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Now what?
Hello, everyone.
Welcome to another video.
Now back in 2016 aim the launch the R X for 60 an entry level graphics card that was never really capable of 60 frames per second for actually ultra settings gaming at the time.
But it proved to be a nice option for those on eight types of budget.
109 U.
Dollars for me to get Cardell 139 44.
Gig variants.
I think this was a pretty decent deal three years ago, and today I picked up this four gig model for just £50.
Initially, I thought I was getting the two gig model has stated on the box website.
But this morning the four get power color version turned up on dhe.
Well, I'm pretty happy with that.
I sort of wanted to test the two gig one because I thought it would be more of a challenge when running games.
But what can you do?
This power kind of Joe fan model doesn't require a six pin connector, which by looking at it, you think it would, But it's nice to see that even those with weaker power supplies can still benefit from a card like this in 2019 on the used market, they could be found at a fraction of the original R P, though there does exist still a small price get between the two big and four gig models.
After purchasing this one, I got to thinking, What would it take in order to run a few modern titles at 60 frames per second?
It's a feat that's never really been that achievable with the most demanding games and a card like this.
But just how low would you have to go in terms of the resolution and the endgame settings in order to pump 60 frames per second out of this card if it's even possible?
So what I thought I do today was exactly that.
First of all, I wanted to see how high we could turn up the settings and still retain 30 frames per second for a consul like gaming experience.
And then I wondered just how hi we could keep those settings in order to try and achieve 60.
So without further ado, let's get into some modern that triple eight titles released within the last couple of years and see how well this card actually does.
Of course, we just had to start with a red dead redemption to a game that I think I'll be playing for years to come.
Having first play through this on X box, I'm glad to finally see on PC, where extra graphics, options and visual effects really do this in game world justice.
Not that we can really make use of the aforementioned graphical options, though.
On the 4 60 That's not to say that the gang doesn't still look incredible, though even with the following settings, we were able to see everything to medium with ta A in order to maintain an average of 30 frames per second.
With this card, the texture setting was on.
High Towns like Valentine here will have an impact on F.
P s.
But the average, which was worked out after running the benchmark and then roaming about for an hour, stuck at exactly 30.
If you want a 60 F.
P s average than 7 20 p is where we'll need to start 10 80 p with everything that low won't quite let us achieve it.
But remember, if you're happy with 50 for example, than choosing the same settings as may probably isn't necessary, you can enjoy every game with the settings and resolution you wish.
If you do want to enjoy reading redemption to 60 FBS, though, on a 4 60 this lowered resolution and a mixture of low and medium settings is the way forward.
This doesn't look too bad, and it will certainly look better on a 13 66 by 768 display or lower personally with red Dead, I'd pay a 10 80 p with or medium settings and maybe lock the frame rate to 30 with the 4 60 It still looks absolutely incredible, so I just wanted to add This is a little bit of an afterthought before I have rendered the video.
As you get closer to towns or cities like Valentine or Sand Ernie, for example, you can probably say goodbye to the 60 F P s average.
Even with reduced settings, you can try and combat this by turning the texture quality down to medium or low.
But with red dead redemption to its pretty new, it's quite demanding.
So you're going to have problems in busy areas, regardless of what you do to the settings and how low you turn that resolution down, too.
When you're exploring the wilderness, though, things like that.
Well, you should still achieve a pretty respectable average on should be able to stick quite close to that.
60 F.
P s.
So in Battlefield five, you can push the settings all the way up too high and still retain at least 30 F.
B s on average.
The single player.
This is fine, but you'll probably want to get close to 60.
Is possible for online play in competitive multi player first person games.
The more frames, the better.
I did try ultra settings here, too, but that meant our frame rate dropped to about 26.
So what do you need to do for 60 frames per second on this entry level?
Well, actually, not much.
Instead of the high preset, simply select the low preset.
This improves the frame rate significantly, and the game's still looks very good.
If you want, you can actually keep the texture settings on high and still hit at least 60 f ps with minimal frame drops.
Things stay looking a little crisper under these conditions.
And what's more, you still get to maintain a full HD resolution here.
If you dive headfirst into fortnight with the epic Prus that enabled, you may be asking a little much of the Rx 4 60 It can handle at least 30 F.
