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  • today is gonna be about plainer graphs, graphs that can be embedded in the plane.

  • Okay, so what's the graph from what's a plane?

  • And what's embedding?

  • I'll tell you all about that photograph consists of a bunch of foreign skeptical verses, and then some pairs of Earth's is air joined by a line that tickle and edge.

  • And like this and Sampras averts is don't have anything between them.

  • So, for example, this is a graph.

  • This is also Graf called the house you actually call that helps we actually go over the house way.

  • Also, its official name is B five.

  • Confident its nickname is helps.

  • Professor.

  • When I was school, a graft may had, like an X and A Y access and the line and things like that.

  • But this is not what that looked like.

  • Completely unrelated is just an unfortunate, uh, overloading, overworked lately, different concept.

  • It'll Okay, So this is what I think.

  • This is a real graph.

  • Yes, exactly.

  • There we go.

  • Thank you.

  • Somebody for somebody who understand.

  • Okay.

  • And then the question is were asking your drawer.

  • So this is a plain piece of paper is a plane.

  • And the question is which grafts can you draw in the plane s O that ages don't intersect.

  • So what does me natures don't understand Don't intersect where they should, for example, in these graphs, the sage and they said the Intersect over here, but you meant it.

  • There intersect over here because they have a common rex over here.

  • But for example, if I make these drawing so it's all the verses are 1234 The age of the 123 These age and their page the Intersect.

  • And it's not a fair intersection.

  • They just intersect because I drew it like this.

  • I could have drawn it like that.

  • So graphics plainer if you can join in the plane or in a piece of paper in such a way that to wages on the Intersect, where you intended them to intersect only in the second it works.

  • Professor, if you draw a graph and edges intersect, does that mean it's not a graph or it's invalid?

  • Or it's like breaking the rules?

  • Or is it just a different kind of graph?

  • It's a different kind of graph.

  • It's so a graph.

  • This is a graph in this photograph it's called an abstract graph, and then you can ask about We'll talk about a plane and embedding autograph and what that man said that you've thrown it like this.

  • This is a graph but not playing that.

  • I'm betting this is only illegal if what you're after, it's plain.

  • Embedding is a plainer embedding.

  • Somehow better it is.

  • It's probably possibly good for some applications, like if you want to in a V L a psych component or something which I don't know anything about.

  • But it's just it's just another appropriate and math.

  • We'll do it.

  • We'll think of an object to think of a property and then we say, Do all the soldiers have this property?

  • Though some of the Soviets has this property, can you tell if you have this property?

  • What are the property?

  • Do you have?

  • Can you characterize when you have this property so being plainer, it's a property some graphs have and sound graphs don't have.

  • And I actually haven't told you what plane it means yet.

  • I think I told you what a plane they're embedding is, But I haven't told you what the plane a graph is so graphics plainer if it has a plane there embedded, for example.

  • These Graff has a plane there.

  • Embedding namely that one.

  • These guys also has a plan embedding name to this one.

  • This graph, no matter how hard you tried, does not have a plan.

  • I'm betting you couldn't cheat.

  • I will manipulate.

  • Move.

  • That is exactly that is a direct witness.

  • Here's an example.

  • It looks almost almost as complicated.

  • That right?

  • These only different from bed by one drinks.

  • But these you could it actually in bed in the plane.

  • Because what you do issue number, the virtues that you believe me, it's a embedding.

  • And then you do this.

  • So let me explain.

  • Why at least is the same with it.

  • What do you care about?

  • Care about Versace.

  • And we care about which pairs of verses are adjacent.

  • So verses I want 2341234 That's fair.

  • Now here, every pair is adjacent.

  • So let's change it.

  • Also hear every pair is adjacent.

  • Wanted Jason to do 22332 1/4 address into the mall.

  • So these abstract graph is the same as that abstract stuff.

  • This is plain embedding this is not a plane.

  • Edges have to be straight like, Could you have kept these voter sees in the same places and, like, drawn curved lines around the place toe as well?

  • Or I just don't have to be stating the terms that said that anything you can embed with curved ages, you can embed with straight ages.

  • It doesn't matter.

  • Uh, so you're asking me, Could I leave these four verses in place and just, uh, make that just yet?

  • So what I would do is so I could make this completely s symmetric ugly drawing or this beautiful join?

  • Yes, less elegant.

  • But on the other hand, you know, they say, you can see how to get it, which I think has a lot of value.

  • So it's not a conjecture.

  • It's a theorem that any plane a graph that you can draw with curved edges.

  • You could also have demonstrated that That's really cool.

  • Yeah, it is amazing.

  • I learned a Stearman the right time in my life.

  • I was in high school when I heard about it.

  • So I am, in fact, as amazed by the stream as one should be.

  • I haven't become jaded by the time I heard of it.

  • But you can't do any trickery with that like you did there.

  • That one's trick there is one more week and doing a trickery, and in fact, that's usually how interaction to plan a graph start.

