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everyone say hi to the log log.
We're at Canada's Wonderland today, which is an amusement park in Canada.
Believe it or not.
So wow, you guys hyped so hype.
How do you feel about the line?
We should get a little You're not going.
Charlie here doesn't like rides and roller coasters and were amusing park full of rides.
A roller coasters.
Tell me that process.
I spent $30 to be friends.
Yeah, we're going on that ride now.
Are you excited?
I know, but it's so much fun.
All right, guys, we're doing a quick flog take over.
I'm gonna interview some people about Devon Crawford.
Let's go.
Found some Devin fans.
What do you think?
All right, What do you guys think about?
Honestly, it's a rough day for your flog, Devon.
A lot of people out here, you mean you almost passed interview.
Really there.
So shake.
It is amazing.
How do you feel about that?
Okay, we're going off the ride.
Probably apparently said some pretty nasty stuff.
People said, How was it?
Were going on your favorite ride, Teacup.
Charlie's so excited.
Unfortunately, I didn't get the film.
Not Charlie you loathe.
$30 for?
What's going on, Charlie Monkey?
You're great, monkey.
I'm very dehydrated.
Iced tea.
Not sponsored, But I'm very excited to drink this.
So right now I'm gonna show Charlie my favorite ride.
Isn't that Yes, We've been on this.
We're going on this kiddie car ride.
Peter look so confused.
Peter looks so disgusting.
Oh, my God.
Hard on the brakes.
Raise the room.
So, Charlie, Peter and I were in a cold.
My God.
Oh, my God.
Oh, Jesus.
Oh, my God.
How are you enjoying this?
Um, way we're gonna go on that ride, but apparently need a child to go on that, right?
We're not just ridiculous.
I think we're pretty childish.
Why can't we go on that ride?
You know, the Lord's not working patrol, And they told me they got it.
I got it right.
Look at how much it looks like they're enjoying life right now.
They're really enjoying this ride.
Devon doesn't know I'm forming this club log.
Take over stolen camera addition.
We're scared of making think his camera got stolen.
He already told you just got Frank.
I was wanting you took my camera out.
That was That was a good frank goals.
Oh, wow.
Okay, so we're at the water park now, and we're gonna change that way.
Could go on all these slides and stuff, and I'm gonna use the GoPro.
So smooth.
So we're done in the water park now?
We all got changed and stuff.
We're gonna go get pizza, because way are hungry.
We just got pizza, and it's crazily expensive here.
I'm very hungry.
So we're heading out now.
Would buy cannons on the land.
Actually got a 15 minute walk, but you know Yeah.
Hey, man, you guys, just aside.
As long as you don't see me feel unhappy, we're eating food.
I'm trying to figure out this menu on there's 100 actually, thousands.
Not really.
There's almost 1000 things on the menu.
You know what I'm doing here?
Over what?
This is?
Nobody really knows.
Well, everyone has a different answer.
What is it, guys?
Let's agree on.
Oh, my God.
So, apparently I wasn't supposed to eat ginger or I guess, just the ginger.
But I ate everything Anyways.
How did it taste, guys?
Because I thought it was just normal, but apparently it was like, horrific.
I see you, like, almost cried like that, but yes.