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  • So after the morning's talks I thought, you know: what can I do to improve?

  • So, you know, Paul took off his shirt, I can't do that --

  • But, you know, I thought: maybe I'll take off my -- No.

  • So I want to talk a little bit about labor and motivation.

  • And, when we think about people as workforce,

  • we often think about people like rats in a maze.

  • We think that people hate working, we think that all that people want to do

  • is to sit on the beach drinking mojitos and the only reason that they work

  • is that we pay them so they can seat on the beach drinking mojitos.

  • But is this the case?

  • We have things like mountain climbing.

  • Mountain climbing is a really challenging thing.

  • When you read books of people who climb mountains

  • you would think that those books would be filled with moments of elation and joy --

  • No! They're filled with moments of misery and pain, frostbites --

  • So you would think that once people get up with these experiences and come down

  • they will say, "My goodness, this was a terrible mistake, I'll never do it again!"

  • No! They go straight up! They get to heal, they get to recover and they go straight up!

  • And this, I think, proposes a real challenge for what do we think about joy,

  • and what do we think about motivation, and what actually gets people to care.

  • I started thinking about meaning and motivation in the workplace

  • when one of my ex-students came back to see me.

  • His name was David - still is David - he came to see me,

  • and he told me the following story:

  • He said that he was working at an investment bank,

  • preparing a PowerPoint presentation for a merger and acquisition.

  • He was working on it for weeks. He was working hard,

  • staying up late at night -- And the day before

  • the merger and acquisition was going to take place

  • he mailed his PowerPoint presentation to his boss

  • and his boss wrote him quickly back saying, "Nice job! The deal is cancelled."

  • Now, throughout the process he was incredibly excited!

  • He was working, he was thinking happy, his boss appreciated it.

  • But the fact that nobody was going to see it deflated him.

  • In fact, when he was looking at his next projects,

  • he couldn't really find that much motivation.

  • And if you think about it, it's interesting because physically, everything was OK.

  • His boss appreciated it, he would probably get a raise, everything was OK --

  • But something was missing that is more, kind of a more

  • general meaning for what he was doing.

  • So I thought, you know: how can we capture it with some simple experiments?

  • So I decided to build Legos.

  • So we paid people to build Lego Bionicles, like the ones that you see.

  • And we paid people in diminishing rate.

  • So here's what happened: you came in and we say,

  • "Would you like to build one Bionicle?"

  • "We'll pay you 3 dollars for it."

  • And if you said "yes" you would build it and when you finished, we took it back

  • and we say, "Would you like to build another one? For 2.70?"

  • And if you finished that and wanted another one? For 2.40 and so on --

  • And the question was, "At what point will people stop?"

  • And we told people that we take the Bionicles, we'll put them under the desk,

  • and we'll break them into pieces for the next participant.

  • (Laughter)

  • This was the first condition.

  • People build one after the other, after the other, after the other.

  • The second condition we called the 'Sisyphic Condition.'

  • If you remember the story of Sisyphus -- Sisyphus basically was sentenced by the gods

  • to push a rock up a big mountain and the almost moment he got there --

  • The rock would roll back and he would have to do it again.

  • And you could think about how demotivating this is, right?

  • And how better it would be if at least it were different mountains he would push the rock over.

  • But being the same mountain over and over and over is demotivating.

  • So that's what we tried to do in the 'Sisyphic Condition.'

  • We gave people a Bionicle,

  • when they finished it, we said, "Would you like to build another one?"

  • If they said "yes", we gave them the second one,

  • but as they were working on the second one we took the first one to pieces.

  • In front of their eyes.

  • And then, if they wanted to build a third one, we gave the first one back to them.

  • (Laughter)

  • So we had an endless cycle of breaking and creating, creating and breaking.

  • What happened? The first thing that happened,

  • was that people built many more Bionicles

  • in the 'Meaningful Condition' compared to the 'Sisyphic Condition.'