  • So you have three houses and three utilities.

  • Those houses of actual houses.

  • They're not these houses.

  • I don't know.

  • You tell me.

  • No way to tell.

  • You want to put lines between the utilities and the House is right.

  • You want to put power lines and phone lines and water pipes, and it's important that they don't intersect each other so that you can fix fix them independently or some other story along this line.

  • And so the question is, Can you That's all you know, you can try.

  • You can never connect this one like that.

  • So you got the electricity and you can connect the form and we can go here.

  • Maybe you can go there.

  • May be could go there, and you can start with the water, but you're not gonna be able to finish, and, uh, and the city and they're not going be able to figure.

  • So if I drove, this is a graph.

  • Everybody on the first side is adjacent to everybody on the second side.

  • And this is called case history.

  • By the way, these guys called K fights.

  • Okay, five in cases, three are two graphs that do not have planning buildings there.

  • The two smallest graphs don't have plan on being okay.

  • So what?

  • Uh, mystifyingly stands for complete.

  • And so this is a complete graph on five verses.

  • Now, this is not the complete graph, because obviously there's some pairs of their non adjacent.

  • You have two sides, this side and that side, and everybody on this side is adjacent.

  • Everybody on that time, that's called the Complete by protective.

  • And the way we know that it's complete Viper tight and not complete is because we have two numbers instead of one number.

  • So Kay bee's a here be there all adjacent to each other.

  • Katie's de OlPerez address.

  • Is there a way to tell what's invaluable and what's not?

  • So there's a way to tell, and actually, that's a lovely tear with him.

  • I can tell you you're really committed to Canton bed.

  • That's in fact, maybe you shouldn't believe me, but there is an elegant proof of it that you need to know a little bit of German.

  • You need to know something called Oilers formula.

  • And from that that's actually very easy to see that these two graphs or not incredible.

  • But let's say we believe that they're not metal.

  • So then here's another graft.

  • It's not incredible if I take an edge here and I won't recall subdivided, which means I'll draw some verses in the middle.

  • That's another graft.

  • It's not incredible, right?

  • Because if I couldn't bet this now, just delete the verses.

  • And so when you can do that for any a jeweller here, there.

  • So this is all not unbeatable, and they're called subdivisions.

  • So we know that Kay five is not in available cases.

  • Three is not in available, and we also convinced ourselves that subdivisions off them little Milton but and the team is, that's it.

  • The only reason some graph is not incredible is because there's one of those bad guys sitting in.

  • You can delete Roaches in ages from it and find either subdivision of case.

  • There's your subdivision of K five.

  • It's called Berezovsky's.

  • Just those two.

  • Just those two.

  • It's a medical so They're like the two spanners in the works.

  • Exactly.

  • So the term is G is cleaner.

  • If if and only if G has no Okay, five subdivision and no.

  • Okay.

  • Wow.

  • So every single grab If I drew you the most complicated graph in the world and it was known in vegetable, you'd be able to find that in there somewhere.

  • That is correct.

  • That's the only reason something is not about so.

  • This is a very special what more scraps are.

  • Not likely.

  • It's a very special kind of graphs that are incredible.

  • It so that other graphs and other graphs Abed autograph so good.

  • In fact, most of the workers without a craps is justice.

  • If you work with those, you can suddenly prove much stronger terms.

  • It's like, um, um, you know, you can think of all numbers or you can think of powers of two are a problem.

  • Prime numbers, powers of store Much nicer than the old numbers.

  • It's know that the other numbers are not good.

  • This is just, you know, in some way that the numbers and more interesting because they're no parts of two.

  • But they're certainty.

  • Ramsey can only provable powers of two.

  • So probably the most famous terrible hearing about Elena graphs is that you can color them with four colors.

  • Some rebel talk about that little bit so calorie and Brafman's You want thio color the versus so that a Jason forces get different colors.

  • So, for example, this graphic in color this blue.

  • This is green and also this green this red and just like this blue, and this is a coloring.

  • This is calling with three colors.

  • Jason bask in different colors, this coloring with three colors, and you can see that you couldn't do it with fewer colors in three.

  • Because you have these super total Perez adjacent, so you have to use it.

  • And now the question is, if I give you a graph, what's the smallest number of colors you can use to color it?

  • So one thing you mean it largest is that if you have a bunch of words, is all fair right adjacent than, uh, you need atleast that many carbs and said some things.

  • We need many more.

  • This is a whole different branch of mass.

  • It's very active at the moment, but often your union many more.

  • But at least this isn't always lower bound.

  • Now, in later graphs, we know that you don't have a K five, so you're not gonna have five verses au pair wise adjacent.

  • So at least this naive bound only would give you that you need for when the time is four is in their minds.

  • It's called before quality.

  • Um, every plane a graph is for colorable.

  • It comes from Met coloring.

  • It was actually conjectured Bye bye, cartographer.

