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  • I'm David often filmmaker, and you're about to see a film from my collection off films from the Vietnam War.

  • I collected them to create a television series called Making Sense of the Sixties, which ran on public television, and I tried to get every point of view, every side, every experience that I could.

  • And this particular film shows an interesting thing.

  • Most people don't know about the Vietnam War.

  • It wasn't just battle left about a lift, a battle.

  • It wasn't just about killing Americans by the thousands.

  • Went to these little towns, these Hamlets, these farmers and tried to win what they used to call the hearts and the minds.

  • And it was true.

  • I mean, the soldiers I knew that did this.

  • They really cared about these people.

  • They were really trying to help.

  • You'll see some of that in this film.

  • It didn't work for a variety of reasons, which are not in the film.

  • It's a government film, yet the filmmakers that showing you something that really did occur.

  • So take a look at this part of the Vietnam War, the behind the scenes America trying to treat these warrior farmers.

  • That's what they were farmers and warriors in such a way that they had faith in America.

  • In the democratic system, in our side of the war.

  • See what you think.

  • Okay, move out.

  • The war in Vietnam has many faces.

  • It isn't just a simple matter of locating and destroying an enemy who hides in the jungles of this Asian nation.

  • There are human needs to be met.

  • If the people of this land are to fulfill their destiny is a free society and the ultimate riel victory is to be one, helping the people of South Vietnam to achieve their goals of enlightenment.

  • And the democratic life is one of the major objectives of our army.

  • I want you to think that way you have to kind of the moment way had the aural thermometer and we have direct same way have aural thermometer on record.

  • Our nation building programs are causing more and more of Vietnamese to turn their backs on.

  • The Communist controlled BF called enemy devotes increasing effort to prevent our programs from succeeding.

  • These are the men of the U.

  • S.

  • Army's 25th Infantry Division.

  • Their task in Vietnam is too full to defeat the enemy on the battlefield and to carry out effective civil assistance for the people of this war torn nation.

  • Military operations Take Much Time Men of the Third Brigade established a resettlement camp for refugees in Con to MME.

  • Province.

  • Here, The weary victims of the conflict find peace, security and a degree of hope for a better life in the days ahead in recognition of the divisions, humanitarian efforts and it's growing program civil assistance programs, men of the Tropic Lightning Division were honored at an award ceremony.

  • Brigadier General Glenn D.

  • Walker, then the assistant division commander, and other high ranking staff officers accepted the award for the 25th because the valuable lessons learned about the enemy's tactics during actual combat, the division established a special training course to teach Tropic Lightning troopers howto ambush enemy troops played by U.

  • S soldiers during night operations.

  • The deadly Claymore mine is one of the ambush tools which are used by these night fighters.

  • Though the 25th Infantry Division is well trained on the subject of guerrilla warfare, Major General Fred See Wayland, who was then the commanding general, felt the men would benefit from special instruction on ways to trap the enemy.

  • Additional measures to deal with the hidden phone were taken as the infantryman from Hawaii began working with scalp dogs, continuous obedience, training conditions, the animals and assures their instant response to the handlers commands No.

  • Yeah, In the field, the big £125 animals are trained to sniff out hidden enemy personnel in the thick undergrowth.

  • When VCR located the scalp, dogs indicate there find without making a sound.

  • Theo Enemy never knows.

  • His presence has been discovered until the dog and troopers are upon him.

  • Now I go right on home.

  • Continuing their combat operations, the 25th Infantry Division, along with all other U.

  • S Army units in Vietnam, began putting more emphasis upon psychological warfare and pacification programs.

  • Residents of a suspected Vietcong village are called out for a well planned pacification festival.

  • Meanwhile, the Hamlet has been surrounded by both U S and South Vietnamese troops in a thorough screening process, Vietnamese officials carry out indoctrination of the Villagers, assisted by soldiers of the 25th Division, pointing out the fallacies of the Vietcong ideology and offering a better life in exchange for loyalty to the Saigon government.

  • person stage of the screening is the 25th division interrogation section here.

  • Villagers are identified and military intelligence gathered after what her husband does.

  • I don't know.

  • How old is she?

  • No, come with me.

  • Vietnamese Information Service is next to process the people of the village.

  • At this section, they learn of the various assistance programs, which the Saigon government is making available to the needy of the nation.

  • The section set up by the psychological warfare teams assist of Vietnamese in distributing literature aimed at politically repatriating the individual with communist leanings.

  • One of the most important aspect of the pacification process is the free medical service given to the Villagers.

  • What these physicians and medical aid men do here is long remembered in the final stage of the screening process.

  • The helping hand section determines the most immediate names of each family and attributes a wide variety of items considered basic for day to day.

  • Living gasification festivals like this one are conducted as a joint effort of both the American Military Command and the government of the Republic of Vietnam.

  • Everywhere the results are encouraging.

  • Thank you.

