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  • stand.

  • Please is so intent Kendall.

  • Autopsy.

  • Your case, though, is that the board is in love with our was dressing up or la computadora de amazing reigns in the school.

  • 10 20 Military power you go is Thank you, Melissa.

  • Yes.

  • Yes, I am.

  • Wait.

  • Bingo.

  • Mutha in a GS in breakfast era And the cocaine makes Altima say Muslim instances durante Quattro.

  • Or as it's better to our it's amazing.

  • I think they only give us give way.

  • Come in various money.

  • Oh, allow little Miss and 11 euros and routed.

  • Is that contact?

  • Coco, don't forget you're on a left to right and t is the story of promises, Mr.

  • But no, no, no.

  • Come with seven k.

  • D was the only people that just Cassie money.

  • Come in, Please stay.

  • You can get his stereo.

  • You know, telling me some day emerald cooking my motives most.

  • Jenkins a lot.

  • Something has a pillowcase with master man.

  • Really is You see the problem last year?

  • Media writer or idea?

  • Really?

  • Megumi Torah coming, Stan, As you know, getting better things for better.

  • Stop taking it out on that second whose secret closes on meals.

  • A press meeting but I can write it off from the valley into separate piles.

  • But I know that I love John.

  • But now you have given us a Mr Turnbuckle rise.

  • Is missing tobacco extended?

  • I think it was a close case in for concern for compartment in the Fuhrer museum.

  • Tails, they're checking tickets.

  • Since the there's been no like anything for many people.

  • Get a, he's in booking.

  • Good morning, man.

  • My name is Jackie.

  • Do a character I joked or does not rise is a tingle me more with them in States Castle, your cousin was is tracking.

  • That is like a blessing thing is not going in.

  • I'm a little in Contac and that kid.

  • Okay, You also like to main chemicals.

  • That can happen.

  • We'll put enough mustard, an area that otras cosas gallo.

  • You can turn me up being honest, pretty losing these past days, the perky dental implant your final says.

  • But if you just tell me at the Academy is I mean I mean being indoors.

  • Que pasa, Ramon.

  • I was remembering Galloway's division maintain Osaka mechanic with 20 get anymore three days mutual appeals in the more I don't care of Yemen days quests in Missouri.

  • Mommy does.

  • Ramona Ramona!

  • Maestro!

  • Muti, Montel.

  • We begin with the most.

  • That Ami Tambien media is just completely We don't know that comes into his eyes is this doesn't make when he does that, But every time, almost the latter.

  • Politically, Wasim, you must have in the country tacky gourmet guessing as his weapon carries.

  • Who?

  • Just remembering that.

  • But wouldn't the survey yours?

  • Measles.

  • They carry your case, but it's excessive with the people you meet.

  • I love looking at sort of a sleep from party.

  • Listen, stop imposing mental shoot, But it's sick.

  • Any super said correct, It could just be a sec.

  • Would you make that not happen as it goes for meritorious?

  • I gotta get you know something gives him a pool they call our army related yet?

  • Well, give to get when you get the money.

  • Your case?

  • If when your season ticket Amir Fornero may court Amos is going on.

  • You went and you know it wasn't me that watch they don't miss Mallow plant Claro letting me wait.

  • Allow me Most is busy.

  • I guess he had half influences your keys soon.

  • Yes, into this little devil both mazes casino is the secret of a menu 100 says he was doing out there.

  • Sammy look poor generally.

  • Never.

  • Miss Danner.

  • We accord that nowhere is present location, but you make a nasty shit as you also lied.

  • That motor is a mechanic.

  • A public criticism.

  • Me compro nasty shit has just only has his own.

  • They put off your malice.

  • Jealousy, You know, family is looking messing with my mask.

  • It is nothing off leaving the total popular aphorism s looking massive him and that, but there's no need to okay, plans of merriment.

  • Yes, So I see is me.

  • And to look at ways, Tom.

  • Unnecessary testing for class was idea.

  • Putting a damn book was still, you know I will.

  • Maybe Superman.

  • Superman.

  • I know that.

  • Okay, look.

  • Killing cancer?

  • Yes, Van Kantar.

  • Particulate very part.

  • Carry human people.

  • They have a case for me.

  • Does it make basically by?

  • Yes, but I have a second.

  • I'm not in love.

  • Okay?

  • I'm not gonna began me.

  • It's family stuff is the mostly stole some of these couples.

  • Do you take a marker in saying that for me is screaming when the importance of the reasons that exist.

  • I'm getting insurance.

  • And the points?

  • A question like a mass.

  • Also, we didn't lose a layer.

  • Simplest a BMW looking screaming is they was looking for from these particulates.

  • So Okay, you missed the moment.

  • Yes, that is it.

  • That's a Bolivian suit on Brazil's.

  • We came in second last night.

  • I was like, Well, let me go on seeing the companies that are here Well, I mean, when I moved to a secure and where's he recognises camels?

  • OK, only state that an automatic docking port Bama's Amis is back Unico generally that they're safe, Then it really seemed most taking Carrie, I can't go to the mat with Minos Scampi eyes no, sonny sectors What Parting ways You make hombre est en el super in super involved Pharmacy pronto is case in my court mientras mas not say a mean jasmine's process.

  • Well, it matters to Max.

  • Jake Tapper is win win win!

  • No, no!

  • Buzzer that Rosanna, what was happening?

  • So you're saying what I said?

  • Let's see that it is not so.

  • Look at this.

  • Okay, ladies, enough that I even better.

  • Here's a look in a system of a I'm not going to some party.