  • And what I should point out here is that the meaning in the 'Meaningful Condition'

  • was not really high meaning. This was a tiny meaning. Right?

  • So the fact that just destroying it in front of their eyes a few minutes earlier

  • made a difference, is quite important.

  • The second thing is that we asked another group of people

  • to predict how big the effect will be.

  • We said, "If you were in this experiment, how many Bionicles do you think

  • people would build here and how many will they build here?"

  • And people understood that the 'Meaningful Condition' would create

  • higher motivation, but they didn't understand the magnitude of that.

  • So people thought that the difference was one Bionicle. In fact it was much larger.

  • And finally, we looked at the correlation between how much people love Bionicles

  • and how many Bionicles they created.

  • You would expect that, naturally, people who love Bionicles more

  • would build more Bionicles, even for less money.

  • And that's indeed what we saw.

  • In the 'Meaningful Condition' there was a nice correlation.

  • People who like Bionicles build more, people who don't like Bionicles as much

  • don't build as much.

  • What happened in the 'Sisyphic Condition'?

  • In the 'Sisyphic Condition' there was no correlation.

  • We were basically able, by destroying people's labor in front of their eyes,

  • to crash the joy out of this process.

  • (Laughter)

  • After I finished this study, I went to talk to a big software company in Seattle.

  • (Laughter)

  • And this was a big room full of 200 engineers

  • and these were engineers that worked for 2 years

  • about the project that they thought would be the next development

  • for this big software company.

  • And a week before I came the CEO cancelled the project.

  • And I never sat in front of a group of more depressed people --

  • And I asked them,"How many of you show up later for work these days?"

  • They all raised their hands.

  • I said, "How many of you leave earlier?"

  • They all raised their hands.

  • I said, "How many of you charge extra things on your expense accounts?"

  • Nobody raised their hands, but they took me for dinner that night.

  • (Laughter)

  • They showed me what they could do, with creativity --

  • And they said they felt just like in the Lego experiment.

  • They basically felt that somebody cancelled something in front of their eyes, under their feet,

  • without letting them have any meaning of what they were doing.

  • Now, here's the thing: I think the CEO of that company

  • did not understand the meaning of labor.

  • He just said, "OK, we directed you in this direction up to now,

  • let me redirect you somewhere else, and you will just go in the way I think."

  • This is not how people operate.

  • And I asked these people, "What could the CEO have done? Let's say he had to cancel the project.

  • What could he have done to keep some of your motivation?"

  • And they came up with all kinds of ideas.

  • They said, "What if he allowed them to do a presentation in front of the whole company?"

  • "What if he asked them to build a few more prototypes, to try and think about

  • what aspect of the technology that they were developing could fit in other projects?"

  • Now, the thing is that, any one of those aspects, any one of those approaches would demand

  • some effort, attention and time, and if you don't think people

  • care about their meaning you wouldn't spend their time.

  • But if you understand how important meaning is, you might do that.

  • In the next experiment, we took this a step further.

  • We asked people to find some letters in a sheet of paper.

  • And again they got more money for the first sheet, then less for the second

  • and less for the third, and so on.

  • And for some people we had what we called the 'Meaningful Condition.'

  • We asked people to write their name on each sheet and when they gave it to the experimenter,

  • the experimenter looked at it from top to bottom, said "aha" and put it on the side.

  • In the second condition, the experimenter didn't look at it.

  • There was no name, the experimenter just took it from the participant and put it on the desk.

  • In the third condition, the experimenter simply took the sheet

  • and directly put it through a shredder. (Laughter)

  • Now, I should point out that in this third condition,

  • when the page goes directly into a shredder, nobody looks.

  • You could cheat. Right?

  • You could be dishonest and do more sheets for less money and put less effort into it.

  • What were the results?

  • In the 'Acknowledged Condition' - when we looked at it -

  • people worked all the way down to 15 cents. They worked quite a lot.

