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  • these choices made our hands go up, up and onto our foreheads.

  • Welcome to watch Mojo.

  • And today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 dumbest decisions in superhero movies.

  • For this list, we're going over the most questionable, shortsighted and just playing dumb decisions made by characters in superhero movies.

  • Because many of these decisions affect the plot, there will be spoilers.

  • Nuff said Number 10 giving Loki and Infinity Stone the Avengers.

  • Much of the song of thus far in the M.

  • C.

  • U involves the Infinity Stones and Thanasis pursuit of thumb.

  • This makes it all the more baffling when you realize that early on he gave one away, you put the secretary in the Avengers.

  • Loki has given a powerful sector by the mad Titan to aid in the As Guardians Battle on Earth.

  • And in acquiring the space Stone, Ultron later reveals that the mind stone was hidden inside the sector.

  • So why would fan knows give one of the things crucial to his goal to someone who could and did lose it?

  • The mind Stone ends up being the last one he acquires, and he would have had them all sooner if he'd never given it up yet know that Call number nine Jonathan Kent sacrifices himself Man of Steel, like most of the D.

  • C.

  • U.

  • The movie that kicked it off is a bit of a mixed bag.

  • Clark have to keep this side of yourself a secret.

  • What was I supposed to do, Just let him die?

  • One of the more notable nuggets of Dumbness comes with Jonathan Kent's vehement opinion that Clark should keep his super powers a secret, even if it costs others their lives.

  • True to this philosophy, when Jonathan is about to die in a tornado, he tells his son not to save him, while the idea that he would sacrifice himself to keep Clarke safe from exposure has potential.

  • The execution doesn't work not only because it flies in the face of Clark's character for him to allow his father to die, but also because, with his super speed, he could easily save him before anyone noticed Number eight.

  • Sending the whole police force underground, the dark knight rises with the masked terrorist bane threatening Gotham Commissioner Gordon, who is still recovering from his encounter with the villain, makes the idiotic decision to send all the police into the sewers to smoke out Bain and his men.

  • I said, Get every available cop down there and smoke him out.

  • The mayor won't want panic.

  • Naturally, this leads to all the police getting trapped underground.

  • Letting Bain and the criminals he frees have free rein in the city, no matter how much of a threat.

  • Bane is putting most of the police in a confined space.

  • It's just a bad idea.

  • Ring around the tunnels.

  • They're gonna blow it and trap the cops underground.

  • Why not block the entrances and send in a strike team, for that matter, why isn't someone else making the decisions instead of the commissioner is allowing trauma victims to make strategic decisions?

  • Standard police Procedure Number seven Yelling at Hulk the Avengers Loki makes a number of questionable choices throughout this film, but this is easily the dumbest and probably the one he regrets the most.

  • During the Battle of New York, Loki is knocked back onto the Avengers tower and is pursued by the Hulk, who knocks him inside.

  • You know one of you, but needs me.

  • I am a god, you dull creature, frustrated that things aren't going his way, Loki yells at the Hulk, proclaiming his godhood and insulting the green guy.

  • The angry green guy then proceeds to smash him into the ground, repeatedly leaving Loki groaning in high pitched, pain tuning job.

  • We don't know what Loki was thinking, but we think Tony Stark said it best.

  • Not a great plan.

  • Number six.

  • Giving the Mandarin His address.

  • Iron Man three Tony Stark may be a genius, inventor, scientist and engineer, but even he's not immune to being an idiot after his friend Happiest, severely injured by terrorists in the employ of the mastermind known as the Mandarin, Tony calls out the Battie on TV, inviting him to his house to settle the score on the off chance You're a man.

  • Here's my home address.

  • 10 8 80 Malibu 800.90265 I'll leave the door unlocked.

  • Not only is it a stupid idea to invite a terrorist or where you live to fight, but Tony also puts on his only unfinished Iron Man suit and doesn't activate the dozens of remote controlled suits we know he has.

  • Oh, and he doesn't get his girlfriend out in time, either.

  • It's like Tony handicapped himself on purpose for no reason.

  • Number five.

  • Bruce Wayne revealing his identity to prospective recruits.

  • Justice League In order to combat the coming threat, Bruce Wayne decides to gather a group of powerful people together.