  • Maybe it does.

  • At the I went there.

  • Rose is looking to add voices.

  • Is that nothing in sun process normally looking over slapping when I know that.

  • Okay, so, Sacha Polo Asylum in that hospital for a second is this is a matter yes.

  • Local way of getting at Rose's.

  • Okay?

  • Yes, Anonymous is, But I could have your skin on this.

  • Bye.

  • Okay.

  • Yeah, it's that way.

  • Whether you go with it myself in love with a levels of looking as I do that if I don't get it, man, you know, is to inspire Attila.

  • Where does a superb winner will I marry?

  • As many as a central appraiser.

  • Be Joy's here was to look him in the forest.

  • A master WASI tambien tambien is maybe a past the later cocoa.

  • Okay, who's inkwell?

  • Comparably, we'll be way more than it was, but I was thinking maybe your case is made today.

  • Cook almost miss Claire's super again.

  • You get that little Ekoko escape?

  • Last contact Last wrote a nasty community.

  • A second neutral Macia Ballantyne says you and your cycle and narrow way we're not gonna community can be elected.

  • And again through this place, I will be a mirror that my baby.

  • But I'm gonna just go upstairs, put his weapon in his system is less a development.

  • I mean, I love wearing a basic morning.

  • You days van little to no way.

  • Okay, I must say down, he's the one.

  • That thing doesn't do this.

  • This isn't because of gates.

  • Um, Miles, this is a doesn't make for good measure.

  • There was a family means left eat meat and I think they mean us.

  • But you like he said word is a lovely looking our age is only good tennis system off.

  • No, Amazon is almost so another Quinn.

  • But I don't know your fiance escaped through the radio.

  • You're constantly last year's Remington beryllium again.

  • No, sir.

  • Yes, yes.

  • Hello Is the autonomous mascara in radio coming?

  • Imagine it into mental.

  • Okay.

  • It was your cowboys, eh?

  • Hello, Amelia, are you know, the most enquiries wasn't coming?

  • They think he's knows as the killer of a young man.

  • But I recommend dentals air mass from standing.

  • Let me carry your super hearing.

  • The music known is a seat upon early plant.

  • As they suspected.

  • Mrs Takamura, pretty much looking is not in the mosque photos or was present.

  • Sam, you know what I got so so nice.

  • That supposes, I think the Momentum and Chemist accuracy Mama's mama's gonna sing about journalistic portable panto, no less deporting them to steam because interns okay, so as they say, is the risk that yes, well, too.

  • Well, I'm looking, Mr Niecy and the program will wrap you up.

  • Yes, Prosecutor.

  • Metal is a total no scans.

  • A croquet Milla will ever see a lame asses.

  • We're looking, Mr Museum.

  • No prize.

  • They remain circulates.

  • And it was moved around a lot in just a steaming Tito.

  • A comparative coming.

  • Yes.

  • I'll be right with you.

  • Oh, I want you musing.

  • Move in Some businesses in the game too.

  • Maybe where the car and I'm way take out to deputize Humanist little valley.

  • Yes.

  • I think it's time to get serious again.

  • Is not autistic among you?

  • Yes, it does.

  • Look and learn is not Julie.

  • Stay till super coming.

  • So I use tide.

  • I am goingto levels.

  • I will.

  • What does oneness means?

  • Eunice?

  • Mmm I won't on that, Mr Easy and locate a gala in Paris apart Eric against Bubo Nuevo Star super pilots Dennis marrying that element moodiness and spread those materials that Oh, no poison.

  • Start Penis given us and deliver us.

  • Yes, the Venus de Venus.

  • It for the entire way.

  • Baby.

  • You mask a mask, Imus, Um, as you know, is that bull and away we go stays in this aspect.

  • Is my son always Rosa's psychic?

  • Don't know.

  • Forget noise.

  • I excused Santo are you looking for?

  • Exactly.

  • But you see, we have a little Yah Ackerman's and left.

  • But I just days when we're 40 realmente those low pay.

  • No, but that does not.

  • Mmm.

  • Well, I'm a maybe unless I give him It was a lot less getting no more of that.

  • I you know hope men Mama's in the little time he spends a k a Steve, I said, I'm not normal, Mr Newman.

  • There a miserable year and is getting and many notices lean.

  • That's hysterical.

  • Mean that album one, Believe me begins in in cosas positiveness Amine, Norma's Brahma Magnum.

  • You know, say you're talking aware of me for a party symbol Appears we're lacking the theory left in decades.

  • Say Kelly McCord, hoping some hunter whenever you like, mostly siento que Cuando after Nemo's I say yeah, as a biochemical instead.

  • Since this is a local, tell us notice and they don't mean suppose you okay?

  • My temples on the matter.

  • Memento soldierly skills kicked over by started in commerce, impersonal offices when their demos 40 most person causes and so does it.

  • Wasn't Melinda Notice those words, those words voters, vessels.

  • But you'll notice that even camp and you're going to make a pun intended to kill a police captain means that he does.

  • I resented taking Akos will be equal.

  • The Wilson he was to us.

  • Motz.

  • Most witches in Zachary's in on Mr Castillo.

  • I completely something that is a broken Otello.

  • Yes, Operator.

  • There came a moment.

  • Move around whenever as a super Super Super Super Up in Algeria, my gamma, or you'll ever meet your skin.

  • Yamamoto, please.

  • ESPN zipper factory machine Back in Roy.

  • As you know, I think I love you.

  • Seven miles.

  • Yeah.


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    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary