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>> Sean: We've done a series of hardware videos with Dr Bagley about various different
parts of CPUs, and things like this. And one of the things he'd mentioned during
one of the videos is something that I believe you want to tell us a bit more
about -- the Wheeler Jump ? >> DFB: Yes the Wheeler Jump David Wheeler [a]
very very talented computer scientist. An excellent lateral thinker. I didn't know
him very well; I knew him very slightly. Maybe met him four or five times but you
just had to be impressed that he, as a computer pioneer, had to grapple with the
fact that very early computers did not have enough registers in their CPUs.
>> Sean: Registers are just like tiny bits of memory? >> DFB: Yeah! tiny bits of memory, but within the
central processor unit. They could be built of much faster technology than
main memory, so typically, you know, like with the ARM chip at user level, you'd
end up with 16 general-purpose registers. One or two of those might be set aside
to use for all sorts of useful things. And one of the useful things was the
idea of -- you're running through your program -- you want to jump into a subroutine to
calculate a sine, or to print out "Hello World", or something like that. You don't
want it to be running linearly on your program you want to jump into it and
jump back out of it again. So you could use it several times in your program
from several different places. You could jump in and jump back out. Now David
Wheeler is credited with this idea of inventing the subroutine and say[ing] "Well,
yeah, when people want to calculate sine of something they don't want to have to
replicate, in their program, the coding for sine in six different places". It might
make it go faster - and of course some of you will know that if you write macros
you can force it [to create in-line code] to do that. [You] sacrifice a lot more code for faster speed But no, to
keep it clean you basically say "I want this piece of code to be separate but
"jumpable into" and "jump back outable from", back to where you came from.
So, before you jump in, at the moment of the jump, you've got to say "Where am i coming
from? Whose responsibility is it to remember
that? And in modern CPUs you would have a link register of some sort that
remembers. You didn't have that in the very early days. But, boy, did it [soon] dawn on them
that you needed it! So if you didn't have a link register how on earth were you
going to get into, and out of, your subroutine? So let's say you're coming
from 70 shall we say - location 70 - something like that? Right, now, on this
particular occasion therefore - when you get back out of that subroutine - you
don't want to go back to 70 itself because you'd end up in an endless loop
of jumping back into yourself you want to go to the instruction just beyond 70.
But you want to get back out! You want to remember 70 [and] add -- depending on the
architecture -- you add 1, 2, 4 ... depending. whetherWhen it's a byte machine, a word machine,
whatever. But you add a small number on to that address and say: "That's where I
want to get back to -- the instruction after where I jumped from". >> Sean: And the
problem is that you've got nowhere tosave [it]? >> DFB: Well, on modern machines [address] 70 would be
saved in a link register, maybe [on the ARM chip] register number 14, or something.
You say: "Jump to subroutine". The moment you say it, it automatically
remembers where you're jumping from and puts it in the link register. So when you
want to come back out you say: "ere I am, on this architecture, where's my link
register? Number 14?. Let's look at its content. Oh! it says "70" and I'm on a
32-bit machine with 4 bytes to the word so that's ... I want to jump 4 beyond 70".
Or if it's, y' know, like EDSAC it might be 1 or 2 beyond. But you want to
just jump back to where you came from, slightly adjusted, with a little amount
added. And it is that link register that saves you from going insane. Now back in
the early days of David Wheeler and this EDSAC machine he had to do this for ...
Oh golly! I wish I had an extra register but I haven't
Wat register have I got, that's in use all the time, that might - if I'm very careful -
serve me all right. And the answer is - the Arithmetic Accumulator.
Every time you loaded a number into the accumulator, or did some arithmetic, the
answer stays in the accumulator. OK, so here's the deal: we're going to use the
arithmetic accumulator as the means of remembering where we came from. So here
you are at location 70, in the early EDSAC machine, what do you have to do ...
>> Sean: So, you have to add 70 to 0, or something? >> DFB: Yes! Basically "yes"! You're jumping
from 70 -- OK 70 has got to be in the accumulator at the moment of jump -- and
then you do an unconditional branch instruction to get to the start of the
subroutine. Fine! But you wake up in that subroutine your
first job is to preserve your link to get back! You must NOT do any arithmetic
- because you [might] feel like it. Duty calls! You must save off your return link
somewhere safe! Right?! Because, if you don't, you won't be able to get back.