  • So let me get this straight.

  • You do a dress like a bat, like an actual back work for 20 years.

  • To that end, he meets up with several potential team members and attempts to convince them to join him.

  • However, while doing so, he's very cavalier with a secret identity.

  • Is Batman so fast?

  • You'd think the world's greatest detective would be more cautious than to reveal who he is to complete strangers before he's confirmed whether they're joining him or not.

  • This might have been excusable if he were just starting out, but it's clear that he's a veteran hero at this point.

  • So what gives Bruce?

  • It's gone crazy, Jim.

  • Maybe he did to number four, ignoring Buddy The Incredibles.

  • Bob Parr, the once Mr Incredible longs for his glory days as a superhero.

  • However, not everything about his past is glorious.

  • I don't want your moved your crime fighting style, favorite catch phrases, everything.

  • I'm your number one fan when his number one fan buddy sought to become his sidekick, Mr Incredible rejected his aide, turning the young boy bitter and vengeful eventually.

  • But he grows up to become the villain syndrome, who's responsible for killing dozens of superheroes and for nearly doing the same to Mr Incredible in his family.

  • Oh, don't worry.

  • I'll be a good mentor, supportive, encouraging everything you weren't as stupid as Mr Incredible was for not being more understanding to his fan.

  • It works well within the story.

  • In fact, it's such a good, bad decision that Iron Man three basically copied it with the same results.

  • Number three.

  • No security on the plane.

  • Spider Man Homecoming For as much as Peter Parker needs to learn about powers and responsibilities, the dumbest decision in homecoming isn't actually one of his.

  • After selling Avengers Tower in New York, Tony Stark and Happy Hogan pack up all of the Avengers advanced gear and equipment from the location to be moved to a new location to move it safely.

  • They do so by loading it all onto an invisible plane and send it all on autopilot, with no one on board to its destination.

  • Uh, the fact that no one is on board means it's an easy target for the vulture to try to hijack it, which he nearly did with only Spider Man's intervention foiling him.

  • Number two.

  • Creating Ultron, Avengers Age of Ultron You'd think a guy who makes his many pop culture references as Tony Stark would know that mixing a I and weapons rarely turns out well for anyone.

  • This could be it.

  • This could be the key to creating, however.

  • The temptation to put a suit of armor around the world is too tempting an opportunity.

  • And when Tony discovers an artificial intelligence inside Loki Scepter, he decides to use it with Bruce Banner's help to create Ultron, a defense initiative that soon gained sentience and concludes that humans are the biggest threat to the planet and must be eliminated.

  • I'm on a mission.

  • What, Mr Peace in our time for as much as we love Tony, he really has a terrible record of dumb decisions, and this is one of the worst.

  • Hey, just because they're superhuman doesn't mean they're super smart, right?

  • But there is one superhero decision that rises above the rest as the dumbest, so let's face palm through these honorable mentions.

  • And then we'll find out which was the dumbest and perhaps most devastating decision in a superhero movie.

  • You guys sure you're in the best shape to be doing this?

  • Oh, yeah, yeah.

  • The child.

  • Lefty strike.

  • Move it out before we continue.

  • Be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos.

  • You have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them.

  • If you're on your phone, make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications.

  • Number one star Lord attacking Fan knows Avengers Infinity War, The responsibility of who could have stopped the snap falls on many shoulders.

  • And while it was tempting to call out Thor for not going for the head or the arm, for that matter, we have to point a finger at Star Lord on Titan, a disparate group of heroes fights desperately together and finally manages to briefly subdue Thanatos while he's wearing the infinity gauntlet, no less.

  • You took her to warm here.

  • He came back with the sauce.

  • Still, however, before they managed to get it off him, Fat House announces he killed his daughter.

  • Go Maura, whom Quill loves way would certainly be devastated and angry if we were in a situation.

  • We like to think that we could have held on to our rage until after the Infinity stones had been secured.

  • Do you agree with our picks?

  • Check out this other recent clip from Watch Mojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos.

these choices made our hands go up, up and onto our foreheads.

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超級英雄電影中的十大愚蠢決定 (Top 10 Dumb Decisions Made In Superhero Movies)

  • 7 2
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
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