  • In the 'Shredded Condition,' people stopped much faster.

  • So people cared more about -- They enjoyed more the labor in the 'Acknowledged Condition.'

  • What about the 'Ignored Condition'? Where does it sit in the middle?

  • Is it close to the 'Acknowledged,' the 'Shredded' or somewhere in the middle?

  • Well, very very close to the 'Shredded Condition.'

  • So, I guess the good news here is that if you want to motivate people,

  • simply looking at what they've done and say, "I've acknowledged,

  • I've seen that you've done something," seems to be sufficient.

  • Even without the nice word - just acknowledge people.

  • On the other hand, it turns out that if you really want to demotivate people,

  • it's incredibly easy!

  • Shredding, of course, is the optimal way to demotivate people! If you want to.

  • But just ignoring what they're doing gets you almost all the way there.

  • So this was all about demotivating people.

  • There are lot's of ways to demotivate people, and we should try to avoid those.

  • What about motivating people?

  • What about the second part of this equation?

  • And, for me the insight for this part of the story came from IKEA.

  • So, I don't know about you, but I have some IKEA furniture --

  • and when I reflect back on the experience, it turns out

  • that it took me a long time to assemble these instructions, to assemble this furniture.

  • The instructions were not clear, I would put things in the wrong place,

  • I would have to disassemble it -- But what I've also noticed

  • is that I keep on looking fondly at this IKEA furniture.

  • We share something in common that I think is more than just buying something in the store.

  • And you can wonder, "What happens when you invest some of your love and effort

  • and attention, even frustration, into something?"

  • Do you start loving it more?

  • And there's an old story - it's kind of a nice story - it's a story about cake mixes.

  • When they introduced cake mixes in the US,

  • it turns out housewives at the time did not accept them.

  • They had mixes for all kinds of things: for muffins, for bread --

  • Cake mixes, not so much. And they wondered why?

  • The taste was perfectly fine.

  • They found out that what was missing was a feeling of labor.

  • If you basically put some water in the cake mix, mix it together, put it in the oven

  • and the cake comes out -- You can't take credit for that!

  • (Laughter)

  • If somebody comes and says, "Nice cake, thank you!" you've not done anything!

  • So what did they do?

  • They took the eggs and the milk out of it.

  • (Laughter)

  • Now you put the cake mix, you break some eggs, you put some milk --

  • Now it's your cake! (Laughter)

  • (Applause)

  • So, how do we test this idea?

  • We started by asking people to build origami.

  • We gave people instructions on how to fold origami.

  • And these were people who don't really know how to do origami,

  • so they came up with kind of ugly origami, but that's OK.

  • And then we told them that we actually owned that origami

  • and we asked them, "How much would you pay for you to keep it?"

  • And we tried to measure how valuable they thought this origami was.

  • And people loved the origamis that they created.

  • (Laughter)

  • Then we asked other people that did not build that origami

  • what they thought about this origami --

  • (Laughter)

  • And they didn't like it as much.

  • So the builders thought this origami was fantastic, the evaluators not so much.

  • Now, the question is: are the builders, in their mind,

  • do they think that they are the only ones who love this origami?

  • So, do I look at this origami and say, "Oh, this is mine, I think it's wonderful!

  • I know that nobody would like it, but for me it's wonderful!"

  • No. They think everybody would love it as much as they do.

  • (Laughter)

  • The next thing was the IKEA effect, right? The IKEA --

  • What about the instructions? What if the instructions are difficult and complex?

  • So we gave the easy instructions to some people and for other people we hid what's on the top,

  • which is the manual of what does a fold mean and so on.

  • So the hard instructions were really baffling.

  • What happened now?

  • So, first of all, we got the basic result: the builders loved their own origami

  • more than the evaluators -- What happens when the instructions are more difficult?

  • Now the builders love it even more, and the evaluators dislike it even more.

  • Why? Because objectively it was worse off!

