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  • - [Instructor] We're told that Felipe feeds his dog

  • the same amount every day from a large bag of dog food.

  • Two weeks after initially opening the bag,

  • he decided to start weighing how much food remained

  • in the bag on a weekly basis.

  • Here's some of his data.

  • So we see after 14 days, there's 14 kilograms remaining.

  • Then after another seven days pass by,

  • so now we're at 21 days from the beginning,

  • there's only 10.5 kilograms left.

  • Then after 28 days there are seven kilograms left.

  • All right, so we are going to try to use this data

  • to start answering some interesting questions,

  • and maybe we'll also try to visualize it with a graph.

  • So the first thing that we might try to tackle

  • is well how much food was in the bag to begin with

  • if we assume that he's using

  • the same amount of food every week.

  • So pause this video and see if you can figure that out.

  • How much food was in the bag to begin with

  • if we assume that Felipe is feeding his dog

  • the same amount every week?

  • Okay now there's several ways to do this,

  • but to help us visualize this,

  • let me see if I can graph the data that we have

  • and then see what would happen as we approach the beginning

  • of this, of what's going on here, the dog feeding,

  • and maybe as we go to the end as well.

  • So let's see, this is my x-axis, this is my y-axis.

  • I'm going to make x-axis measure the passage of the days,

  • so number of days on the x-axis.

  • And on the y-axis I'm going to measure,

  • I'm gonna measure food remaining, and that is in kilograms.

  • And let's see, it looks like maybe if my scale goes up to,

  • let's make this five, 10, 15, 20,

  • and then 25, I can make it a little higher, 25,

  • I think this will be sufficient.

  • And then we wanna go up to 28 days,

  • and it looks like they're measuring everything

  • on a weekly basis, so let's say

  • that this is seven, 14, 21, and then 28.

  • And they gave us some data points.

  • So after 14 days, there's 14 kilograms remaining,

  • so 14 days, there's 14 kilograms remaining,

  • right over there.

  • After 21 days, there's 10.5 kilograms remaining,

  • 21 days, 10.5 is right about there.

  • After 28 days there's seven kilograms remaining,

  • so after 28 days, seven kilograms.

  • And we're assuming the rate

  • of the dog food usage is the same,

  • that he's feeding his dog the same amount every week.

  • And so this would describe a line,

  • that the rate is going to be the slope of that line,

  • and then if we can plot this line,

  • if we know where that line intersects the x and y-axes,

  • we might be able to figure out some other things.

  • So actually let me draw a line here,

  • let me see if I can use this little line tool

  • to connect the dots in a reasonable way.

  • So let's say it looks something like that, that's our line,

  • that'll describe how quickly he is using his dog food.

  • So let me make sure that this dot is,

  • should be on the line as well.

  • Now let's try to answer that first question,

  • and think about how we might do it.

  • How much food was in the bag to begin with?

  • So what point here represents how much food

  • was in the bag to begin with?

  • Well that's the amount of food remaining at day zero,

  • at the beginning of this,

  • so that would be this point right over here,

  • would describe how much food was in the bag to begin with.

  • This would be the y-intercept, y-intercept is when

  • our x value is equal to zero, what is our y value.

  • And when we just look at it, the graph,

  • it looks like it's a little bit over 20,

  • but we could find the exact value

  • by thinking about the slope, which is thinking about

  • the rate at which the dog food is being depleted.

  • We can see that every week, every week that goes by,

  • or every seven days that goes by,

  • it looks like we use 3.5 kilograms.

  • Or another way to think about it,

  • every two weeks it looks like we use an entire kilogram.

  • So let me put it this way,

  • when we go plus 14 days, plus 14 days,

  • it looks like we use up, or the food remaining goes does by,

  • goes down every two weeks it goes down by seven kilograms,

  • seven kilograms, negative seven kilograms.

  • So if we wanna figure out this exact value,

  • we just have to reverse things.

  • If we are going back 14 days,

  • then we are going to go up seven kilograms.

  • So if we were at 14, up seven kilograms,

  • this right over here is the point zero comma 21.

  • So how much food did Felipe start with in the bag?

  • 21 kilograms, and we got that from the y-intercept.

  • Now another question is how much

  • is Felipe feeding his dog everyday.

  • Pause this video and see if you can figure that out.

  • Well we know every 14 days

  • he's feeding the dog seven kilograms,

  • so one way to think about it is,

  • and we're really looking at the slope here

  • to figure out the rate at which he's feeding his dog.

  • So the slope is equal to our change in the y,

  • so negative seven kilograms,

  • every our change in the x, every 14 days,

  • and so seven over 14 is the same thing as 1/2,

  • so this is equal to negative 1/2 of a kilogram per day.

  • So this tells us everyday the food remaining

  • is going down half a kilogram,

  • so that means he's feeding his dog,

  • assuming his dog is eating the food and finishing it,

  • that his dog is eating half a kilogram a day.

  • And if we wanted to ask another question,

  • how many days will the bag last?

  • How would you think about that?

  • And we know it's going to be out here someplace,

  • if we just continue that line,

  • because this point right over here,

  • where our line intersects the x-axis,

  • that would be our x-intercept,

  • that is the x value when our y value is zero,

  • and our y is the amount of food remaining.

  • So we wanna know what day do we have no food remaining.

  • And we could try to estimate it,

  • or we could figure out it exactly.

  • We know that every 14 days we use up seven kilograms.

  • So if we are at seven, as we are right over here,

  • and we go 14 days in the future,

  • we should use up the remaining contents of the bag,

  • so plus 14 days we're going

  • to use up the remaining seven kilograms.

  • And so this should happen 14 days after the 28th day,

  • so this is going to be the 42nd day.

- [Instructor] We're told that Felipe feeds his dog

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斜率和截距的意義|線性方程和圖形|代數I|可汗學院 (Slope and intercept meaning from a table | Linear equations & graphs | Algebra I | Khan Academy)

  • 2 1
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary