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  • please go to the line the computer guy dot com in order to view schematics, code and Maur for the projects that you are learning about.

  • Welcome back.

  • So today's video I want to do an introduction to platform as a service P A s.

  • So this is a very important concept in the modern world, and this is one of the ways that a lot of code gets deployed for production environments.

  • Now, one of the big things that confuses a lot of new people.

  • When we start talking about things like server less architecture, their minds kind of just explode because they say, I don't understand.

  • How can it be a server list architecture?

  • If there has to be code somewhere that's running on something.

  • Doesn't that have to be a server?

  • And the important thing to understand?

  • We start talking about things like serverless architectures.

  • Is that again?

  • It's kind of like, Yes, there is a server, but you don't really think of it the way you think of old fashioned servers.

  • So, yes, there is a server that runs the code, but logically, you don't think of it as a server, right?

  • So back in the old days when we were dealing with servers.

  • If we're going to be deploying applications right, we would have a physical machine.

  • We would have the operating system.

  • We would then have the service or the application installed on the operating system.

  • And there be all of these configurations.

  • So if you wanted to be able to maintain that application, not only did you actually maintain the application, the code itself, but you also had to update the operating system.

  • You had to run antivirus scans.

  • You had to do backups.

  • You had to dust out that CPU fan because I know some of the young people out there are, like, Why?

  • Why does it keep talking about CPU fans?

  • Because if the fans killed more servers than almost anything else, why why'd the server crash?

  • See, if you fan like that's just the fact that matter, right.

  • So back in the old days, if you're going to deploy a new application for either your production environments of your internal users or for the outside world basically again, you'd have that physical machine with the server operating system with the app installed on that, and you would have to maintain all of that.

  • So when you're maintaining a server, you're maintaining not just the application and the code, but you're you're maintain this software in the operating system and the drivers and the CPU fan and all of that kind of stuff, right?

  • And that's basically the old way of doing things that worked again 20 years ago.

  • That was a great way to do stuff that was better than a pen and paper.

  • But nowadays that's you don't want to be dealing with that kind of thing, right?

  • If you're cool, you're cool Python code or a ruby on rails coder.

  • You don't want to get your hands dirty with things like CPU fans.

  • You just want to be able to deploy your code somewhere and just have that code run.

  • And the cool thing is, in this modern world, you can have that again.

  • Basically what a platform as a service is, it is a platform as a service.

  • The old fashioned platform is a service that most people are used to is basically Web hosting, right, So you think about web hosting.

  • If you're going to deploy a website, right, you're unemployed.

  • Website.

  • You're not gonna be a bill.

  • A physical machine.

  • You're most likely not even going to spin up a virtual instance of an operating system.

  • What are you going to do?

  • You're gonna go to go, Daddy, you're gonna go to host Gator.

  • I'm gonna go to one of the thigh was in web hosting solutions out there.

  • You're gonna find one with the particular language is that you need most likely something like PHP with a database that you need something like my sequel and they're gonna upload the code.

  • You're gonna do some configuration modifications, and then voila.

  • Your website is running without you having to worry about the server, right?

  • You're not worried about Cebu fans?

  • You're not worried about the anti virus they're not worried about any About you're worried about uploading your code, making sure the configuration finals point to the right places on.

  • Then your code simply runs.

  • So that's what we're talking about.

  • At four.

  • Platform is a service.

  • So this is important nowadays again, things that you'd be thinking about things like web applications.

  • Right?

  • So if you're gonna be building a web application, whether internally for your company or for your external users, right, you need to be thinking about Where are you going to host that application again?

  • Do you really want to worry about the physical server and all the things that go along with it?

  • Or do you simply want to go to a provider that gives all of that to you for a reasonable cost?

  • And then you can just deploy it and not worry about it anymore?

  • Or things to be thinking about is more complicated Web applications again?

  • You start thinking about this whole serverless architectures, that type of thing, where you're going to have code that's going toe to do stuff to other things, right?

  • Basically, that code has to reside somewhere so that it can communicate with a W S O that can communicate with azure so that it can communicate with these cloud based service is right.

  • Eso One of things you could be thinking about is using platform as a service.

  • You put your code up on that P.

  • A s, that platform as a service, and then when it's up there, it can run and it can do things for you.

  • So again, for platform is a service, you could be doing simple database tasks.

  • So imagine if you wanted Thio run report every day and email it about, Let's say, sales for your company so you may not need a website the way you think of a normal website.

  • But you do need someplace toe to run that PHP or that python code, right so that code could be sitting up on a platform.

  • As a service, it can connect to a database.

  • It could do a sleep that you can do it, what's called a select statement and can select, Let's say, any sales that happened in the past day.

  • It consort them based off of whatever you want them sorted on, basically, can then point that out to an email and then send that to whoever you want the notification to go to.

  • So think about that.

  • All of that is Web based technology.

  • That's not necessarily a website, right?

  • You do need a you do need to have python or PHP or ruby to make it run.

  • It does need to connect to a database.

  • It doesn't you can connect to an email service, whether simply through the mail function and PHP your ruby or through something like send grid right, so it means all of those cloud Web service is, But there's no website you're going to go to.

  • It's just automatically going to run in the background.

  • So that's what we're talking about.

  • We're talking about Platform is a service, and that's why platforms the service is really important right now.

  • So now that you know what platform is a service is we need to talk about how you're going to select what platform you're going to use for your service is right.

  • So the important thing to remember again when we're talking about a lot of these technology concepts is that platform is a service unto itself is just a concept that doesn't really mean a whole hell of a lot.

  • When you're really going to be looking for is what technologies are being used by vendors in order to give you that platform is a service, right?

  • So if you're going to be coding in a particular language, supplies supplies, whatever vendor you're going to go, it needs to support that language, right?

  • So you're gonna be, uh, coding and ruby on rails, and you go to use a platform as a service, you need to make sure of that platform actually supports Ruby on rails.

  • One of the big issues, I suppose you could say with platforms as a service is you don't get a lot of modifications with the configuration, right?

  • They give you whatever the hell it is that they offer you, and that's it.

  • It's not like you can go to go, Daddy.

  • And after you've set up your hosting account again, if you're basically using just a platform is a service.

  • So just the platform account.

  • It's not like you can go in there and start willing.

  • Nearly adding language is adding interpreters, that type of thing.

  • They're going to tell you what you can use.

  • You get a 10 my sequel databases, you get PHP seven.

  • You get this, you get that, you get the other.

  • If you need something else, that's nice.

  • Go find a different vendor.

  • So one of the important things be thinking about what we talked about.

  • Platform is a service that is just an overall concept, and then when you look at is the vendors and then are going to be offering a specific technology, so they will specifically say we're going to give it offering you a Lennox server that is running a Paki that has PHP seven.

  • That gives you 10 my sequel databases that does this does this and does this if that's what you need.

  • Great.

  • Go with that.

  • If not, go somewhere up.

  • So So we're gonna be looking, taking a look at host Gator.

  • So one of things that host Gator offers is they offer Ruby on rails were go.

  • Daddy doesn't.

  • So if you're going to need Ruby on rails, then you will go with host Gap Coast, Gator versus Go.

  • Daddy doesn't really matter.

  • You know how many stars the vendor gets?

  • Basically, the fireman is does it offer what you actually need?

  • And then finally, we're going to take a look at Roku that that shows you kind of how you can start using platform as a service for your overall infrastructure.

  • Again, we start creating a lot of larger projects, not simply things such as websites, but again this larger scale projects where you're going to be doing reports, they're doing notifications you're going to be maintaining database is doing a lot of complicated tests.

  • Then you could go to service such as Hiroko, which offers you even more things than something like Go Daddy or host Gator will.

  • And so something to be thinking about is you have to think about what are your requirements again for what you are trying to do?

  • What are your data requirements for things like security?

  • Do you have to have PCR requirements?

  • You have to have a hippo requirements.

  • You have to have some other privacy requirements, right?

  • So what, you would look at what the platform as a service is basically, are they compliant with those particular things?

  • If they are used them, if they're not, find something else again.

  • Do they use the Cody and languages that you need?

  • So you go when you take a look.

  • And if you're using Ruby on rails, you basically you just go down the list.

  • You're like OK, yes.

  • They use ruby on rails.

  • No, they don't use Ruby on rails and go from there again.

  • If you have a whole bunch of code in ruby on rails, it doesn't matter if they support python because you've got Ruby right on Dhe.

