the fatty tissue.
Ah was gonna be a British Caucasian.
But I would like to look as close as possible to Koreans like Korean pop stars.
And Jimmy wants to look as closely as possible to Kirby.
That is so weird.
That's weird, right?
That's what I hear.
He's like my version of like in Japan.
I don't know.
This could be me guys.
He undergoes surgery on Ben.
He's supposed to meet up with his friends, and they judge it afterwards.
And this is where he gets really French.
So what do you guys think of the new look then?
It's obviously very different.
Like what do you think the eyes are?
Is taking me a little bit of time to just do, actually, because yes.
Do you know it's still made?
You feel like it's still mail?
Do I look more like Jimmy?
I don't ever want to picture you.
Oh, my God.
You're upset a little bit because you're outside.
I just don't want you to get to a point where you can't do anything.
I mean, well, I think we cross that threshold.
We looking at how he used to look, I'm not gonna get addicted.
Oh, no.
Oh, no.
Oh, say it.
Do you know, I don't think I've done that much.
You know what?
How do you think you know?
He's Is he?
You know, I don't think it's an addiction.
I just think it, sir.
I have a strong interest in pursuing my my gold.
They don't I don't have anyone doing this eyes.
It's very common thing in Korea.
In Korea.
You know I'm obsessed with Korea or yeah, they do.
I heard about this.
They do the puff underneath the ice.
Actually, that's very popular.
I think.
I think that's the surgery.
You did.
Why do I know this?
Yeah, it's a trend because it's it's a thing.
In Korea, it is a point like it's weird for me.
Think of a good equivalent that doesn't sound too races.
So I'm just not going to say it, But it's weird.
That's mine.
That's not my goal.
I want to look Korean.
What even is Jimmy?
Jimmy O.
I don't want to get a lateral can for Busty with its cutting incisions here and kind of cutting the skin out.
Then it's already planning to make the eyes more of an almond shape.
I don't want to look like a wants to make the eyes more of an almond shaped.
You basically want, like the typical Korean eyes.
Imagine leaving coming back.
He's got chin implants.
It looks exactly like the Chad mean He's got the haircut, He's got the big nose, He's got the muscles.
That would be amazing.
I'm not addicted.
I just want to pursue perfection.
So now a year later.
Ali has not 100% reach his goal yet.
He's not evicted.
Okay, stop it.
He's doing a couple more surgeries in Korea.
Transfer Gangnam style.
I know that reference.
It's like that song that he already looks so different form into a K pop star.
It's gonna be very painful.
No, actually, changing my race, cultural appreciation.
But you are changing to look exactly like a Korean person.
And that's what you said in the last video.
You know, I'm not changing my race.
I'm just trying to look exactly like another race.
Cultural appropriation, gold, total appreciation.
I like that.
I'm not going to see my new fight.
They're going to see these are new friends.
Things are different friends.
It's one of those that goes through a cycle of new friends every year or what's happening, or he has more than two friends.
Maybe that's it.
I can't really do that.
Oh God on their bodies and I feel for them in the way.
So now that I'm back in Korea, I'm really trying to find Jim in.
I'm going to all of his favorite hangouts, favorite places.
I love you, I love you so much Saturn hand d S r may are made.
And what about the BTS stands?
Think about this guy because they're the most insane people on the planet.
That's a very not everyone, not everyone.
Some of the mind.
I think that's pretty fair a man.
And they would go very harsh on him.
So I was able to release the K pop music video, which I never dreamed would happen before my dream and hopefully meeting women.
Most important reason that I mean career is obviously for my beautiful transformation, which I'm about to undergo.
He's doing another surgery.
Guys 1st 500 didn't do the trick, but he's not addicted to have him in my stallion, though, isn't it?
Look at that.
And also he's literally me.
With Japan, I better reducing my cheekbone, which I'm having the bone shades down.
So he's explained to his friend what the surgery procedure is, and I really love this big.
It's coming.
I know it's gonna be paying with some very painful I know, but it's an amazing hospital.
Amazing medical teams on his weapon.
You know, if a person clearly has done a lot of surgery already, looks at you when you tell them about your surgery that way.
And maybe that should be an indicator that maybe you're doing a couple too many of the surgeries.
That's is my Korean People love me that you every memorial do Every man will you distant in the sand with you saying that society.
But there's always that look at the changing planes.
Like those shining planes, it's to make it stick out more Lima holding this I am finally back in London.