But you have no spare ... >> Sean: So we've got nowhere to save .... >> DFB: ... no spare registers to save it
Yeah! you might think so, but how about this: suppose at the bottom of your
subroutine there is a branch instruction, a dummy one, which is basically going to
say branch, or jump, back to where I came from. But "where I came from"
must be a literal correct address. And in the accumulator is 70. So what you that
have to do is - knowing the length of your subroutine and its addresses and knowing
where the return instruction is planted as a dummy - you've basically got to turn
70 into 72, 74, whatever it is, to make it go back to the next instruction after
where you came from. And you must literally plant that instruction and -
shock! horror! - overwrite your own program code at the bottom of this subroutine, so
that the dummy jump, which has probably got zeros left in it by now, becomes jump
back to location 72, shall we say. But you are actually
altering memory. Now can you imagine if that goes wrong, how to debug a program
that's trampling all over itself and jumping back to the wrong address! you
know >> Sean: Code gets altered all the time, right?! Can you give us some sense of how
sacrosanct these lines of code are when it's running? >> DFB: Well, code may seem to alter
itself all the time but it's usually altering itself by manipulating
registers in the CPU not physically overwriting memory in your main memory store.
>> Sean: So it's OK to obviously change the value for variables, and and all of
that, but actually changing those lines of code should be .... >> DFB: Changing variables is
fine. That's data. You're allowed to change data. What you're not allowed to
do is to treat a program-instruction bit pattern as if it was just a piece of
data and to patch something on top of it Now you can do this on Z80 chips,
I've tried doing it! If you go to very simple chips there's no protection
mechanisms. They'll let you do anything you want and you just hang yourself! Fine.
More advanced chips, now, and particularly operating systems make use of this, give
you an ability to mark which pieces of memory are read-only and are not to be
overwritten. And that way you can stay fairly sane.
Although you've left behind a polluted piece of code saying "jump back to 72" the
next time you come into this routine - maybe having jumped from 256, shall we
say, you've now got to remember 256six in the accumulator. The moment you
get in there you adjust it ever so slightly to come back to 258,
or whatever it is, and you plant that instruction to overwrite the jump back
to 72 which is still there, literally inside your code. So, every single call
you make into that subroutine the link back has to overwrite whatever
usage you had before and plant it in exactly the right place to get back. You
can see now why the moment EDSAC II came along - all of a sudden this had link
registers. All of this early experience just showed the pioneers
what the next generation of machinery had to have. And that's how the
importance of link registers became obvious. It will have occured to you of
course, Sean, I think I've got this right, that doing it the day David Wheeler way
with a Wheeler Junp, right, you successively at the end of your routine
of writing back and patching it with your address you need to get back to,
That's fine and it'll work. But what does that NOT enable you to do? Begins with an "R". omen
>> Sean: A further ... recursion oh yeah! >> DFB: One of thereasons for wanting a more general
mechanism for doing it is [that] you can't do recursion with the Wheeler method
because you've only got one place in memory, at the end of the subroutine,
where you patch back a new return address. What you need with recursion is
to have *several* return addresses all waiting to be used
queued up ... no not queued up ... stacked up on tha stack. So, that's the other thing.
>> Sean: Recursion is obviously a very particular special case but does this Wheeler Jump
not even allow you to do branches in branches? >> DFB: Oh! you can do that. Yes, yes, you
can do that but but actually having, y'know a thing call itself, since you've
textually only got one copy of the routine, just one, you're not able to
replicate the text in any way, there's no ability to do that. You can only damage
that one return address, just the one. That means that the next realization from
being a pioneer is my golly we've gotta be able to do recursion. My golly we need
more general-purpose registers and all this kind of stuff. And oh! also,
wouldn't it be nice to put a marker on memory saying: "Don't let anybody over-write
this!" And actually have it hardware- imposed not just by people's good nature.