  • Then you start looking at some of the other features and functionality that they have things like backup, so some of them will do things like real time backups for daily backups.

  • And so that's something that's really nice.

  • Is if your platform is a service Simply again, you should be setting up your own backup.

  • To be clear, to declare.

  • You should be setting up your own backup and disaster recovery routine yourself.

  • But if they also offer it as a backup to your backup, that could be a valuable thing, right for some, raising your backup routine crashes, and they're offering something like that just as part of the service that will be good for you.

  • Other things to be thinking about is, like denial of service attack prevention.

  • So does their infrastructure prevent denial of service attacks?

  • Again?

  • You're dealing with a larger company.

  • Or let's say you're dealing with a company that may have some political issues nowadays again, politics politics is something you have to be thinking about in the modern world technology.

  • So if you're dealing with, like a bright bar of the world where you're dealing with, you know any of these political things, you have a you know, some APS for Republicans or some abs for Democrats or some absolute Christians or some APS for Buddhists, or whatever something to be thinking about is, does the service that you're using offer protection for denial of service attacks?

  • So if somebody tries to attack the infrastructure that you've built on the platform, will that be mitigated?

  • Will that be prevented?

  • These are some of things to think about it again.

  • This isn't, you know, basically all you do, and that's what you do.

  • In a lot of times in the modern world, technology is you literally you just you just look down the text spec list and you see what they offer.

  • You're okay.

  • Well, this one offers this who?

  • But this offers this.

  • This one offers this.

  • Oh, this one doesn't often that Okay, this offers this and this and this.

  • Oh, but this one offers this this and this.

  • And then you sit there and take a look in price and take a look at everything else.

  • And then you decide what's best for your particular situation.

  • So with that, let's go over the computer.

  • I'll show you three examples of platforms of service will take a look at Go, Daddy.

  • Go.

  • Daddy offers to take a look at what host host Gator offers, and then we'll look take a look at what Hiroko offers again these air simply three examples.

  • Like a lot of things I talk about.

  • There are a zillion examples out there.

  • I'm just picking these because they are representative of what you will find.

  • And so when you're going out in the real world, do a lot of your own research and figure out what works best for your particular situation.

  • So first platform that we're gonna be taking a look at is Go, Daddy.

  • And we're gonna simply be looking at their Web hosting plants.

  • Now.

  • I know some people maybe like what?

  • What is this?

  • Allies just showing us Web hosting plans.

  • That's not really technology.

  • But again, an important thing to be thinking about right.

  • If you're running PHP code or python code, you're hitting some databases and doing some basic stuff again.

  • A simple Web hosting plan may really realistically be all that you actually need something looking good out here again, their their their Web hosting.

  • You go down, you can take a look at the different prices.

  • They have everything from $4.33 per month to 1999 per month, though do realize with all of these companies, uh, hey, do these weird sales.

  • So it's 4 33 a month, but then when you renew, it'll go up to $9.

  • Now, if you're with a real company $9 that should not matter.

  • Even $24 should not matter.

  • But if you're with a smaller with your smaller company, that price of jump may actually matter.

  • And when you go to service is something such as something like Roku, if they offer a sale, the price difference, maybe just insanely large s.

  • So this is something that you have to keep in mind when you're gonna be buying cloud based service.

  • Is is when you initially sign up, they're going to give you one price, and then when you renew, it might go up significantly.

  • So I've seen this with things like Dedicated server.

  • So I used to rent dedicated servers for different projects that I was doing, and the first year he rented the dedicated server, it would be $60.

  • The second year you rented the exact same dedicated server.

  • It was ah, $120.

  • So it went up by $60 per month.

  • So $60 per month, a $720 per year.

  • So if you're running, you know, five dedicated servers, and initially you're paying $60 a month for each of them.

  • That may not be too bad, but it flips over to the next year.

  • You're now spending $120 per month for each of them.

  • That may become a killer expense.

  • So again, one of the important things if you're gonna be a modernity professional is you have to take a look at things such as budgeting.

  • Then you go down and you take a look.

  • The basic stuff with any kind of Web hosting tell you like how many websites you can run, So this may be important for you again.

  • You may well be a You may want to have a number of different websites running for whatever particular project or using basically different domain names.

