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  • MATT PARKER: Ok, there is a new world record largest prime number ever just announced

  • yesterday and today I had a special delivery, this arrived in the post.

  • In here we have the newly discovered Mersenne prime. In here is 2 to the power of

  • 74,207,281 (make sure I get that right) and if you actually were

  • BRADY HARAN: Minus one?

  • MATT PARKER: Minus one. Trivial at that size.

  • If you were actually to print this number out it's 22 million, it's

  • over 22 million digits. It's around 22,338,618

  • digits and no one would be foolish enough to get that printed and shipped to

  • them the moment the number was announced, other than us, so let's get in there!

  • [Cutting]

  • MATT PARKER: There it is! There it is!

  • This is the new world record, look at that!

  • That is 2 to the power of 74,207,281 minus 1. These are the digits, Volume II. Volume II of III.

  • So there's Volume III, and so there's another third and finally here I guess

  • we should start at the beginning, this is, there you are, Volume... I.

  • Look at that! This is the new prime number! This is... we

  • suspect we are, well we're definitely the first people to have ever printed it out. I suspect

  • we're still the only people to have ever printed it out because that is over two

  • million digits printed in tiny, tiny type. I went for a monospaced typeface to

  • make it easier to locate the digits within there, oh there's a mistake! Ah there's not

  • Right, so

  • I don't think people get very excited when a new prime number's found, but very rarely do you

  • actually get to pick it up and hold it. So that's... that is some serious, they are some

  • weighty... that is some weighty mathem- look at that! Look at the size of that number!

  • And this, obviously I'm environmentally friendly, I wanna waste paper, so it's front and back.

  • Now, finding prime numbers is a common hobby for

  • mathematicians and you know for millennia,

  • thousands and thousands of years,

  • mathematicians have been obsessed with finding prime numbers,

  • numbers with no factors and now, it's getting harder

  • and harder to break the world record of the biggest prime number ever found and

  • so the previous world record was three years ago and if anyone has been

  • watching Numberphile videos for that long you remember we covered it. Tony did a

  • video on the previous world record and that record stood for three years and now we

  • have another one but they're getting so much harder to find and so this one is

  • almost five million digits longer than the previous one and so it's gone from

  • around 17 million up to around 22 million, you think thats not a... it's a decent job, but don't forget

  • every digit, the number is 10 times the size and so that's another five million

  • orders of magnitude bigger. I mean, that's just off the scale. So, the

  • record has now been taken by Professor Curtis Cooper. He's at the University of Central Missouri

  • and he was running loads of computers there. He found this prime, he

  • won the world record off the previous holder which was Professor Curtis Cooper

  • of the University of Central Missouri so he's won, it's his fourth! He's.... he's hogging them

  • to be entire- I mean I... I run the software too. I really want to find a world record

  • I'd be happy with anything in the top 100 biggest known primes but no he's

  • hogging the top spot and so he found two in a pair about a decade ago and then

  • someone else got the world record back and then he regained the world record

  • three years ago and now he's just cemented his position. He is

  • Captain Prime. So the way this works if you wanna try and find the biggest prime

  • known to humankind is you just, you don't have to do anything really, you download a bit of

  • software and you run it on your computer. So, as we speak there's a computer in my

  • office running a bit of software to try and find prime numbers and some central server

  • will send your computer a candidate number. Your computer will then check it

  • to see if it's prime or not, and, more often than not, for the vast majority, not prime!

  • So you send it back and go "Sorry guys, not prime", very occasionally you'll

  • be sent a number your computer will check it, you won't even know. You'll be out and

  • about and a number like this takes about a month,

  • so your computer will sit there for a month on a number like this. At the very

  • end... it's not gonna be prime. But, very rarely, if it comes in prime it gets sent back

  • and officially you found it, it's your record. The policy is a number only

  • counts as a world record prime once it's been seen by a human,

  • because obviously this number's always existed.

  • This number predates our universe so it's not like we've invented it, we've just

  • spotted it and so your computer finding it is not enough. When it gets flagged up

  • that it exists and human goes, "Hey, check it out!" That's when it officially counts as a

  • new prime number and, so yes you can win, well there's a prize, but that's beside the point.

  • You can win, you know, accolades and recognition as The Finder. I'm so envious!

  • BRADY HARAN: Sounds like a lottery, winning it, and yet this one guy's won it four times. What's his secret?

  • MATT PARKER: It does sound like a lottery doesn't it, that they're just handing out numbers err...

  • Curtis's secret is he has a lot of computers. So he's running it on 800 desktop

  • computers. So he had a chat with the people at the University of Central Missouri and said

  • "Look, all your computers, you've got them running in the labs around the night,

  • like they're on 24 hours," because apparently it's easier to push updates

  • and things to the computers and so they deliberately keep them on.

  • And he goes, "We don't waste all that computing power."

  • And so they agreed to let him put the

  • Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search or G.I.M.P.S. for shorthand, terrible,

  • Ah, if you're gonna look it up online, don't Google... type out all of "Great Internet Mersenne

  • Prime Search" and he put it on all the computers. And so for the 800 computers at the

  • university there, whenever they're not being used they kick in and start doing

  • this. So some computer sat there for a month, during the day it was helping people learn,

  • people were coming in using it for assignments and university work and at night when everyone

  • turned the lights out, it would fire back up again, it would reopen this number

  • and go "Right where am I up to?" right and then it would carry on and it would check if it is

  • prime or not, and for one of them it suddenly... ding! At the end result, it

  • was prime and got sent off to the server. Absolutely incredible!

  • MATT PARKER: The 12th term in the Lucas-Lehmer sequence, but we only have to find it mod 8191.

  • So to start with it's the same, you have 4 you'd square that, you would get 14 you'll square that...

MATT PARKER: Ok, there is a new world record largest prime number ever just announced

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新的世界最大的質數(全紙印刷) - Numberphile(數字愛好者)。 (New World's Biggest Prime Number (PRINTED FULLY ON PAPER) - Numberphile)

  • 2 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
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