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Hey, everybody. Trevor Noah here. Back with another episode
of The Daily Social Distancing Show.
Now, before we get into the show, uh,
I've been getting a lot of questions from you online
asking about things behind me. They're...
People asked me why the plant was dying, so I replaced it.
And, uh, now I've noticed a lot of people
asking what the round things are behind me.
And, first of all: no, it's not a sex thing,
so stop saying that, okay? These are actually
African heritage domes, which a mother hands down to her son
to remind him of the bond they'll always share.
We call them impundu zakho. That's what it is.
Anyway, we're on day 12 of staying at home
to try and stop the coronavirus and destroy my social life.
And here's your tip of the day: if you're baking cupcakes
and you run out of icing, you can just use toothpaste.
Yeah. It looks exactly the same
and now your cupcakes are healthy.
Anyway, tonight we're gonna catch up on the latest news,
like businesses booming from coronavirus,
the trials of Dr. Fauci
and President Trump itching to leave the house again.
So let's get into it.
Welcome to The Daily Social Distancing Show.
-♪ ♪ -ANNOUNCER: From Trevor's couch in New York City
to your couch somewhere in the world, this is
The Daily Social Distancing Show with Trevor Noah.
Okay, let's kick it off with some good news first.
As you know, hospitals are running short
on essential equipment to treat people with coronavirus--
and that includes ventilators-- to help people breathe,
because, remember, it's a respiratory illness.
But now-- this is great news-- major car manufacturers
like Ford and General Motors have announced that they'll be
retooling their factories
so they can make ventilators to help out.
It'll take a few months to get them up and running, but, still,
I mean, this is great that the car companies are stepping up
to help with the ventilator shortage.
And it's gonna be great.
It just means the next Fast and the Furious movie
is gonna be a little bit weird.
(imitates Vin Diesel): It's about family
and breathing and social distancing.
(normal voice): Oh, another good piece of news right now
is, uh, for all the wild animals out there, you see,
because with millions of us humans locked indoors,
bears, deer, elephants and other animals are now
just exploring cities around the world without fear.
Yeah. So, basically, after hundreds of years
of animals being in the zoo, now the tables have turned
and we're the ones in the zoo. Yeah.
Soon you're just gonna see elephants outside your window
looking in like, "Oh, wow, honey. Come look.
"Come look at this guy and his cute little trunk.
"Oh, he's so adorable. Oh!
Oh, I'll never forget this, oh."
So, that's the good news.
The bad news is that corona
is still surging around the world
with almost 400,000 confirmed global infections.
Yeah, and all over the world people are reacting.
In my home country of South Africa,
President Ramaphosa has announced a nationwide
21-day lockdown, but the shutdown
only goes into effect on Friday. Which is really cool.
It's like the coronavirus is getting a bachelor party.
It's like, "All right, boys, I got three days of freedom.
Let's go to the club and make it count!"
Now, I think this is great for so many reasons.
One, it gives people time to stock up
without slitting each others' throats over toilet paper.
#America, #NoNames, #YouKnowWhoI'mTalkingAbout.
Two, it gives everyone a chance to get a haircut
so they're not looking like a caveman
when they're stuck inside the house. Look at me!
Where are you, Bubba? Where are you?
And, most importantly, three days' notice gives you time--
crucial time--
to convert your crush
into your quarantine bae.
Yeah, you don't think about that.
America just announces a shutdown.
What about all the single people?
At least in South Africa they give you time.
You got four days.
Can be like, "Hey, you want to...
"corona and chill for the next 21 days?
Yeah? Yeah?"
So that's South Africa.
Now, over in Britain,
after months of hoping the problem would go away,
yesterday Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced
that he was also locking down the entire country
for at least three weeks.
Yes, Britains will only be allowed to leave their home
for supplies, essential work
and one form of daily exercise. Yeah.
And if you're wondering what that means,
it is a little strange that they say
"one form" of daily exercise.
So it's almost like if you're going for a jog,
you can't walk after... It's just like,
(English accent): "Oi, oi, oi! one form--
"you running or you walking?"
"But I'm tired."
"That means you keep running."