  • 2.2 things.

  • How much storage bandwidth.

  • So must most stuff to be a meter band with at this point so you can take a look again.

  • The economy gets you unlimited websites that may be valuable again for an extra couple bucks a month to have unlimited domain names for your hosting plan that may actually be very valuable, unlimited sub domains.

  • That might be good for you again, especially if you're dealing with service is or whatever so like email dot You know your company dot com database.

  • Dodge your company dot com dealing with that kind of thing.

  • Then, if you go up to the 12 99 you can see more processing power that might be valuable to you or not.

  • Let's say if you're going through and you're doing something like cleaning out databases.

  • So let's say a lot of data is coming into your databases every day and then every night you want to go through and you want to clean out bad data or do some kind of database correction.

  • Having more processing power might be valuable for you.

  • SSL certificate.

  • So this comes with an SSL certificate that could be a very valuable thing if you're actually gonna be having users log in to whatever applications you're creating.

  • Premium D.

  • M s whatever unlimited data bases, so on and so forth and you can see there's more options here.

  • So this is something again.

  • What you need to be thinking about is this may seem like simple stuff, but again, having things such as unlimited sub domains, depending on what particular project you're doing, that may be very useful again when you start thinking about, like, a service oriented architecture.

  • So in your code, you start pointing towards sub domains versus things like I P addresses having a crap ton of different sub domains that your coat can point Thio may actually be very useful to you, or it may be a bad idea defense on your coat.

  • You gotta go down.

  • It's gonna tell you what all planes included.

  • The important things keep scrolling down.

  • We're gonna take a look.

  • Eso again.

  • So has C panel for Lennox.

  • C panel matters for you.

  • That's only to be thinking about, too.

  • Is when you have administrators that are going to be interacting with whatever platform is a service that you use.

  • Is it something that they know how to use again, whether it's C panel, whether it's some other type of user interface for their service, having said having something like C panel could be useful because a lot of I t professionals already know c panel again.

  • Guess because it's a graphical user interface does not mean it is quote unquote easy to use.

  • And a lot of things could get buried in weird places.

  • So, as I always say, you know, standardizing on certain products can be very useful.

  • So the fact that they use on Maxie panel you go through and take a look at the different things and we could go down here and we take a look at the plan details against the 100 gigs of disk space or the unlimited, the monthly band with how many si, pues, how much memory, theoretically, things like FTP users of that matters to you.

  • Things like my sequel databases.

  • So 10 at one gig a piece 25 1 gig a piece on lemonade at one game apiece.

  • Somebody think about database back up and restore direct database access G and S management sub domains Alias.

  • And then we keep going down here is when we'll actually find the different programming language that you can use.

  • So we go down here we can see is okay so we can use PHP 7.27 point 17.5 point four through a 5.6.

  • And again, this could be very important for you if you're using legacy code.

  • So let's say you have code that was written 10 years ago to do some some service is, and you want to deploy that somewhere.

  • If it's not this particular version of PHP, you may run into issues if you try to put it onto this particular platform as a service.

  • So that's something to think about.

  • Custom PHP dot i and II So the PHP dot i and I file This is where you can configure things that she has Max upload size whole bunch of different configurations again in the Lenox world.

  • You know, just get this holistic configurations.

  • The important thing to be looking at is, can you actually modify something like a PHP deny and I file?

  • Or are you stuck with whatever the default is?

  • If you're stuck with whatever the default is that might run you into problems, then this offers you python.

  • So if you care about Python and offers you a pearl, that's still care about pearl on DSO.

  • That's the basic idea of what's going on here with you to go.

  • Daddy shared hosting.

  • Now, if you go over and take a look at host Gator so we can see that they've got different plans again for different prices.

  • They're all the way down a dollar $42 per month.

  • Again, you'll notice a star.

  • Oh, it always notice the star.

  • See, there's that star.

  • Always gotta be careful about that.

  • I got a business plan for 5 95 So on and so forth on, then you stroll down and you can see what they offer again.

  • Things like WordPress hosting my sequel database.

  • So they offer unlimited for even their smallest plan.

  • C G I fast I die.

  • PHP five s o all accounts come with support for PHP five.

  • Right.

