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  • Hi, I'm Mandy Moore.

  • I am Christie Meds.

  • I'm Susan Kelechi Watson and were the ladies of this thing, But this is really us really scene that I was probably most nervous.

  • The film is this kiss meant Sterling and I do.

  • It's like episode to Season two, and he picks me up and spins me around When Kate was on the scale in the pilot episode of the first season.

  • But I have to, like, jump up, and I was just so nervous I was going to jump up like knock him in the head or something to jump up and missed the lip.

  • Hey wouldn't catch me right?

  • The Super Bowl episode surrounding Jack's death.

  • They were like 100 strangers, and I was basically naked.

  • That's a little nerve wracking.

  • Very liberating, however, but very nerve wracking.

  • First thing I do when I get to say, to swing my door open, keep it open so the sun come in.

  • First thing I do when I get to set his pick up my little baby side because I need to know what's happening.

  • Seeing order, I need to be prepared.

  • The first thing I do when I get to set is, um I light a candle in my trailer, which I'm always terrified.

  • I'm gonna burn the whole joint in town.

  • That doesn't stop me, because I'm all about that fresh scented candles.

  • I might have to switch up my routine.

  • Yeah, Candle the door.

  • Coffee sides later.

  • Ready?

  • Yeah.

  • Who cares about really relevant the actor actors?

  • I would want to play one of the Pearsons.

  • Oh, if we could find a way to put shot day.

  • It is one of my family members.

  • I would love that cause I just love her.

  • How dare you mess with magic?

  • I'm pretty happy with the family as it stands right now.

  • I love our Pearson's.

  • The Royal I'd most want to have tea with is Megan Marchal, and I think Prince Harry, perhaps Meghan Markle because she's the newest member of the family is little Prince George from Cambridge.

  • He's so cute sees she's an l a girl.

  • She's an actress, like actually know each other from another lifetime ago.

  • So it might be nice to reconnect the trend I will never wear or connect to.

  • Do you know what Jenko pants are?

  • I have nothing else to say I do not get the whole bike short trend like it's just not flattering on anyone, even in a cycling class business where I'm just very casual, super, super casual.

  • You find a lot of denim, a lot of jeans.

  • Coffee is my biggest vice.

  • Biggest vice is probably cheese, Specifically cheese.

  • I'm just being honest.

  • What kind of anything?

  • That's not smoked.

  • I'm gonna say sugar, because it could become like an addiction.

  • Like for sure.

  • What?

  • What foreign to sugar take.

  • Yeah, wild animal.

  • I would love to have as a pet is a bobcat.

  • I have a bobcat that sort of bidden in my yard the last couple of weeks and trying to figure out if I could domesticate that guy.

  • When I was a kid, I used to think I was gonna have a huge house with, like, a saltwater moat around it.

  • And I could just have a dolphin.

  • Isn't very kind for the dolphin.

  • But for me, I gotta be honest with you.

  • I am not like all I'm thinking about is like my rug.

  • My pillow.

  • E draft one.

  • Yes.

  • Yes.

  • Yeah, because I like that image of them coming down just enough.

  • My hand, something like that.

  • The first thing I do want to get on an airplane is unpack.

  • I check out the movies.

  • Typically, you don't always watch them because I'm listening to music and I'm a bit of a germophobe, so I definitely take, like the alcohol swab slash.

  • Like just some sort of like wipe toe wipe down my general vicinity like to make sure that it's sanitized.

  • But I just get my whole situation such awaiting unwrapped pillows and blankets and get down to business, which is going to sleep.

  • If I had two weeks for vacation.

  • I'm thinking about going to Jamaica because my bro's and their kids are in Jamaica right now.

  • Maybe two.

  • Europay.

  • I've never been.

  • I am going to hustle as quickly as I can and start the trek up to Everest Base camp.

  • That's like my next big trip.

  • My reacts when I found out I'd be on the cover of glamour.

  • First of all, babies, where's cover?

  • Okay, you and to do it with these beautiful women.

  • Oh, God.

  • What?

  • I just was like, What is it like to walk past the newsstand and see us on there?

  • It was just so exciting because I remember reading glamour as a teenager, and now it's like what?

  • We're gonna be on it.

  • So it was It's fun.

  • T share these sort of milestones with people that you love, you know, thank you.

  • Realize you did.

Hi, I'm Mandy Moore.

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這就是我們》劇組討論他們最難忘的場景|Glamour ('This Is Us' Cast Discuss Their Most Memorable Scenes | Glamour)

  • 12 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary