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So today we're going to talk about
Pascal's triangle. It's one of my
favorite things in math - particularly
because whenever I talk to other
mathematicians they always have some
interesting patterns they like talking
about. It's almost never the same one.
So Pascal's triangle is sort of like an
addition triangle. So we start with
the number one and every time I draw one
assume that everything around it is a
bunch of zeros so what we do is we have
one and then we add whatever is to the left
of it - so it's neighbor here is 0 and we just
drop that down in between - then I do
the same thing on the right.
Alright cool now I have two ones in this row
and I'll do the same thing so
there's a 0 we can imagine here so we
drop that down.
There's one in this neighbor now so
we can have a two and then there's one
and the zero to its right we make another one.
And we just keep doing this for a while
and you can see that the triangle just
keeps getting bigger this is nothing
that's gonna stop. So we can just keep
doing this for as long as we want and
for me as long as I want is when the
first double-digit number shows up
because that's when adding gets hard.
So Pascal was also a combinatorist so
in particular like problems where "If I have
N things and I want to choose K of
them, how many different ways can I do
that?" And it turns out that Pascal's
triangle is really like "childlike adding
game" as seems to be actually encodes N
choose K. So if I have N things -
in particular let's say i have four things
and I want to choose let's say one of
them then I go to the fourth row I move
over one and that's how many ways I can
do it four ways. I if I have four things
let's say I have like four circles and
I want to only choose one of them - there are
four ways i can do that right. I can
choose this one, I can choose that one
I can choose that one, I can choose that one
And it turns out Pascal's triangle says if I go down to the
fourth row and - where it like this is the
0th row - and I choose one thing so I move
one over then that's exactly how many
ways I can do it.
(Brady Haran) So if i told you to choose two circles-
Then there are six ways to do it.
You notice that the sides are always ones
Like, this isn't going to change because
we just keep doing 1+0 and then oh, look
1 + 0, 1 plus 0. And this is just gonna keep
happening so we can define this entire
diagonal as "+0" because every time I
go down 1 i'm not changing anything
But then we get to this row right and we have
one plus one plus one plus one because
I have 0 1 2 3 4 5 so i can define this row
I felt like it as "+1" then this
pattern looks less fun right. I have One, a Three
But the difference between three and one
is 2. The difference between six and
three is three the difference between
10 and 6 is 4 so it turns out this pattern is
+ 1 + 2 + 3 keeps going. So around here
One may be tempted to look for more
patterns like right here is like plus
what three plus six but that's when you
start to notice what we've been doing
all along which was just adding the
number to the top-left like Pascal
wanted us to anyway. Let's just look at
something else one that might be tempted to
do when they see a bunch of numbers and
that's add them in a different way.
So this is 1. One plus 1 is 2. One plus 2 plus 1 is 4.
One plus 3 is 4 plus 3 is 7 plus 1 is 8.
You'll notice that some point I just stopped adding
because we can actually rewrite everything over here as
the powers of 2. So the sum of the rows of
Pascal's triangle is two - like if I'm on
the Nth row and I call the first one row zero then
the sum of that row is 2 to the N.
Let's just read these as numbers let's not add
them let's not treat them as anything else
So the first row is 1 the next row is 11
The next row is a hundred and twenty one. The next row is thirteen thrity-one. Then we get
Then we get fourteen six-four-one
And then we get to this
So ,right now these are actually the powers of 11 too
So this next row looks pretty frightening
because if I wrote it out just
as it is, I get a pretty big number right
like once I put in these commas,
this is around 15 million
(brady) That's not 11 to the 5
It's not. But it turns out Pascal
you know his triangle doesn't quit that early
so what's happening here is that
when I was writing these as digits
before, I was actually considering that
place value right - like the ones place
the tens place the hundreds place
So I'm just going to do the same thing where I rewrite these numbers
as ones and tens and hundreds place
So the first one will be one times 10 to the 0
because this is the 0th row
Then we have 1 times 10 to the 1 plus 1
times 10 to the 0 (1x10^1+1x10^0)
so this one's 1 this one's 11.
Uh, let's do 1 times 10 squared plus 1 times
te- oh 2 times 10 to the one my bad - plus 1
times 10 to 0. That"s a hundred twenty-one
So let's let's skip on down to our friend here
We do 1 times 10 to the 5 Plus 5 10
to the 4 plus 10 10 to the 3 plus 10(10) squared? - yeah
5 to the 10 to the 1 and 1 times 10 to the 0
and this is 11 to the 5
(Brady) So it is 11^5
It is 11^5, it's just hiding
So now I have this really cool thing
that I found extremely recently called
um, the hockey sticks method i think
some people call it. It's just a really
cool trick that you can do on Pascal's
triangle another result of the fact that
it's the coefficients of like a binomial
expansion which is all of - it will make
more sense once I draw hockey stick
What you do is you pick a one somewhere on the
edge and you just go down diagonally so
i'm going to pick this one and then i'm
going to go down diagonally and then I'm just
gonna keep going and then at some point
I'm just gonna veer off in this case I have to
veer off because I didn't draw any more
rows. So the number that I veer off to
is the sum of all the numbers I traced down
1 plus 2 Plus 3 plus 4 equals 10
So this row - or this diagonal rather - equals 10
So I'm gonna start with this one
and it's gonna be awful real quickly
actually I'm just gonna all right to
work on small ones. Uh, let's use this one
Because... why not. We can do the other direction, right
and we get 1 plus two plus three equals 6
I'm gonna do Pascal's triangle mod 2
So, brief aside - mod 2 in this case is just
going to mean that every time a number
is odd I write it as a one and every
time a number is even I write it as a zero
(Brady) Cool
cool right
(Brady) That's still a Pascal Triangle, is that?