  • So if you've got code written in PHP seven, then you probably don't want to use host gator.

  • They'd have ruby on rails, though.

  • So if you're using Ruby on right now is your programming language.

  • Maybe you want to go here for the ruby on rails again.

  • Pearl, They got a python.

  • They are crying jobs.

  • You care about that?

  • Something called Karol Curl was oh, awaken deal with like you are.

  • L's through things like PHP.

  • So they offer actual curl support that might be valuable for you.

  • And so again, this is one of those things that you really need to be looking at with.

  • Your particular situation is you need to sit down and talk with the coders or talk with whoever developed the code that you're gonna be up loading and really asked what the hell they need, right if you have PHP But you don't have curl and they need curl.

  • Then you will run into problems.

  • When all this is to be clear, All this is all this is is paint by numbers.

  • They tell you they need PHP seven.

  • You find something with pee HB seven, They tell you, Nate, me curl.

  • You find something with curl, they tell you what they need, and you simply go out and find whatever the hell that is.

  • Uh, then we can go over and take a look at Roku so heroic, who is more of an enterprise class platform was a service.

  • This is really what you think is a little what wall this Israel I t.

  • This is really a IittIe platform is a service and as they have a whole bunch of stuff going on.

  • So I got the Hiroko runtime broke.

  • Who runs your absence?

  • I'd Dino's small contained smart containers on reliable, fully manage runtime environment.

  • Eso With this, developers deploy their code written in node ruby, Java, PHP python, go Scala or closure to build a city assistant which produces an app that's ready for execution.

  • And so again, this is what you need to be thinking about for what particular coding languages that you're going to be using.

  • They got the rope, you dip developer experience.

  • Then they've got the data service is.

  • But when the important things is the look here and again for them security and compliance developers from around the world and trust sensitive data to Roku.

  • And nothing is more important to us than honoring our custodial commitments to protect that, Dad, Roku regularly performs audits and maintains PC I hip I c I s o and S o c compliance to further strengthen our trust with customers.

  • So again, if you are creating some something that's gonna be dealing with health care records, if you're going to be dealing with things that deal with things like credit card numbers, that kind of thing, then something like P C I and hip A compliance is incredibly important.

  • If you're not, then it's not again.

  • This is all kind of one was paint by numbers things And so you need to be thinking about not just again.

  • You need to think not just about how many si pues you get and how much ram it is and how much it costs.

  • But anything about all the different languages and you know other different service is they can provide.

  • And then you need to look at things again, like security and compliance being P.

  • C.

  • I and hip A compliant may be very valuable for you, depending on what you're trying to actually deploy for your end users or for users that are going to be interacting with whatever application that you're gonna be creative.

  • So it's a basic overview of platform as a service has, as the cool kids say.

  • Actually, I really don't think the cool kids safe.

  • I don't think anybody says Pass it as a platform is a service or P A s.

  • But anyways, basically that is an overview of P.

  • A s platform as a service for you again.

  • This is one of those things that gets overlooked in the modern world of technology.

  • Again, people think of things like Web hosting.

  • They almost look at it is something like a stupid little gag.

  • Oh, that's that's just like a stupid little smart want stupid little smartphone.

  • That's not That's not real technology.

  • I want to do with real technology with AWS or is your or something like that.

  • But again, the important thing that you need to be thinking about for your particular infrastructure in your production environment is Do you actually need a W afterwards?

  • Sure, Don't get it wrong.

  • I love eight of us.

  • I love ashore and and when you're building real like full scale, cloud based infrastructure, by all means go.

  • Eight of us knows your all the way.

  • Another hand.

  • You know you need to be thinking about it.

  • If you just got a couple of databases up on the Web, you're dealing dealing with some kind of again, like e mail notification systems and newsletter type systems.

  • You know, pulling reports out of databases for things like sales that kind of thing you know, overlooking just a good old basic go daddy hosting plan might be a bad thing again.

  • Simply going with some, like go Daddy or host Gator someplace where you can throw, you know, either you're PHP or your python code.

  • That code can interact with whatever you needed to interact with, send off some notifications or fire off some kind of other events.

  • You know, you can have a very robust system for literally $5 a month and again, depending on what your security requirements are.