(normal voice): Oh, and if you're wondering what
the British do to exercise, well, they-they do
traditional British things like cycling, uh, rowing
and, obviously, colonization.
Now, in America, the situation is steadily getting worse.
New York and California are starting to see their hospitals
overwhelmed with corona cases,
with California predicting its hospitals will be short
about 17,000 beds,
and New York is saying it needs to double its hospital beds
just to keep up with surging demand.
And the news isn't much better for the economy.
You see, in the wake of millions of American workers
being forced to stay home, people are losing their jobs
and companies are being forced to shut down.
Although-- and this is strange--
there are some businesses who are experiencing a surge--
a positive surge-- because of coronavirus.
Stores like Dollar General, Walmart,
Papa John's and Amazon
are seeing so much demand right now
that they're hiring
hundreds of thousands of new workers.
Not to mention-- and this is real--
Pornhub is experiencing a spike in traffic.
Like, I mean, like, a super spike, you know?
Like, the corona curve? That's also the porn curve as well.
We we need to flatten both of those curves.
Yeah, Pornhub blowing up.
You know who you are, watching The Daily Show
and then afterwards you go to Pornhub. Huh?
What are you searching there?
Coronavirus news?
I see you.
In fact, Pornhub is so busy right now,
they had to hire a special team of people
just to keep their servers running.
We actually have video of them right now.
All ahead full.
-MAN: All ahead full! -(ringing)
I never realized porn ran on coal.
It's fascinating.
You learn something new every day.
All right, now the main story in America right now,
like most days for the past five years,
is Donald J. Trump.
Ever since this epidemic began,
he's been desperate for it to miraculously resolve itself.
Right? He downplayed its severity.
He said it would vanish magically in April.
And, lately, he's been promoting the drug chloroquine
as a miracle cure.
Now, this drug hasn't actually been tested,
and evidence of its benefits are still anecdotal.
But because the president is out there promoting it every day,
there has been a run on it.
People are panicking, and they're trying to get this drug
because they think it can help.
And the problem is that a lot of people with diseases like lupus
and rheumatoid arthritis actually need this medication,
and now there's a shortage and they can't get it.
It's so frustrating, man.
You know what we need to do with Donald Trump?
The same way they bleep out curse words in rap videos,
they need to start bleeping out Trump's misinformation
at his press briefings. Yeah.
Every time he's up there at the podium,
whenever he speaks, they should be ready with the censors.
He'll be like, "I want to tell you all
"about the benefits of word
"(bleep) word
"and all the great things it can (bleep).
"(bleep) formative big-time.
"And it's great for your skin.
Thank you."
Now, as much as you want to blame Trump,
we also have to ask ourselves
how people are getting a prescription drug
that they don't need.
Yes, Trump is wrong for recommending this
when he's not a doctor, but, clearly,
there are some shady-ass real doctors out there
who are putting peoples' lives at risk,
and they should definitely know better than Donald Trump.
Oh, and promoting unproven cures
isn't the only sign that Donald Trump desperately wants
to wish the coronavirus away,
because now, now he actually thinks
we've done enough social distancing
and, in his opinion,
it's just time for everybody to get back to work.
America will again and soon be open for business,
uh, very soon.
A lot sooner than, uh, three or four months
that somebody was suggesting. A lot sooner.
We cannot let the cure be worse than the problem itself.
We're not gonna let the cure be worse than the problem.
Our country's not supposed to be--
You know, it's not-- it's not built to shut down.
Our people are full of vim and vigor and energy.
They don't want to be locked into a-a house
or an apartment or some space.
It's not for our country.
You know, you can destroy a country this way,
by closing it down.
Now, look, I know many health experts are saying
Trump is extremely irresponsible right now,
but I can see where Donald Trump is coming from.
Right? I can see why he wants social distancing to end.
I would also take my chances with coronavirus
if the alternative were spending months trapped in the house
with Eric.
"Dad, now that we're here forever,
do you have time for me?"
"Uh, corona, it's over, folks.
"Time to get back out there.
"It's over. It's over.
No more soc-- The-the cure is worse than the problem."
"But, Dad, we got to stay indoors."
"No, no, no, we don't.
"No, we don't. Corona!
I'm ready for you."
Here's the thing.
