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Did Jeremy Corbyn lose the general election or did Boris Johnson win it?
What do you think around inevitably?
Bit of both, I think the truth is that when two parties are more parties, obviously, but it boiled down into labor or conservative.
We're offering two different manifestos.
People look at both of them.
I notice when I knocked on doors, people were saying spontaneously to me before I could have even got to them.
Whether they remain is like I waas or levers, we've just gotta move on.
I'm just so bored of this going round in circles we can't carry on like this.
And that played into voting for Boris Johnson with great enthusiasm that absolutely played into the Which party's gonna get Brexit dung?
Clearly that was Boris Johnson, and then other people would say, You know, I will not vote for Jeremy Corbyn because off and they may have a reason.
So I think the truth of the matter is people vote for a whole combination of reasons.
But in this election, in this case, as I think everybody has acknowledged and I I think this is true.
People wanted to vote, unblock the country to get things moving again.
I think that's the explanation for really a surprisingly large majority.
In the end, it was just the idea that we just can't go on like this.
People just thought enough is enough And it was larger than you thought then surprised I in fact, the PM called me a 10 to 10.
I sort of famous my spreadsheets and making trying to make a prediction on on this on.
But I thought that he would have a majority.
But I have to say it took me by surprise to see What did you think it would be about homicide?
Wow, Stephen.
Boris Johnson is a known liar.
He lied to the queen.
He lied to our country.
He leads a government that has gutted our public service.
Is has absolutely seen a triggering off on an explosion in child poverty.
Home win!
Lend Stephen, It is absolutely clear This is not a Tory victory.
This is a labor failure.
How could the Labour Party not defeat a government like this?
After nine years of Torrey failure, they've turned our country into international laughingstock.
They have decimated our public service is they have utterly failed to show the leadership that our country needs and they're tearing our communities apart.
And yet we could not beat them.
And that is a damning indictment.
Off labors failure, I am afraid to say, and I think that a lot of this came down to trust.
I've knocked thousands and thousands of doors over the last five to six weeks on end on the doorstep.
In my constituency, there were three key messages.
One was on leadership.
Kinnick, we're sorry we voted Labour all our lives, but we can't vote for you whilst Jeremy Corbyn is your leader on Brexit.
They did not understand why we were not prepared to respect the results of the referendum and leave the European Union with a deal that protected jobs on livelihood, something I've been arguing for for three years.
And on the economy, there was a feeling that there was a scatter gun approach with much of the radical change that we desperately need to see in our economy, somehow hidden under a smoke screen off too many promises and too much in there.
It became something of a Christmas wish list, and it is absolutely clear that when you're fighting a general election.
On that basis, you're fighting with at least one hand tied behind your back.
But I think most of all we have to be clear that we've gotta think now about the future of our country.
We are looking down the barrel of five more years of austerity off divisiveness of incompetence on face.
What a tragedy that is for our country when you talk about a failure of leadership if you think about the last Labour leaders say you've had a centrist Gordon Brown off that he didn't succeed Ed Miliband.
Soft left.
He didn't get anywhere.
They've had Jeremy Corbyn twice, further to left.
He hasn't got anywhere.
Where does the Labour Party go?
Well, we rebuilt from 1983 onwards.
We have famously had a manifesto in 1983 that was dubbed the longest suicide note in history way.
Given what what you had in the park, is it fair to late so firmly?
The feet of Jeremy Corbyn given failure.
The other team Look, I think there are a whole range of factors here, and Jeremy Corbyn's leadership was absolutely a major factor.
But it's not possible to disentangle that from the failure.
Toa have clarity on Brexit.
If you have 17.4 million people have voted for something in 2016 and you go back to them in 2019 and say We're not going to implement if we get into government what you voted for.
But by the way, could you please vote for us in this?
In this general election, it's not really surprising that you get the results you get in the North, in the Midlands and in parts of Wales in our Heartland seats.
So we need to be a party that can reconnect with our working class Heartland.
And until we do that, we will never find a route back to Number 10 Downing Street dinner.
You asked the question.
Isn't there a more fundamental problem?
I think I'm correct in saying that if you take out the tube with Blair victories, Labor haven't won the general election in 50 years.
Well, I think that there is there is a fundamental problem, which is that we have over three years.
I think being losing touch with our working class Heartlands on that problem.
Waas turbocharged by Brexit on Dhe.
Our decision to shift to a position off, not respecting the results of the referendum on going for a good deal that protected jobs and livelihoods, which is the position we had in our 2017 manifesto where we did far, far better than expected.
And I think that when you put those issues of leadership and trust together with that particular issue around Brexit that waas I think that was the fundamentally at the heart of this failure in this general election.
I think it's important to point out that both Jeremy Corbyn and Boris Johnson lost in Scotland, lost heavily on.
But I think the problem for both was that they weren't listening.
Two people in Scotland we saw from Lee but complete lack of leadership.
You know, a nun inability toe find a position to take a position on Brexit or indeed in Scotland on independence.