  • That may be enough now again, to be clear, if you didn't with P C I for dealing with hip for the only trade secrets, if you're dealing with anything that really needs to be super secret, then you go with her Roku or something else.

  • But a lot of people they worry about there were about privacy, and they worry about ah, lot of security issues when in reality, the information that they're dealing with just really nobody really cares about.

  • It's really kind of basic type of information, so something to think about is again.

  • You just deploy your code up to something like like Go Daddy and that may do everything that you need again for a couple of dollars a month.

  • So that's the basic idea of Platform is a service again, there's a lot of different platforms out there.

  • There's probably 1000 different platforms out there with a hell of a lot of different options.

  • Some of the warnings, some of warnings that will give you is be careful with going with the real and true startup companies again won.

  • The valuable things were going with Go down.

  • They're going out of your host, Gator or Roku.

  • Roku is a big one is that you know that they will be around right?

  • Your code is not of any use if the startup that that's running, running the servers goes bankrupt, which could be a real problem, like with a lot of this code, it's a lot of fire.

  • And forget what you shouldn't forget about it.

  • You shouldn't forget about.

  • You should go back and take a look at it every couple of months or so.

  • But again, like, say, if you're doing notifications or basic maintenance type code, you just want that code to be up there, and you really don't wanna have to worry about it very often.

  • And so if you put that that code on the servers owned by a startup that goes belly up, you can run into a lot of problems very quickly.

  • Again.

  • One of the big issues in the real world of I t.

  • Is people create systems, and initially, when they create the system, but kind of always like an intern project or it's a stupid little side, things like, Oh, that's just something stupid little side thing somewhere.

  • And then somebody finds out about the side thing and they start using it, and then they tell everybody in their group about it, and they all start using it.

  • And then the executive realizes that thing exists and may start using them.

  • And all of a sudden you're CEO is now polling reports be sick crap system that somebody spun up.

  • Um, and that Seo is like literally making business decisions based off of the reports of that piece of crap system.

  • And so something to really think about is again.

  • If you put that on Thio infrastructure of a startup company and that start up company goes out of business, you may.

  • It may not just be a pain for you, your CEO maybe screaming to high hell because they have gotten used toe having that service available to them.

  • And now that it disappeared, somebody's head is going to roll.

  • So I would say with the whole platform is a service.

  • I would argue with this type of thing, you know, go with companies that you feel secure and stable with again the larger companies that you met you that you know, have fun being that, you know, have a have a have a revenue model because you could go with something cool, sexy new ones.

  • But if they disappear, that can run you into a lot of issues.

  • And then beyond that, somebody think about is again one things that I argue is always try to standardize, standardized as much as possible.

  • So even if you're using go daddy or host gator or whatever else.

  • Basically, if you start deploying onto that platform, try to start employing everything on that platform.

  • The last thing in the world you want.

  • The last thing in the world you want is for some of your applications to be running on Go Daddy.

  • And some of your applications be running on host Gator and some of your applications be running on those weird ass thing over here.

  • A couple of your other applications.

  • Oh, no, they're actually on her Roku.

  • And then again, if you have to go through and do audits to verify your code is doing what the hell is supposed to be doing If you have to do any migrations?

  • If heaven forbid you fall over from a heart attack and somebody has to come in behind you and figure out not just the user names and passwords, but literally where all of this crap is running, that can be an absolute nightmare.

  • So again, with the platform of the service, one of the issues with it is it is so easy and so inexpensive to spend up service is that's really easy again to go with Go Daddy and Host Gator and this and this.

  • And all of a sudden you're using 10 different vendors to more or less honestly do the exact same thing.

  • And all that does is it just creates a nightmare for paperwork and what the I T managers have to actually deal with to make sure that everything is doing what it's supposed to.

  • D'oh!

  • And God help you.

  • When a corporate audit comes through, that's just gonna be a nightmare.

  • So really think about standardization and think about companies that you think are stable and reliable.

  • Beer will be around for a while and past that again.

  • Basically, write your code, throw it up to you to whatever platform you have of your choice.

  • And life will be good because you will not be worrying about CPU fans dying so that, as always, I enjoy doing this video for the sake of the next one.

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雲計算-PaaS介紹(平臺即服務 (Cloud Computing - PaaS Introduction (Platform as a Service))

  • 9 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary