Hewasonstagenakedforhalftheplay, and I'llneverforget, like, theveryfirsttime I hadthisrobeon, anditkindofswungkindofopenandandyoucouldseeWow, that's just a Penisstanding.
I don't knowwhat's rightthere, but I askedyou a problem.
That's right.
Yougot a problem.
But I sortofthepoint.
I hadtotakethisrobeoff, and I and I knewitwascomingup, and I gotsoembarrassedby I was, like, overcomewithanxiety.
Andcan I can I stand?
So I hadit.
I haditonand I threwitoffand I hadtowalkacrossthestageandallof a sudden, like, Oh, myGod, I'm nudeinfrontof, like, 99 people.
Oh, myGod.
Whatam I gonnado?
Andso I walked.
I walkedacrossthestagelikelikethis.
Saymystuff, Youknow, mylinescrossback.
I thinkhelikesworse, youknow, cuttolike, a weeklater.
A weeklateriscomingup.
I taketherobeoff, I walkoutlikethis.
Yeah, likewhat's goingon?
I hadnoproblemwiththat.
Yeah, I wouldnotNevergettothatstage, but I'm gladyoudid.
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