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  • [Dr. Poliakoff] Most chemists are fascinated by what they've always been told,

    [Dr. Poliakoff] 大多數化學家對於傳言中氫氟酸(HF)會"溶解人肉"

  • that HF, hydrofluoric acid, eats human flesh.


  • We thought that we should try it.


  • Now, obviously, we can't try human flesh,


  • and Brady decided that a chicken's leg,


  • that's an uncooked leg from a dead chicken,


  • is a reasonable approximation to a finger.


  • We decided that we should try and do a demonstration,


  • but with some controls so we could compare them.


  • And what we wanted to know was, what was special about HF?

    而我們所最想知道的是, 是什麼讓氫氟酸如此特別?

  • Was it the acid, or was it the fluorine?

    是因為它酸的特性, 還是因為其中的氟?

  • So we thought if we took two other acids,


  • HCl, hydrogen chloride, and sulfuric acid,

    鹽酸(HCl), 以及硫酸(H2SO4),

  • both of those have the H, the acid part, but they don't have the fluorine.

    這兩種酸都帶有H+離子, 酸性部分, 但都不帶有氟.

  • I have been told that HF attacked your nerves so quickly that if you stuck your finger in it,

    我聽說氫氟酸攻擊人體神經的速度極快, 如果你將手指伸進去,

  • and none of us, obviously, would try this,


  • that it destroyed the nerves really quickly so you could hardly feel anything.


  • There are stories of people whose gloves have leaked,


  • and they've taken out their hands and bits are missing.


  • And of course, HF features in the TV show, Breaking Bad,


  • which I'm glad to say I've never seen.


  • [Brady] Why are you glad to say that? It's really good!

    [Brady] 為什麼要很高興? 這部劇很棒耶!

  • Well, perhaps... perhaps one day I might watch it, when I'm old.

    呃, 也許...找時間我會再來看看吧, 等我夠老的時候.

  • After 5 minutes, nothing!

    過了五分鐘, 什麼也沒發生!

  • [Brady] Fred; this is 5 minute, 5 minute mark.

    [Brady] Fred, 到這裡為止是五分鐘的標記.

  • After half an hour, nothing!

    過了半小時, 還是什麼也沒發生!

  • [Brady] This is half an hour.

    [Brady] 到此為止是半小時.

  • At the end of the day,


  • something slightly might have happened.


  • We decided to call it a day, but just in case, to leave it overnight in the acid.

    我們打算今天先就此作結, 但以防有變, 我們決定直接將雞腿泡在酸中整整一晚.

  • In the morning, it was really interesting.

    到了早上, 我們發現很有趣的現象.

  • The two chicken legs in the control acids, HCl, sulfuric acid,


  • had made quite strong color in the liquid.


  • And the bits of the chicken leg sticking out still looked quite healthy.


  • You could almost imagine cooking them!


  • But the leg in the HF was pale, looked decidedly dead.

    但泡在氫氟酸當中的雞腿看起來非常慘白, 看起來完全死透了.

  • So we lifted them out, where the ones in HCl and sulfuric acid had turned rather jelly-like...

    所以我們將雞腿取出, 泡在鹽酸與硫酸裡的雞腿部位看起來變得有點果凍狀...

  • [lab technician] Eww.


  • [Brady] Yeah... she's done.

    [Brady] 好吧, 這全完了.

  • ...and really looked almost like an advertisement for being a vegetarian.


  • Really yucky.


  • But, with the HF, it was quite different.


  • It was as if a surgeon had chopped the bottom off.


  • It was moderately interesting what had happened below the surface,


  • but really what was much more interesting to me is


  • why the chicken leg in HF looked as if it was dead.


  • And, clearly, what had happened is that some of the pigment,

    而很明顯的, 必定是其中的某些色素,

  • some of the red color of the meat, had been bleached away.

    某些構成肉質紅色的色素, 整個被漂白掉了.

  • The reason that meat is red is because it contains a molecule called myoglobin.


  • This is related to hemoglobin, which we have in our blood,


  • and myoglobin stores oxygen in the muscles,


  • and myoglobin is a very similar color to hemoglobin.


  • If you cook beef, roast beef, so it's rare, and red juice comes out, the red juice is myoglobin.

    如果你烹煮牛排, 或者煎牛排, 其中生牛肉所溢出的紅色肉汁就是肌紅蛋白.

  • Well, in fact, it's myoglobin that's reacted with carbon monoxide, which makes it such bright red.

    而事實上, 會讓肉看起來具有鮮紅色的原因就在於肌紅蛋白與一氧化碳結合了的關係.

  • My theory is that the HF is bleaching away, that's, attacking the structure of the myoglobin,


  • in particular the so-called "heme group", the iron-porphyrin group in the middle,

    尤其是被稱為"血基質群"的部分, 為中間帶有鐵配合物的紫質;

  • and breaking some of the bonds,


  • so that it no longer absorbs light and is colorless.


  • And that's why the solution that was left of HF


  • was completely colorless!


  • It looked as if the stuff had just disappeared,


  • there wasn't any sludge in the HF beaker.


  • [Brady] From school, I thought acid was acid,

    [Brady] 在學校裡我們學到酸之所以具有酸的特性,

  • and we always learned that H+ is the big deal here and doing all the work,


  • whether the H+ is coming from hydrochloric acid or sulfuric acid, or hydrofluoric acid.


  • Why do they- why do the three all do their work so differently?


  • The reason is that the chicken leg is made up of a mixture of organic compounds.


  • Proteins, a bit of fat, and also bone, which is a mixture of mineral.

    蛋白質, 一些脂肪, 還有骨骼--一些礦物質的集合體,

  • Now if you break these organic molecules,


  • you are breaking carbon-hydrogen, carbon-carbon bonds.


  • And you can't just break them, you have to, if you like,

    而這並不是單純的切斷他們就好, 你需要

  • cap them off with some other group.


  • And carbon-fluorine bonds are very strong.


  • In fact, HF is not a very strong acid.

    事實上, 氫氟酸並不能算是很強的酸,

  • If you dissolve HF in water, especially when it's dilute,

    如果你將氫氟酸溶在水中, 尤其是經過稀釋後,

  • it is not as acid as HCl,


  • because the bond doesn't dissociate, the HF bond, quite so much.


  • But hydrogen fluoride, HF, is very reactive,


  • because although the bond's strong,


  • the bonds in the products that you make are even stronger.


  • [Brady] So in terms of HF having a reputation for being a bad boy,

    [Brady] 所以簡單來說氫氟酸會這麼惡名昭彰,

  • that's really got nothing to do with its acidity or its hydrogen, it's just the fact it's got fluorine.

    其原因並不在於它的酸性或是H+離子, 而是它所帶有的氟囉?

  • [Dr. Poliakoff] It is because it has got fluorine and it will react very easily.

    [Dr. Poliakoff] 確實是因為它帶有氟而且有極強的反應性.

  • [Brady] Is there anything with fluorine?

    [Dr. Poliakoff] 不, 因為若現在討論的是, 比方說, 碳-氟之間的鍵結,

  • No, because if you take something with, say, carbon-fluorine bonds,


  • the bonds are so strong that it's very difficult to break them.


  • They are very inert.

    舉例來說, 這被應用在冷媒當中, 因為它們相當穩定.

  • They use this refrigerant, for example, because they're very stable.

    [Brady] 所以這有點像是氟想來邀請氫一同約會,

  • [Brady] So it's a bit like fluorine has come to the dance with hydrogen,


  • but *really* wants to dance with someone else.

    [Dr. Poliakoff] 正是.

  • Precisely.

    呃, 事實上它並不是這麼想要約會, 而是結伴共渡一生.

  • Well, it wants not so much to dance, but to bond for life.

    [Dr. Poliakoff] 我之所以會認為我的理論正確的原因在於, 後來我們一不做二不休,

  • [Dr. Poliakoff] The reason why I think my explanation is correct is because we then went the whole hog,

    我們把線切斷, 直接將整隻雞腿泡到氫氟酸裡去了.

  • cut the strings, and dunked the chicken legs completely in the acid.

[Dr. Poliakoff] Most chemists are fascinated by what they've always been told,

[Dr. Poliakoff] 大多數化學家對於傳言中氫氟酸(HF)會"溶解人肉"

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