  • So the evaluators saw the objective quality

  • of these crumbled pieces of paper and didn't like it as much;

  • the builders thought it was even more fantastic!

  • So, not only is labor leading to love, more labor and more effort

  • and more investment leads to higher love.

  • I think you could also think about kids this way.

  • So imagine that you have kids and I ask you,

  • "How much would you sell me your kids for?"

  • (Laughter)

  • Your memory and attention, and experience about them --

  • And most people in a good day say, "A lot of money!"

  • (Laughter)

  • But imagine you didn't have your kids.

  • And you went to the park, and you met some kids very much like yours,

  • and you played with them for a few hours, and then you were about to say goodbye,

  • and before you left, their parents said, "By the way, you know, they're for sale!"

  • (Laughter)

  • "How much would you pay for them?"

  • Most people realize, "not that much!"

  • (Laughter)

  • And I think it's because the kids are really kind of the optimal example for the IKEA effect.

  • (Laughter)

  • (Applause)

  • They are complex, they are difficult, the instruction manual is not that good --

  • (Laughter)

  • We invest a lot of effort in them and our tremendous love [for] them

  • is largely a part of us investing in them rather than who they are.

  • These are, by the way, my kids, who are wonderful!

  • And, not only are our kids wonderful,

  • we don't understand that other people don't see our kids in the way that we do.

  • So what do we have to say about all of this?

  • There's kind of two competing theories about labor: Adam Smith and Karl Marx.

  • Adam Smith gave us this wonderful example of efficiency in the labor market.

  • He showed how you can take a pin factory

  • and if you take one laborer who makes all steps, all 12 steps to create a pin,

  • that's really inefficient.

  • And if you break the job into 12 pieces and each person does their own piece of the work,

  • the efficiency of the whole is incredibly increasing. Dramatically increasing.

  • And that's really what the Industrial Revolution has given us in terms of increasing productivity.

  • Karl Marx, on the other hand, told us that it's about alienation of labor,

  • and how much do you feel connected to your labor.

  • And these ideas are really standing in opposition to each other.

  • Which one is more important? The efficiency or the feeling of connection to the labor?

  • So if you think about taking a big job and breaking it into pieces,

  • it might become more efficient. But as you break it into pieces,

  • the people who do each of the pieces don't feel connected, to the same degree,

  • to what they're doing. So, which one is more important?

  • So, I think that in the Industrial Economy time Smith was more correct than Marx.

  • There were tremendous efficiency gains.

  • But what's happening now, in the Knowledge Economy?

  • What happens when people have more control over what they're doing?

  • When we want people to think about their labor in the shower and talk to friends,

  • and when we want people to be fully engaged,

  • and really immersed in what they're doing --

  • I think that now things have changed. In the Knowledge Economy,

  • I think the notion of Marx is actually more important.

  • And it might be useful to sometimes sacrifice

  • some efficiency for more meaning at work.

  • So, you know, we have this very simple model of labor,

  • which says that people work for money.

  • And often we pay people just with this notion.

  • But I think there are two things to consider: the first one is that we care about

  • [many] more things than money. We care about meaning,

  • we care about creation, challenge, ownership, identity, pride, and so on --

  • And the really good news about it is that if we're able to create workplaces

  • that give people all of those things, everybody would be better off.

  • The workplace would be better off, the individual would be better off --

  • It's a tremendous wonderful thing about human nature that we can be motivated

  • by a whole range of aspects.

  • The question is, how do we use the workplace and society in general

  • to tap into all of those motivations?

  • Thank you very much.

  • (Applause)

So after the morning's talks I thought, you know: what can I do to improve?

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TEDx】勞動中的意義。Dan Ariely在阿姆斯特丹TEDx上的演講 (【TEDx】Meaning in labour: Dan Ariely at TEDxAmsterdam)

  • 224 26
    阿多賓 posted on 2021/01/14
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