It's now being two months since my surgery hates us.
Christ, he's a potato.
Damn you swell up alive.
Thanks for that picture.
All right, so now it's time to reel for the friends, the friends, its name, You know, you may find a solution.
I've got something to tell you guys.
You might not take it.
Well, yeah, I think he had a face behind it.
What did he know?
I'm so confused.
I can't tell the difference.
Am I crazy?
I can't tell the difference.
He looks from place.
Exor Gery to place exert before.
I told his mom totally.
Go tell your mom.
Yes, please.
Where does it you know?
It makes me happy and I look, I look 18 now so I can hide my real age.
Uh, okay, sure.
We'll go with 18 shirt, the whole con.
He thinks he looks 18 0 no, I can't actually remember my 1919.
I'm always done.
Just need to do my eyes And the lithe No Michael Jackson.
I'm Jimmy.
I'm not Michael Jackson.
I'm Jimmy and I'm not going that way.
I'm only your only I'm not Mike Jackson.
I'm Jim.
And I'm Jim in your only, um, Ali.
Yeah, that's right.
Uh, whatever.
It's comedian.
I'm sure Jim in will know me by now.
He must know.
Did you get me?
God, I wonder what Jim and actually thinks.
I have a quick question about the ring, though.
Are you married?
No, actually.
But this is Jimmy.
Chairman Raymond just to remind me Jim in every day so I could feel Germans energy and stuff.
T o what you like about me, Jim, and has your most beautiful smile.
Got the most beautiful lips and the most beautiful sweet eyes.
He's incredibly funny because he's always forgetting his bags.
That's always a fun equality of someone.
My favorite stand up comedians always forgets their banks.
That's hilarious.
That's probably some cape up in joke that I don't know about.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
Keep up stands watching this video.
We're actually the exact same restaurant that semen and BTS frequently came to enjoy meals.
What the Eat BTS eat What?
Oh, my God.
Is that the holy sanctuary of BTS?
They probably just came there in eight.
Why did you come to this restaurant?
She's Army Army.
You're filming in the background.
I think he's sitting on the same to say Yeah, his butt has touched where he eats.
She's talking like this is a church and she's a priest.
And Jim is gone.
That's how this sounds like.
This'll is my dream.
So I shake your hand and I touched him in for you.
It's Oh, my God!
The Church of BTS.
It wouldn't surprise me.
Came with some dreams.
Just maybe you shouldn't pursue.
Actually, I don't I don't want to.
Just from one got that food looks amazing.
Oh, my God.
Okay to write this up, The reason I find out about this because he recently went on Dr Phil, it's pretty funny.
I'm not gonna lie There's a funny clips in there, but it's more or less what we just saw on Lee.
It seems like a decent guy.
As a person, he doesn't seem I've seen way worse people in Dr Phil put it that way, then you know, he says in his videos.
From what I gather, he's doing this to be happy, right?
So there's nothing wrong with then I'm doing what makes me happy.
I'm for in my dreams and then he has a song that, that is I am perfection.
That's a song that's the lyrics of a song.
I think Let me take a look at me.
Flawless is me.
I'm more than just a pretty great great lyrics.
And then he goes on Dr Phil and he says, You know, Dr Phil is like you feel like you need to be someone else and he confirms to say I never feel good enough.
He isn't happy with himself.
That's the problem with this.
You're never gonna be happy trying to pursue someone that you're not.
I think it's totally fine if you want it, learn or take from other people some bits that you'd like, but just blatantly being What is that stupid expression?
I hate expressions, but is I'd be yourself because no one in the world can be better at it than you or something like that.
I know it.
Yeah, it's stupid and cheesy, like this comment as well.
To be honest, he doesn't even look Korean in the slightest.
He looks like a middle age Englishwoman who had plastic surgery.
He doesn't even pronounce Jim and Red Courage.
He doesn't even know how to pronounce Jim.
And it seemed to me watching that interview that at least he knows he has a problem.
But he still feels good doing the surgery, So that's his way to cope.
I feel like if he didn't he wasn't addicted to this.
He would have been addicted to something else, and I feel for him, I'm not gonna lie.
I feel bad that he's gone undergone all of this because I doubt he's actually happier that way than he was before.
Maybe he likes to tell himself that he is.
It's an interesting story, and nevertheless, that's it for this video.
If you guys enjoyed it smashed like subscribe and I see you guys tomorrow break never happened, Frank never happen.
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