P s most of the time that there will be some dips here and there, sometimes touching on the mid twenties.
Let's be honest, it's a fun game, but it's not exactly the best looking.
And because of this, you should have no qualms about turning the settings down a little bit.
As you can see here, I played it for a little while with the epic settings.
But the competitive nature off the game means it would be better to lower the graphical options.
So here's what I did by selecting the high priest set at 10 80 p and then lowering Auntie a leasing shadows and effects to medium.
The FBS pretty much doubled.
I think you'll agree it looks justus good.
Well, I mean, it would, after it's being compressed by YouTube anyway.
So I guess you'll have to take my word for it.
Take note of that CPU and GPU usage.
What's going on there?
I don't know.
But the Rising was certainly laying back throughout as the 4 60 used every ounce of power it possesses in Kingdom Come Deliverance, a consul like 30 F.
P s is easily achieved by selecting the medium settings.
Once again, the game looks very nice and performs pretty solidly at full HD.
With this setting, if you want to to, you could lock the frame rate to 30 something I'd probably recommend if you want to play full HD illness.
Red Dragon called.
But if not, you can expect performance spikes up to the low or mid forties in some areas, especially those indoor locations.
Now, 60 F.
S is a little more tricky.
You'll first have to be prepared to drop the resolution not as much as in red dead redemption to mind you, because here 900 p will suffice.
The low preset will also be necessary.
In this case, I also turned motion blur off.
I know it can help make things seem smoother when turning the camera, but it's an effect.
I just don't like to be honest.
Anyway, your average 60 FBs 900 p in kingdom Come Deliverance.
But that's not to say you'll be devoid of experiencing any frame dips, as this is still a pretty intensive title for some hardware.
Despite the unique art style off the outer worlds on one that screams, this doesn't look that difficult to run.
It actually is here during one of the early in game levels.
A consul like average of 30 can be achieved by using the medium settings.
Who would have guessed it?
I really like the art design of this title.
I think it's one of the best games to come out in recent years, too.
So if you have game passed for X box or PC, you should certainly try out then thought.
Well, if the Rx for 60 can run the game at 30 f PS with medium settings, low settings should prove even better, right?
Wrong Low settings made little difference.
Surprisingly so.
It was only when going back into the graphical options and setting the resolution to 7 20 p with 90% resolution scaling that we could actually hit a 4 60 on average personally here with this card, I play it 10 80 p and lock the frame rate to 30 again.
I know it's not for everyone, but with this GPU, it's certainly geared better toward 30 FBS in newer titles on demanding Triple A releases.
In fact, in that regard, it still does quite well, considering it's used market price in some countries, if you want 30 FBS enraged to again, medium settings will suffice.
The medium preset.
In fact, at 10 80 p, I also turned motion blur off again as a personal preference.
I think the 4 60 has done quite well today.
They started off for seeing whether or no, it could handle 60 FBS in some new games on what sacrifices you'd have to make to achieve that.
But it's turned out as a testament to the card's performance.
Nonetheless, without getting too far distracted from the premise, though, let me just say that for 60 frames per second, we have to say hello to our old friend 900 p once again in combination with the games Lo preset.
As I said before, this is just me testing what's needed for 30 or 60 frames per second.
If you're looking for a more balanced experience, than using settings anywhere.
Between the ones I've tried out today should net you that before.
Never was a car designed with solid 60 FBS gaming in mind.
No outside of e sports titles anyway, so it would be unfair to be disappointed with any of these results.
In fact, I'm very happy with how it did for the money.
This GPU still seems like a good choice for gamers on a tighter budget, especially those who would be happy with a 30 frames per 2nd 10 80 p experience.
It's even better if you're still running with a lower resolution display.
Two gigabyte for sixties can be found for less, So consider those as well, these bad boys in particular.
In fact, the price these are AM ones go for sometimes makes them very desirable for low power gaming rigs and small form factor systems.
To finalize then and will end with a racer don't really to possibly one of the hardest driving games I've ever played, but perhaps that's just me.
You can ramp everything up to Ultra a 10 80 p here to hit 30 f.
S on average, which provides delightful visuals, but I prefer the medium preset full HD whilst keeping t A on to achieve a buttery, smooth 60.
It's a fine experience.
I'll leave you now with a short clip of my superb driving skills.
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