That inability to go with the mood of the public, which is clearly that we want a choice into the future and we're seeing Boris Johnson and these government just standing fast against the will of the public.
Now, this is the fourth election that the SNP of one in Scotland won it with a manifesto to say that Scotland should have a choice over its future.
And yet that continues to be ignored by both parties in Scotland.
And you can't ignore people wherever yard in the nations of the UK, you can't ignore people because that's the way you lose with the lose the support of the people and you lose the ability to represent them.
They're just not listening both of them.
But I think the Labour Party that are absolutely critical problem in their lack of leadership.
Does anyone you?
Because you being quote suspiciously quiet and I wonder what's going on here.
Oh, hang on Sunday.
Lots of hands up.
That's yes, the man here in the coach to Steven.
I'm a former salvager in a print shop.
And I'm offended by your leader's comments.
Associations with terrorists, etcetera.
You've got more chance, would it if you put your dad back, Okay, you sit down at the bank.
Is it time for Is it time for labor to abandon socialism as it clearly isn't working England?
Okay, I'm just gonna go around and number people may Yes, the woman there with white sweater, so obviously Brexit to colored stance.
Why won't other policies such as education and student needs highlighted as well.
Okay, I'm just gonna run that it isn't if you can't keep your hands out of those ice, lose track of the audience.
Yes, The man that is the SNP Listening to the 55% of people who voted for union backing parties last night in Scotland.
Okay, I think we made that subject.
We may come on to you later.
Yes, and just the woman in the front.
Um, why is there such a big focus on Brexit when there's a load of teenagers dying every off a week on Dhe?
It's very tall.
Are you talking about knife?
Not even just knife crime.
Just generally ever every party's manifesto is about Let's get Brexit.
Let's get Brexit done.
Let's move forward, Brexit.
But a lot of people are dying and terrorist attacks are grove in, and nothing's in my opinion.
Often it's being done.
People in labor's Man of manifesto Conservative manifesto is just all based on Brexit, Brexit Brexit and I just don't think it's right.
It's almost important thing to you.
This is the woman that yes, you may I think Steven is completely right when he suggests those three key points as to why the Labour Party lost the election, called Ben's lack of leadership a failure of a K position on Brexit and poor Manifesto.
But he's shying away from the fact that another one of those key reasons is anti Semitism.
That's rife in the Labour Party on and you need to be the Labour Party.
Need to be honest and clear and have a strong position on getting rid of anti Semitism from the Labour Party if they truly want to win the next.
I know there isn't anyone here in the order.
You want to speak up for Jeremy Corbyn?
Yes, you there.
I think to simplify the debate by having a problem with Corbin is ridiculous.
I think you need to look at the smear campaign against him.
The media bias, which has been shocking.
Yeah, right.
The fact that I managed to pick you out hopefully is not an example off that Michael, I rather hoped that the Labour Party finds somewhere digging itself out of the hole that it's made itself because I believe that, you know, we're gonna have a Tory government for the next five years, quite possibly for the next 10 or more years, because that's the normal cycle of things.
But it's always better for a government.
Have a healthy opposition.
Well, the question then, like it was was, is because it's not just about labor.
Did Jeremy Corbyn lose it or did Boris Johnson win it?
Yeah, but the point I was getting going to make Is that the way that Stephen goes about it?
I mean, he treats.
I'm afraid that your comments rather treated the electric, who've just elected by an overwhelming majority of conservative government with contempt.
You're saying, you know that you know it's all about.
We must concentrate on the future of the country.
What do you think that the electorate were voting for yesterday other than the future of their country?
They decided that Boris Johnson on the Conservatives had a much better record than your party with its anti Semitism, which you have failed to deal with over years.
And the first thing that I believe that you must do to get the Labour Party together again is to accept pleura Klute to reality, in other words, that people have a right to another opinion than yours and clean up.
They're just despicable momentum, anti Semitism that you've been doing what you got.
I had a really difficult time this election, and actually, I thought for the first time ever I might spoil my ballot.
And I felt like I was being asked to choose between Boris Johnson, who has been sacked twice for lying from jobs, not classically, a great asset for someone who wants to become our prime minister.
You know who was unable to answer really fundamental questions?
Who was a social liberal and a pro banker guy when he was London mayor and is now running on a tough law and order policy?
I don't know who the real Boris Johnson is that people, Theo, you come to Jeremy Corbyn and having been a journalist like previously worked on a left leaning magazine.
I've seen what it's like to try and cover the Labour Party fairly, and it is very hard because it is incredibly defensive for any criticism of the Labour Party, and I'm sorry, but sometimes you do have to face the fact that you are not perfect.
Jeremy Corbyn isn't very much not perfect on anti Semitism.
And he had a campaign where I'm afraid he was defensive, petulant and pious, and I think that was repulsive to a lot of people on.
I got into the ballot box and I thought, I don't think any of you people deserve to be in charge of of this country.
I don't Okay.