I know Trump wants to reassess things
after the 15-day quarantine.
That's what he keeps on saying, right?
He says we should reassess
after the 15-day quarantine is over.
But... what quarantine?
Two-thirds of the American population
hasn't even been quarantined.
People around the country have been out at bars,
at restaurants, beaches the whole time.
So what are we reassessing after the 15 days? Huh?
We're just gonna go back to normal
after doing a half-assed job?
'Cause some of us have been flattening the curve.
See this? See this?
This is flattening the curve. Yeah.
But you guys realize the curve can unflatten, too.
Huh? It's like that and we bring it down. It can go back.
It's like eating healthy.
After a week, you start feeling yourself.
You see results. Then you're like,
"Oh, this is great. I can eat ice cream again."
Then, boom, the curve is back.
And you know what I think?
I think because coronavirus is invisible,
a lot of people aren't taking it seriously enough.
Like, we would treat the threat completely differently
if we could see it.
Like, imagine if coronavirus was zombies
running through the streets right now
and people were telling you,
"80 zombies ate people in Washington State,
400 zombies in Italy."
Yeah, I can tell you now we wouldn't be like,
"All right, guys, time to get back to work.
We got to get back to work ASAP."
We'd be like, "Okay, obviously, let's, uh, finish the zombies
before we reopen Quiznos. How 'bout that, guys?"
Just be like, "Hey, have we gotten the zombie outbreak
under control?" Be like, "No, not at all.
"But it's time to get back to our normal lives.
"We've just got to accept that the zombies
"are part of life now.
That's-that's just how we are."
"Aah! The zombie's eating my brains!"
"Look, all of us are gonna lose a little bit of our brains
"to the zombies, okay, Steve?
"Stop being so dramatic.
"Everybody's brains get eaten a little bit.
This is the price we pay for freedom."
Now, look, obviously, everyone wants the economy
to be back up and running again, right?
Everyone wants that.
Businesses are struggling to stay open.
People are losing their jobs.
But the difficult truth is this:
if America leaves social distancing behind too soon,
if any country does it too soon,
the experts have warned
that many people could die.
And most people would want to do whatever it takes
to prevent that from happening.
But there's an interesting strain of thought
that's going around
that maybe a lot of people dying
is just the cost of a really great economy.
REPORTER: Overnight, backlash
after the lieutenant governor of Texas suggested
some seniors are willing to die
to get the economy moving again.
Tucker, no one reached out to me and said, uh,
"As a senior citizen, uh, are you willing
"to take a chance on your survival in exchange
"for keeping the America that all America loves
for your children and grandchildren?"
And if that's the exchange, I'm all in.
Um, and that doesn't make me noble
or brave or anything like that.
I just think there are lots of grandparents out there
in this country like me.
My message is that, um,
let's get back to work, let's get back to living.
You know, and if I get sick, I'll go and try to get better,
but if I don't, I don't.
Is this guy being serious right now?
He wants grandparents to sacrifice themselves
so that the economy can get restarted months earlier?
Yeah, I'm sure right now,
there's an old man on his death bed just like,
"Goodbye... Jimmy." Just like, "No, Grandpa!
Don't go!" He's like,
"It's okay, buddy.
"You'll always have the Dow Jones
and the S&P 500!"
"Oh, and Jimmy, before I forget."
"Yes, Grandpa?"
"The Nasdaq." (gasps)
Look, people,
if we go back to doing nothing, the number of deaths
from coronavirus could be in the millions.
And the problem with these numbers sometimes is
that we think of them as numbers.
Think of everybody in your life. If I said to you,
"You could lose one or two family members,"
would you be able to choose who?
And those of you who could choose, you're assholes.
Everyone else, you know what feeling I'm talking about.
And don't forget. This is not just
a people-with-coronavirus problem, right?
Because if we let this thing get out of control,
anyone who needs a hospital would be in trouble.
If you get in a car crash, if you have a heart attack,
if you ate too much toothpaste from your cupcakes,
there may not be space in the hospital for you
because the hospital is already dealing
with everyone who has coronavirus.
Because, you see, hospitals are not made
for a massive influx of patients like this.
Think of it this way. You've got all these people
who need to go to a hospital at the same time.
