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  • - [Instructor] Let's say that we have a polynomial, p of x,

  • and we can factor it,

  • and we can put it in the form x minus one times x plus two

  • times x minus three times x plus four.

  • And what we are concerned with

  • are the zeros of this polynomial,

  • and you might say, "What is a zero of a polynomial?"

  • Well, those are the x-values

  • that are going to make the polynomial equal to zero.

  • So another way to think about it is,

  • for what x-values is p of x going to be equal to zero,

  • or another way you can think about it is,

  • for what x-values is this expression

  • going to be equal to zero.

  • So for what x-values is x minus one times x plus two

  • times x minus three times x plus four,

  • going to be equal to zero.

  • I encourage you to pause this video,

  • and think about that a little bit

  • before we work through it together.

  • Well the key realization here is if you have the product

  • of a bunch of expressions,

  • if any one of them is equal to zero,

  • it doesn't matter what the others are,

  • because zero times anything else

  • is going to be equal to zero.

  • So the fancy term for that is the zero product property.

  • But all it says is, hey, if you can find an x-value

  • that makes any one of these expressions equal to zero,

  • well that's going to make the entire expression going to be,

  • it's going to make the entire expression equal to zero.

  • So, the zeros of this polynomial are gonna be the x-values

  • that could make x minus one equal to zero.

  • So x minus one equals zero.

  • Well we know what x-value would make that happen,

  • if x is equal to one, if you add one to both sides here,

  • x equals one, so x equals one is a zero of this polynomial.

  • Another way to say that is p of one when x equals one,

  • that whole polynomial is going to be equal to zero.

  • How do I know that?

  • Well if I put a one in, right over here,

  • this expression right over here, x minus one,

  • that is going to be equal to zero.

  • So you're gonna have zero times a bunch of other stuff

  • which is going to be equal to zero.

  • And so by the same idea,

  • we can figure out what the other zeros are.

  • What would make this part equal to zero?

  • What x-value would make x plus two equal to zero?

  • Well, x equals negative two, x equals negative two,

  • would make x plus two equal zero.

  • So x equals negative two is another zero of this polynomial.

  • And we could keep going.

  • What would make x minus three equal to zero?

  • Well if x is equal to three,

  • that would make x minus three equal to zero,

  • and that would then make the entire expression

  • equal to zero.

  • And then last but not least,

  • what would make x plus four equal to zero?

  • Well if x is equal to negative four.

  • And just like that

  • we have found four zeros for this polynomial,

  • when x equals one the polynomial's equal to zero,

  • when x equals negative two the polynomial's equal to zero,

  • when x equals three the polynomial's equal to zero,

  • and when x equals negative four

  • the polynomial's equal to zero.

  • And one of the interesting things

  • about the zeros of a polynomial

  • you could actually use that to start to sketch out

  • what the graph might look like.

  • So, for example, we know, that this polynomial

  • is going to take on the value zero at these zeros.

  • So let me just draw a rough sketch right over here.

  • So this is my x-axis, that's my y-axis, that's my y-axis.

  • And so, let's see, at x equals one,

  • so let me just do it this way,

  • so we have one, two, three, and four.

  • Then you have negative one, negative two, negative three,

  • and then last but not least, negative four.

  • We know that this polynomial, p of x,

  • is going to be equal to zero at x equals one.

  • So it's going to intersect the x-axis right there.

  • It's going to be equal to zero at x equals negative two,

  • so right over there.

  • At x equals three, right over there.

  • And x equals negative four.

  • Now we don't know exactly what the graph looks like,

  • just based on this.

  • We could try out some values on either side to figure out,

  • hey, is it above the x-axis, or below the x-axis,

  • for x-values less than negative four.

  • And we can try things out like that

  • but we know it intersects the x-axis at these points.

  • So it might look something like this,

  • this is a very rough sketch.

  • It might look something like this,

  • we don't know without doing a little bit more work.

  • But ahead of time, I took a look at what this looks like,

  • I went on to Desmos, and I graphed it,

  • and you can see, it looks exactly as what we would expect.

  • The graph of this polynomial intersects the x-axis

  • at x equals negative four, actually let me color code it,

  • x equals negative four,

  • and that is that zero right over there,

  • x equals negative two, that's this zero right there,

  • x equals one, right over there,

  • and then x equals three, right over there.

  • In future videos we will study this in even more depth.

- [Instructor] Let's say that we have a polynomial, p of x,

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