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  • *Phone Ringing*

  • *Phone Ringing*

  • G: Sup, man.

  • C: Hey, man. You wanna come watch the games? I got two TVs and a frozen pizza.

  • *Chucklng*

  • *Laughing*

  • G: No, I'm good.

  • G: Oh, what a shot!

  • C: Guys, last second shot! Last second shot!

  • All: Oh! Wow!

  • T: The beginning, but then you pin it, rebound trying to prop the building.

  • T's Wife: Barrett (Ty's son), who do you think would win in a fight, a wild cat or a musketeer?

  • T: I would probably pick them. T's Wife: I can't pick the Blue Devils, my dad works at a church. T's Wife: Oh, Baylor Bears,

  • that's chicken JoJo's team, right? T: Are you looking at the numbers? T's Wife: No. I'm looking at Pinterest.

  • New Mexico State. I've got a customer whose son was there place-kick. Oh, that's football, but I'll still pick 'em.

  • Texas Tech and Stephen F. Austin.

  • Well, I had an uncle who went to the tech, never did like him. Go, Stephen F. Austin.

  • Miami, I just got back from there so... yeah.

  • Auburn in Charleston. Oh, I still feel bad their tree got poisoned. I'll pick Auburn.

  • C: Did you guys see the North Central Kentucky Baptist school got the win last night?

  • C: I don't know if I picked them in the bracket.

  • C: Whoa, They're not in your bracket. They're in the NIT.

  • *All Laughing*

  • T: THE N.I.T.!


  • G: How are we losing to Rhode Island right now? T: If this was football, we would be killing them!

  • G: Dude, basketball is so dumb. When was the last time you even watched the game?

  • T: I don't know, how long ago did Blake Griffin play? G: On a side note, A & M is looking pretty good this year.

  • G: I applied, didn't get in. T: Didn't we all?

  • G: Boomer!

  • T: BOOMER!

  • C: Hey, sweet start to the tourney. 0 for 1 in your picks.

  • C: What? Dude, someone must've changed my bracket!

  • C: Wow, *unintelligible* lost me that one.

  • C: He makes his free throws, we win the game. My bracket is perfect.

  • C: No, I picked them in my bracket that actually counts. This one's just kind of a practice bracket.

  • C: There's so many good games on Thursday, C: I know I cannot believe we have to go to work.

  • T: Oh, the games start this Thursday?

  • [Dr. Carter's office, how may I help you?]

  • T: Yeah, I was gonna see if you guys had any available surgeries on Thursday?

  • T: One to two week recovery time would be fantastic. You have anything other than a hip replacement?

  • Lehigh shocks the world taking out Duke in the first round.

  • And that is back-to-back early exits for the Duke Blue Devils.

  • Your national champion, Duke Blue Devils. C: You guys have brought me back!

  • and South Carolina coming out on top, sending Duke home early.

  • C: NOOOOOOO!!!!!

  • G: Dude, can we speed this up, there's some great games on right now.

  • T: Yeah, as soon as I can find something for my grandma

  • that's under five grand, we can get out of here.

  • T: Oh, man. There's some good stuff in there. Guess, they're renovating.

  • T: Dude, would you pay attention? If you break it, you buy it.

  • G: Hey, didn't you have Michigan State going all the way this year? Yeah,

  • in the championship. They just lost the first round. Your bracket is toasted, man.

  • *Overlaying Speech*

  • AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • C: YES!

  • C: I just saved you guys a fortune!

  • C: You have no idea what was going to happen here.

  • C: And women's bracket?

  • All: UConn.

  • G: Seriously, no one's taking Mississippi State this year?

  • All: Nah.

  • C: No, I gotta get that deal done today. Hey, did you fill your bracket? What?

  • C: It takes five minutes. I don't have five minutes. I have only one minute. You just wasted it.

  • C: Sandra, I need Tom in OSHA on the line yesterday!

  • *sings* T: For one shining moment...

  • G: Are you seriously crying right now? T: What, No! What, you're crying.

  • T: All those poor kids, I always feel so bad for the losing team.

  • C: Kentucky blue I see. T: It is, I got my boys winning it all this year.

  • C: Oh, I didn't know you went there too.

  • T: Basically, my brother went there.

  • T: My brother went there on a campus tour.

  • T: We're not related

  • T: and it's one of those friendships where you're really close like a brother.

  • C: Right, so you're a wildcat because your almost brother almost went to Kentucky.

  • T: Go Cats!

  • C: Hey man, forgot to tell ya. Thanks for the lunch today. No problem.

  • C: I'm pretty much a shoe-in in our office bracket, so cash ain't really an issue right now.

  • C: Where did you get that? C: What, these new shades? C: No, the car!

  • C: Oh, this didn't even dip my billion. C: You don't have a billion dollars.

  • C: Oh, dude, I've got a perfect bracket going through day one.

  • C: Tell me, you're not talking about Warren Buffett's

  • C: Billion Dollar Perfect Bracket Never-Gonna-Happen-In-The-History-Of-The-World Challenge.

  • C: You've heard of it.

  • C: Yeah, I couldn't decide whether to get avocado ranch or red.

  • Thanks for watching, guys. If you're not already a Dude Perfect subscriber, click down here

  • so you don't miss out on any new videos. If you want to see the last video: Overtime 2, click right here

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  • Signing off for now. Pound it! Noggin!

  • See ya!

  • Subtitles by nhallgamingdude8

*Phone Ringing*

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瘋狂三月的定型觀念 (March Madness Stereotypes)

  • 3 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary