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What's the biggest health scare you had?
I don't think I had a nice trip.
Fell diamond straight.
Some missed enough.
And then I don't star.
I've got in gastritis before.
I'm going to get a tooth pulled in a few weeks.
I had this really bad headache.
I broke my arm once, probably when I had the flu.
I was allergic to a dog and I got, like, all these bumps on my face When I was six, I had a kidney Operation, girls deficiency.
I broke my arm when I was five.
I was misdiagnosed three times before I found out I had no very insist.
When I was 10 I had pneumonia.
Big weight loss in 2016.
I got a bad car accident and I got a concussion.
As a kid I had in the system, my neck, thyroid condition.
I've had tonsillitis before.
I've never really had a health scare.
Luckily, I haven't had any major health scarce.
I used to have panic attacks, a cancer scare.
Doctors thought that I had a tumor, and it turned out to be really bad allergies.
When I was a teenager, I went to Thailand and got done.
Gay fever.
That was fun.
I had a hernia when I was life.
I've had a fibroid birth control led to a pulmonary embolism and I was in the hospital for a week.
Neuro cardio genic sink a p.
I was in a car accident.
A shot of Mar Vista money.
I had to get a call and ask if he was in Oslo when I was much younger.
Is child with art writers?
I took a martial arts class and I got punched in the chest.
I was in a bad car accident.
I had some weird leakage from my right breast and thought I might have cancer.
But then I had a mammogram and everything was fine.
The pituitary tumor.
My wrist in half.
Blood blocks on my lungs.
Being high risk for heart disease.
Asthma attack.
Tried to commit suicide.
I had lead poisoning when I was a little girl.
I had a kidney infection.
I had a heart attack, skin cancer, cancer, stroke.
I feel fortunate.
I haven't really had a health scare.
Thyroid abnormal blood test.
I am a former professional ballet dancer.
So I had a lot of injuries when I retired a ruptured appendix.
Breast cancer.
They thought they saw a little grand you'il on my lung.
I've had breast cancer twice.
Had a double mastectomy bomb still here.
Possibility of breast cancer.
Skin cancer, huh?
Remember about four years ago?
A couple of biopsies after routine mammography that turned out fine.
The thyroid condition that I had to have an operation for the breast aspiration.
I nearly died from a misdiagnosis tw auto immune disorder called Still's disease.
High Cholesterol Joint Problems.
I had a fluttering in my chest, so I thought it was a heart attack.
But it wasn't having diabetes, cancer, cancer, knee replacement of tumor, blood clots, multiple blood clots in both lungs after knee surgery, and that was pretty scary.