  • And in 18 something it in 63 Think hey said if I have a map and I want to color the country's so that Jason countries get different colors, how many colors do I need?

  • A.

  • Seemed to be noticing that four is always enough.

  • And ah, and the answer is yes.

  • Four is always enough because you can easily translate coloring a map into Colin Flynn.

  • A graph.

  • What you do is take a map, right?

  • So the country's air this outside dream and then those strangles.

  • So now I'm going to make a graph out of it.

  • I'm going to put a vortex in the middle of which country if to come to share the border, I'm going to put an edge between the tourists.

  • Another way to think about it.

  • I'm considering the age.

  • Is this a juice to go like this between these two countries?

  • But now I'm gonna put it pretty clearly.

  • So because this is a mess, let's just draw the blue Graf again.

  • This is already better, but now conductive and better.

  • You can do that.

  • So anyway, so the black thing there was a map.

  • The blue thing.

  • Here's a plane, a graph.

  • If I call her the virtues of this plane a graph and then I use this colors to color the regions of the snap of the countries of this map, it's is the same problem.

  • And so now the pyramids that it's enough to use for cover.

  • For all of this to patrol, you need some flat second go some prince, like in the Smith.

  • You can't have Alaska.

  • The countries have to be contiguous or as a master, stay connected because it's very easy to construct a map where each country's 100 islands and you need 100 cars to cover it.

  • But that's not what we mean, what we mean.

  • It's only all countries are connected with the planer embedding.

  • If there was a really complicated graph here on the board, could you look at it and apply some algorithm or role to be?

  • I would say you must remind you just want to talk about that.

  • Okay?

  • Do you need more paper?

  • So don't talk about now Britain.

  • But I'm going to doctor about how to tell that something is not incredible or one way to tell if something is not right.

  • So I said, Okay, five.

  • It is not amenable.

  • And I say Just just name it hard to prove, but actually is just one fact I tell you.

  • Then it's going to be easy to prove.

  • And the fact is, the serum is in a plane.

  • A graph.

  • Let tree be a trainer and there have V is that the number of boxes and e is the number of agents, then e.

  • Is it most sri V minus six.

  • So now let's check that this guy fails because it has fiber.

  • It's isn't and the number of age is so old pairs of fiber to that's damages, and now you can see that 10.

  • It's not less of it oracle than three times 56 so this is for sure.

  • No planet.

  • So now I'm is this wisdom You want to prove that this is not playing our electricity?

  • Water, telephone one.

  • So let's count the number of versus the six.

  • The number of edges is nine.

  • And then if you do that, that does come out.

  • Said leave nine.

  • Is it most three times 6 26 So that's not gonna work.

  • It is not an f anomaly.

  • This is just hey, a tool.

  • But in fact, you can look at the professed their more closely and you'll find out that if your graph doesn't have cycle cycles of length three, then you can improve.

  • This is another test.

  • Yes, Ji is not plainer, and G has no triangle.

  • Then he is the most 23 minus four.

  • All right, and then So first of all, let's check that this is going too helpful.

  • So is 92 times six minus four is not at least nine.

  • That's a good start.

  • Now we just need to convince ourselves that we can use the serum to test this graph.

  • So what I need to check.

  • I need to check that this doesn't have triangles, But if you think about this For a man?

  • This graph has a problem that the thirties coming to flavors and old age is and the only edges you have go between them.

  • Look, a cycle.

  • Start looking into that.

  • This works.

  • It's gonna go right.

  • Left, right, left, right, left, and eventually has to come back.

  • So it's gonna have an even number of Earths is so in particular doesn't have triangles.

  • So now you might ask Well, you know, this worked very well to test.

  • Maybe it's true the other way.

  • If I give you a graph and I promise I don't know what makes sense, right?

  • If I give you a bunch of boxes and in order to embed it, you need that there aren't too many ages and there's too many ages.

  • It's too much of a mess you can't embedded.

  • And maybe it's true that if I give you a graph, has controversies and they're not too many ages than you can.

  • But that doesn't work.

  • Unfortunately, so falls e small as a function of view implies playing, But you think it would be easier if there were a few edges.

  • Was that not the case?

  • Well, So let me show you an example.

  • Then you tell me, Fatih Zio Harder statues a k five between.

  • Oh, is it that day and now draw lots and lots and lots overtures.

  • Just they called actually, adverts.

  • Is it starting a waitress?

  • So this has a 1,000,000 billion gazillion verses and teenagers, and you can't embed it because it's got the skate fives that you'll have to bed and you against say, Well, this is just the chips disconnected graphs, but make it connected food.

  • Maybe.

  • Let's go the bus for the thing like this.

  • That goes all the searches.

  • I would argue that still bit of a shape, but I know this may be a way to make it's officially connected.

today is gonna be about plainer graphs, graphs that can be embedded in the plane.

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平面圖 - Numberphile (Planar Graphs - Numberphile)

  • 1 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
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