Yeah, just mod two. It doesn't like
preserve the actual value of the numbers
as much, but it totally tells you whether
or not something is even or odd and that's
all we care about right now.
So then I'm going to outline all of the
diagonals that are all ones and all the
rows are all ones
So i'm going to do this - which isn't the world's prettiest
thing but it's pretty nice
and this shape should maybe start to
look a little familiar if you played - I dunno -
legend of zelda before. It's th-also the Triforce
but more importantly it's sierpinski's triangle
so for those who don't recognize sierpinski's triangle
I start with an equilateral triangle
I inscribe another one upside down and
then i can just keep doing this on all
of the upward facing triangles as many
times as I want
so yeah that's can just go on for a long time
(Brady) Cool, yeah?
And it turns out that the
way that the evens and odds show up
in Pascal's triangle when I convert them
to mod 2, I can make Pascal triangle as
big as I want and I'm just going to keep
getting iterations of sierpinski's triangle
so that's really cool
(Brady) That's awesome!
That's really cool by itself but it gets cooler using the mod 2 construction
There's something else we can do in mod two though
Um, in particular we can write down the same
things but let's write them now as - we've got ones and zeroes, right?
And for most people ones and zeros kinda remind them of binary
So, let's just see what happens when we transcribe these from binary
You know one binary - 1 and then 11 in binary is 3
101 is 5
111 is 15 and then the next one, 10001 is 17
Now these may not immediately appear pretty cool
but if I kept going the next one is 51
The next one is 85
After that is 255 and here I'm gonna stop and I'm
going to look at what these numbers are
three is prime
Five is prime
15 is 5 times 3
17 is prime
51 is 17 times 3
85 is 17 x 5
And 255 is 17 x 15
So you'll notice that every time I get a prime i go back and
just multiply by all the things that came before it
and I can generate the next you know n minus 1 entries
So the primes that we have here actually at least the ones
that I'm - that we're certain of - are actually Fermat (pronounced fer-mat) primes
Or Fermat (pronounced fer-mot) primes rather
Which means that they can be written of the form 2 to the 2 to the n plus 1
Somehow every time I talk to a mathematician-
even 10 minutes ago when i asked a different mathematician for an idea
he told me something I've never heard before
So even if maybe somewhere out in the world all of the things you could
do with this triangle are done
I don't know if there's any one person
who knows them all and maybe there's
only one person who knows one of them
and we just have to keep exploring the
triangle and seeing if we can
collaboratively explain everything
inside of it but it's an infinite
triangle right so maybe there are things
on the hundredth line down that we
haven't explored yet
I feel like it wouldn't be a numberphile video if somehow
the Fibonacci sequence didn't show up
So i'm going to show you where the Fibonacci sequence is in the Pascal's triangle because...
this is a numberphile video
yeah so what we're going to do is we're
gonna add up the shallow diagonals
So what that means here is the triangle kind of
inscribed diagonals already right like I
could look at this one and just kind of
follow this but a shallow diagonal means that
i'm going to kind of go off at a
slightly higher angle that I would have
if I was just following the way I drew
the triangle so for example the first
Fibonacci number is one so that's my shallow diagonal
And then this one doesn't have any other shallow neighbors
so it's just by itself also
So now we have one,one.
So this shallow diagonal is a one and then this one
So we do this and you get 2
Then we do this one with this two - we get three
We do this one with this 3 with this one we get five
And you know how this game goes
So we have 1,4 and three here so we're going to get eight
We get- I'm goina do one more in case you don't believe me
We're going to do five plus six plus one and this one down here that I didn't add yet
And we get 13
(Brady) Cool
So there you have it - the two biggest recurrence relations in math that involve addition probably
um tied together in the Triangle
They're not unique things you know you can have one
and it encodes the other and it's all
just related in really beautiful ways
it's so beautiful you know, this triangle has all
of these really cool properties about it
and again like you said earlier it feels
like it's really childlike thing right
like I just you know add the things next
to me and I just plop them down under but
I've been playing with this triangle
since... I want to say 8th or 9th grade and
I learned half of these things in the
past month and there are still other
things that I could ramble on about
about this triangle and this isn't even
my field like I'm still an undergraduate
I didn't even study this triangle
professionally so just imagine what
people know about the triangle that I
don't even know that they don't even
know amongst themselves like it's