Yes, millions of people go to the hospital every single year,
but we go steadily.
If we all go at the same time, it cannot cope,
and then more people die because of it.
The simplest way to think of it is this.
You know how the Internet crashes
every time Kim Kardashian releases a new butt pic?
Yeah? Now imagine if she decided
to release 100 butt pics in one day.
The Internet would crash so hard, it would delete itself,
and then we'd go back to the Stone Age.
We'd just telling each other stories in caves.
"It was like this, and Kanye hated that she was doing it."
So before you take Donald Trump's advice
to go back to work early,
think about Kim Kardashian's butt.
That sounded better in my head.
All right, anyway, before we go for a quick break,
let's check in on my good friend Michael Kosta
and see how he's handling his self-quarantine.
Let me just see if I can... call him in here.
Yo, Kosta!
What's going on, dude?
Good to see you, man!
Oh, this is... Man, I've... It's been so long.
Wow! Look at you-- all corona... I love...
You-You're also growing... We're both growing the beards.
-Stuck indoors. -Well, this...
Trevor, this is a beard.
You... What, you got a little hair on your face?
You know?
Anyway, I was... I was just calling to see how you...
how you're doing, my friend.
I forgot how much of an asshole you are,
and I actually missed you. What are you...?
What are you keeping up to? What are you doing?
I'm enjoying self-quarantine, to be honest with you.
I'm taking it as an opportunity
to get to know some of my neighbors, you know?
Damn. I didn't think you were that kind of guy.
What are you...? Like, are you Skyping, or are you...?
Are you doing the Italian thing
where you talk, like, across the balconies?
Yeah, you know... you know, sort of.
You know, I'm just kind of taking a moment.
Oh, for instance, this guy Bill across the street?
I mean, he puts mustard on his French fries.
That's not something I'd ever think to do,
but it's actually quite delicious.
Kosta, are you... are you spying on your neighbors?
Why is this any different than Instagram, okay?
Get this, Trevor. The guy on 406--
he showers completely naked.
(laughing): Oh.
And this woman in 5A-- I think she's a murderer.
She has, like... eight, nine... ten knives.
Who has that many knives?
And they're different shapes, and they're different sizes.
That's psycho to me.
Kosta, I think you're talking about cooking knives, man.
And-and-and the weirdest thing-- the guy in 7B--
he seems much happier than he...
then he was last year at this time.
I think he has a new girlfriend maybe.
Wait. Wait. What do you mean "last year"?
You have been...?
I thought this was, like, a coronavirus thing.
You've been... you've been spying on people for years?
Hey, it's something... It's a little hobby,
something I do.
Kosta, you got to respect people's privacy.
You-you can't... you can't just do this.
Oh, relax, Trevor.
Most people are very boring.
For instance, the guy across the street--
all day, he sits on his computer
and just video chats with people.
You know, I know it's quarantine time,
but get a life, bro, you know?
And he's wearing a bomber jacket,
kind of similar to yours. It's-it's pretty nice.
But his-his apartment, its decor--
it all seems very lame to me. (chuckles)
Wait. Is...? He's wearing a...?
Yeah, he's wearing a blue bomber jacket, actually, similar...
Is he waving his arms right now, Kosta?
Ah. How did you know that?
And he's got these weird balls behind him.
It's like a...
Goddamn it, Kosta, you're spying on me!
Where...? What are you... what are doing?
Well, what? What?
That's me! You're spying on me!
That's me. Can you see me?
That's me. What are you doing?!
What are those balls?
Are those, like, a sex thing or something?
No, it's not a... it's not a sex...
It's an African thing.
Just put the... put the binoculars down.
Put-put the thing down.
Stop. Like, this is just...
Goddamn. This is an invasion of...
Thank you so much for tuning in.
Before we go, I wanted to remind you one more time
that you can donate
And by doing this, you will help kids get a good meal
while their schools are shut down.
And if you want to help kids in New York City specifically,
then all you need to do is go to
and give whatever you're able to.
It's helping the kids. We're raising money.
Thank you so much to everybody who's participated in this.
A little bit goes a long, long way.
Stay safe out there. I'll see you back here tomorrow.