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  • How often are you leaving the house?

  • And for what?

  • Two times a day to get groceries and go on a bike race In the last week, I haven't left the house at once a day to walk my dog.

  • Bella, I haven't really left my house since 1st 2 or three days.

  • I am not leaving my house very often.

  • And I mostly just waiting to get growth.

  • Freeze.

  • We're not leaving our house at all.

  • We only have the house when necessary for things like groceries and military's.

  • My family and I decided that you're not going to leave the house.

  • I've been leaving my house quite frequently.

  • Actually.

  • I only leave my house if I'm going on a run in the morning.

  • I'm not really leaving my house at all once every three days.

  • I've left 2 to 3 times this week, twice a day to get some fresh air, maybe once a day.

  • If it all at 5 30 every single day.

  • Just to take a walk once a week to the grocery store liquor store.

  • I need wine.

  • Last week I did not leave the house at all.

  • I'm leaving the house about two times a week, not including my daily walks every day, once a day, leaving the house about once a day for a job to get some fresh air and then go by the liquor store every other day, once a day in the morning to go on a walk.

  • I've left my house.

  • What time?

  • And that was to go to the doctor, Uh, not really leaving the house 2 to 3 times a week for essentials and taking bills that I prepare for my 84 year old mother.

  • I'm leaving once or twice a week for the essentials I've been leaving out like every other day.

  • I have to leave at least once a day, maybe twice if it's a beautiful day.

  • I've been going to the supermarket about once a week.

  • I've gone to my local supermarket.

  • It's 7 a.m. for seniors.

  • Our I'm not leaving at all.

  • It's once a day only to go for a walk.

How often are you leaving the house?

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