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I I watch a lot of football on eye on him there for aesthetic reasons.
Um, I like to just watch the drama as it unfolds that there's always a human story to be found in every game, so I tend to just pick games completely at random.
I quite like seeing teams I've never heard off.
I've never bean to their town or village before just to get an experience of what's going on on the drama that could be found.
Then, as the afternoon unfolds, I love it when all these little subplots come to the fall, see what's going on.
See if there is a dramatic end to the game.
You know that the tension convey build through the game as, ah, full time approaches you seeing who's gonna win, who's going to lose.
I like plenty of drama in it, but of course I don't mind which team supplies the victory.
I spent many years as a parties.
I'm following ah, largely unsuccessful lower division team.
Well, it was Sheffield United, a team that's had more than its fair share of misery on it continues to this day.
So we we had ah Farmall defeats and victories.
But what I found is, Ah, parties on is that while you could appreciate the good play the beauty, you could appreciate the aesthetics off your own team.
You weren't in a position to take that same kind of enjoyment from the other team.
Okay, so it seemed that only half of the aesthetics of sport were accessible to you as a party zone.
Now, looking back now, as I've matured and become more of a purist, I think back some of the games I saw where we lost the game in the last minute.
And I think that was a really dramatic game at the time.
I couldn't appreciate that at all.
You know, for Maia defeat Waas catastrophe A lot of people think that the purest is missing out on something by not supporting the team.
Okay, so that there is this discussion in the journals in philosophy of spot on.
One idea is that the party's on.
They feel such intense joy when the team wins that the purest is missing out on what spots all about.
Sport is all about competition, and at the end of it, there's a winner.
There's also a loser.
Here's what I would say in response to that, I drawn a distinction that John Stuart Mill makes between Higher and lower pleasures.
Mill gets a lot of criticism, and there's a lot of discussion about, um, and just really can you defend this distinction?
But here's a case where I think you might be ableto so.
The party's on doors have a very intense joy when the team's goes ago are at the end of the game.
They're the winners, but I don't argue that it's a rather shallow joy.
Because victory doesn't last long.
There's always the next contest to come toe.
Okay, where is the purest?
Although they may be comma, they could be taking a deeper, more satisfying pleasure from sport.
I'm not trying to suggest that we shouldn't have any joy in life or intense moments of satisfaction.
There are all sorts of reasons why you might feel that kind of intense joy, but I feel that the purest way of watching spot hasn't been given a fair hearing on some People think it's just insane that anyone would bother going to what spot when they had no interest in who won't.
So I'm just trying to make the case for it is a reasonable way to what spot where there is a concentration on the aesthetics.
I think we have to distinguish between the support of the party's on on, then just observer who forms of you about who deserves to win.
Okay, So if he takes an example of the last World Cup final between Spain and Holland, Um, I was one of those people who went into the game slightly rooting for Holland because I remember the cry fear in the seventies.
They were a great team.
They never quite won the World Cup.
They came very close and I thought, Yeah, Holland really deserves this victory.
Once the game started, I saw the way in which, uh, Holland were playing the game on the way in which Spain will play in the game.
Along with, I think, almost everybody else other than those who don't live in the Netherlands.
I thought, you know, they don't deserve to win this game.
They're not playing in the right way.
So yeah, I formed a view about who deserved to win what would be a just result.
And so I was pleased to see the the team playing football in the right way ended up winning it.
But I don't think that that counted as support or parties on ship, the support of someone, I think who stands by their team no matter how they're playing, you know it's it's a kind of longer term loyalty.
So the very next time Spain play Holland, it might be the Holland play.
All the good football again on Spain play dirty.
It's hard to imagine now because that's such a good team.
But if that were to be the case, then I would immediately form the view that island deserve to win that particular gang.