  • As the months rolled by Tropic Lightning Division psyops teams have stepped up their distribution of chill boy leaflets, templates calling upon the members of the National Liberation Front, the Vietcong, to drop their communist inspired activities and re align themselves with the Saigon government by every means available.

  • The late Let's are disseminated throughout the divisions area of responsibility, a major campaign to win over the hearts and minds of the enemy within promising safe conduct and a life of freedom for those who respond and lay down their arms.

  • Jiro Oi!

  • Leaflets are read by thousands, and the campaign works.

  • Previous hard core Vietcong are defecting to the Americans by the hundreds.

  • In their eagerness to start the new life, the defectors offer wholehearted cooperation.

  • They lead our troops to the hiding places of their former V C guerrilla comrade.

  • Each location is systematically searched, then destroyed in the struggle to win over the dissident elements.

  • One of the most valued aspect of the Civic Action program is the medical assistance work being carried out by Med Cap team.

  • This is the village of Coke.

  • He ate about seven miles northwest of the 25th division headquarters at Poochie.

  • The members of this mid cap team from the 25th of Medical Battalion visit this village once a week to provide free medical service to its inhabitants.

  • Similar visits are made to a great number of other villages in the district, and the midcap team has an extremely crowded schedule.

  • Despite the pressures under which these men work, each patient is given careful attention.

  • He got a bad fracture here.

  • You might maybe born in there.

  • He wasn't shot or in an accident.

  • Well, hello.

  • He had a fractured making you.

  • But when you help me, you know, how long has he had the drainage?

  • And I think what he's got is a nasty my lightest with a fish learn.

  • Chronic, greener.

  • Yeah.

  • What we'll do is asking the bank next week with his parents and try and make arrangements for you to go to Saigon to the hospital.

  • We're getting entrees and see if it can be treated.

  • Maybe just one long term.

  • You think he understands?

  • Would you ask him if you think you understand to come back By mid summer 1967 17 months after the divisions arrival a coochie medical teams from the Tropic Lightning division had treated more than 189,000 Vietnamese citizens back Overall Civic Action program being carried out by the 25th division takes many forms here at the village of Don't seeing some 50 miles northeast of Saigon, a number of self help projects have been launched under supervision of the third Brigade as five sections.

  • Captain Van Unlocks is the officer in charge.

  • Now hang is in a position here next to the Saigon River.

  • It comprises five Hamlet.

  • We have here a population of about 10,000 people, which is approximately 2/3 of the total population here in the free time destroy.

  • Because of our position next to the village, we feel that, uh, we can get in here and do civic action work with the people and thereby reach most of the people in the what we try to do mainly create projects for these people in coordination with the district village of Fisher that are going to be number one long lasting and number two projects in which the people are going to be o derive a lasting benefit.

  • We we try to get these people and we have been very successful in getting them to do projects on the room in which we provide materials, technical assistance and then they do the project.

  • I truly feel that the willing cooperation and enthusiasm shown by the people here in Dallas is a good indication these people build secure from D.

  • C uh, in the area here that they want to see their village progress that I that we have come a long way in the time that the brigade has been here and has assisted these people.

  • I think that, uh, in time to come, we're going to find these people contributing more and also feeling more secure in their respective areas here.

  • In the final analysis, the United States Army 25th Infantry Division is a combat outfit in this shooting war.

  • Their first job is to hunt down the enemy forces and to eliminate them as efficiently as possible.

  • This is not easily done in the guerrilla warfare of Vietnam jungle one great petty.

  • A typical example is Operation Barking Sense, named after a famous beach in the Hawaiian Islands.

  • Elements of the first Brigade are being sent out to clear an area in the battlezone suspected of harboring Viet phone.

  • Second domain battalion, hard core guerrilla units supported by the Hanoi government.

  • Trouble spot is a place with the improbable name of Knob, Yet about 10 miles east of the Divisions, Coochie based plan called for the assault force to go in in two ways.

  • Landing about 100 yards apart at the landing zone, the first wave received fire from the Viet Cong and was immediately pinned down.

  • Now second wave came in and it, too, was taken under fire.

  • Trying to link up with the first wave, the men of Alfa Company received fire from the wood line to the back front and one side they kept pushing ahead, while the Forward observer called in the helicopter gunships suppressive fire.

  • It took men of Alfa Company nearly two hours to link up with the men of the first wave only 100 yards away.

  • Finally, the Air Force saber jets were called in Operation Barking Sands.

  • A small portion of the war against the aggressors was completed.

  • A little Hamlet of AP, Nobby Ake was taken from day today.

  • This is the way it is in Vietnam.

  • As the conflict continues, 25th Infantry Division of the United States Army fulfills its daily missions of compassion and nation building on the one hand and the stern duty of ground combat on the other.

  • Whatever the demand, the Tropic Lightning division stands ready to strike.

I'm David often filmmaker, and you're about to see a film from my collection off films from the Vietnam War.

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美國人在越南捲入的不僅僅是戰爭 (Americans In Vietnam Involved More Than War)

  • 7 1
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
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